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- 29 Aug, 2019 23 commits
Kirill Smelkov authored
As suggested by run manifest checker and oops, it finds that we forgot to include pyproject.toml for testprog/golang_pyx_user: missing from sdist: golang/pyx/testprog/golang_pyx_user/pyproject.toml suggested rules: recursive-include golang *.toml -> Fix in generic way to include golang/*/*.toml The bug was not affecting pygolang usage - only tests were failing for sdist installed pygolang.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Kirill Smelkov authored
- Move channels implementation to be done in C++ inside libgolang. The code and logic is based on previous Python-level channels implementation, but the new code is just C++ and does not depend on Python nor GIL at all, and so works without GIL if libgolang runtime works without GIL(*). (*) for example "thread" runtime works without GIL, while "gevent" runtime acquires GIL on every semaphore acquire. New channels implementation is located in δ(libgolang.cpp). - Provide low-level C channels API to the implementation. The low-level C API was inspired by Libtask[1] and Plan9/Libthread[2]. [1] Libtask: a Coroutine Library for C and Unix. [2] - Provide high-level C++ channels API that provides type-safety and automatic channel lifetime management. Overview of C and C++ APIs are in δ(libgolang.h). - Expose C++ channels API at Pyx level as Cython/nogil API so that Cython programs could use channels with ease and without need to care about lifetime management and low-level details. Overview of Cython/nogil channels API is in δ(README.rst) and δ(_golang.pxd). - Turn Python channels to be tiny wrapper around chan<PyObject>. Implementation note: - gevent case needs special care because greenlet, which gevent uses, swaps coroutine stack from C stack to heap on coroutine park, and replaces that space on C stack with stack of activated coroutine copied back from heap. This way if an object on g's stack is accessed while g is parked it would be memory of another g's stack. The channels implementation explicitly cares about this issue so that stack -> * channel send, or * -> stack channel receive work correctly. It should be noted that greenlet approach, which it inherits from stackless, is not only a bit tricky, but also comes with overhead (stack <-> heap copy), and prevents a coroutine to migrate from 1 OS thread to another OS thread as that would change addresses of on-stack things for that coroutine. As the latter property prevents to use multiple CPUs even if the program / runtime are prepared to work without GIL, it would be more logical to change gevent/greenlet to use separate stack for each coroutine. That would remove stack <-> heap copy and the need for special care in channels implementation for stack - stack sends. Such approach should be possible to implement with e.g. swapcontext or similar mechanism, and a proof of concept of such work wrapped into greenlet-compatible API exists[3]. It would be good if at some point there would be a chance to explore such approach in Pygolang context. [3] and below Just this patch brings in the following speedup at Python level: (on i7@2.6GHz) thread runtime: name old time/op new time/op delta go 20.0µs ± 1% 15.6µs ± 1% -21.84% (p=0.000 n=10+10) chan 9.37µs ± 4% 2.89µs ± 6% -69.12% (p=0.000 n=10+10) select 20.2µs ± 4% 3.4µs ± 5% -83.20% (p=0.000 n=8+10) def 58.0ns ± 0% 60.0ns ± 0% +3.45% (p=0.000 n=8+10) func_def 43.8µs ± 1% 43.9µs ± 1% ~ (p=0.796 n=10+10) call 62.4ns ± 1% 63.5ns ± 1% +1.76% (p=0.001 n=10+10) func_call 1.06µs ± 1% 1.05µs ± 1% -0.63% (p=0.002 n=10+10) try_finally 136ns ± 0% 137ns ± 0% +0.74% (p=0.000 n=9+10) defer 2.28µs ± 1% 2.33µs ± 1% +2.34% (p=0.000 n=10+10) workgroup_empty 48.2µs ± 1% 34.1µs ± 2% -29.18% (p=0.000 n=9+10) workgroup_raise 58.9µs ± 1% 45.5µs ± 1% -22.74% (p=0.000 n=10+10) gevent runtime: name old time/op new time/op delta go 24.7µs ± 1% 15.9µs ± 1% -35.72% (p=0.000 n=9+9) chan 11.6µs ± 1% 7.3µs ± 1% -36.74% (p=0.000 n=10+10) select 22.5µs ± 1% 10.4µs ± 1% -53.73% (p=0.000 n=10+10) def 55.0ns ± 0% 55.0ns ± 0% ~ (all equal) func_def 43.6µs ± 1% 43.6µs ± 1% ~ (p=0.684 n=10+10) call 63.0ns ± 0% 64.0ns ± 0% +1.59% (p=0.000 n=10+10) func_call 1.06µs ± 1% 1.07µs ± 1% +0.45% (p=0.045 n=10+9) try_finally 135ns ± 0% 137ns ± 0% +1.48% (p=0.000 n=10+10) defer 2.31µs ± 1% 2.33µs ± 1% +0.89% (p=0.000 n=10+10) workgroup_empty 70.2µs ± 0% 55.8µs ± 0% -20.63% (p=0.000 n=10+10) workgroup_raise 90.3µs ± 0% 70.9µs ± 1% -21.51% (p=0.000 n=9+10) The whole Cython/nogil work - starting from 8fa3c15b (Start using Cython and providing Cython/nogil API) to this patch - brings in the following speedup at Python level: (on i7@2.6GHz) thread runtime: name old time/op new time/op delta go 92.9µs ± 1% 15.6µs ± 1% -83.16% (p=0.000 n=10+10) chan 13.9µs ± 1% 2.9µs ± 6% -79.14% (p=0.000 n=10+10) select 29.7µs ± 6% 3.4µs ± 5% -88.55% (p=0.000 n=10+10) def 57.0ns ± 0% 60.0ns ± 0% +5.26% (p=0.000 n=10+10) func_def 44.0µs ± 1% 43.9µs ± 1% ~ (p=0.055 n=10+10) call 63.5ns ± 1% 63.5ns ± 1% ~ (p=1.000 n=10+10) func_call 1.06µs ± 0% 1.05µs ± 1% -1.31% (p=0.000 n=10+10) try_finally 139ns ± 0% 137ns ± 0% -1.44% (p=0.000 n=10+10) defer 2.36µs ± 1% 2.33µs ± 1% -1.26% (p=0.000 n=10+10) workgroup_empty 98.4µs ± 1% 34.1µs ± 2% -65.32% (p=0.000 n=10+10) workgroup_raise 135µs ± 1% 46µs ± 1% -66.35% (p=0.000 n=10+10) gevent runtime: name old time/op new time/op delta go 68.8µs ± 1% 15.9µs ± 1% -76.91% (p=0.000 n=10+9) chan 14.8µs ± 1% 7.3µs ± 1% -50.67% (p=0.000 n=10+10) select 32.0µs ± 0% 10.4µs ± 1% -67.57% (p=0.000 n=10+10) def 58.0ns ± 0% 55.0ns ± 0% -5.17% (p=0.000 n=10+10) func_def 43.9µs ± 1% 43.6µs ± 1% -0.53% (p=0.035 n=10+10) call 63.5ns ± 1% 64.0ns ± 0% +0.79% (p=0.033 n=10+10) func_call 1.08µs ± 1% 1.07µs ± 1% -1.74% (p=0.000 n=10+9) try_finally 142ns ± 0% 137ns ± 0% -3.52% (p=0.000 n=10+10) defer 2.32µs ± 1% 2.33µs ± 1% +0.71% (p=0.005 n=10+10) workgroup_empty 90.3µs ± 0% 55.8µs ± 0% -38.26% (p=0.000 n=10+10) workgroup_raise 108µs ± 1% 71µs ± 1% -34.64% (p=0.000 n=10+10) This patch is the final patch in series to reach the goal of providing channels that could be used in Cython/nogil code. Cython/nogil channels work is dedicated to the memory of Вера Павловна Супрун[4]. [4]
Kirill Smelkov authored
Copy linux/list.h from wendelin.core which copied it from util-linux.git which took it from linux.git at LGPL license state. Here are corresponding links for wendelin.core and util-linux: nexedi/wendelin.core@a0f940ad Linked lists will be used in channels implementation in the next patch.
Kirill Smelkov authored
- Add semaphore alloc/free/acquire/release functionality to libgolang runtime; - Implement semaphores for thread and gevent runtimes. * Thread runtime uses PyThread_acquire_lock/PyThread_release_lock + PyThread_acquire_lock/PyThread_release_lock, which, if used carefully, do not depend on GIL and on e.g. POSIX are tiny wrappers around sem_init(process-private) + sem_post/sem_wait(*). * Gevent runtime uses geven't Semaphore in Pyx mode. - Add Sema and Mutex classes that use semaphores provided by a runtime in a RAII style. - Add with_lock(mu) that mimics `with mu` in Python. Sema and Mutex will be used in channels implementation in the followup patch. (*) during late testing a bug was found in CPython2 and PyPy semaphore implementations on Darwin (technically speaking on POSIX with _POSIX_SEMAPHORES undefined). Quoting the patch: FIXME On Darwin, even though this is considered as POSIX, Python uses mutex+condition variable to implement its lock, and, as of 20190828, Py2.7 implementation, even though similar issue was fixed for Py3 in 2012, contains synchronization bug: the condition is signalled after mutex unlock while the correct protocol is to signal condition from under mutex: (py3 fix) PyPy has the same bug for both pypy2 and pypy3: This way when Pygolang is used with buggy Python/darwin, the bug leads to frequently appearing deadlocks, while e.g. CPython3/darwin works ok. -> TODO maintain our own semaphore code. So eventually we'll have push down and maintain our own semaphores, at least for platforms we care, not to be beaten by CPython runtime bugs.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Move `ch = py{send,recv}.__self__` to right after case __class__ check. For now both versions - old and new - can work, but when we'll move channel implementations to C the new version will be required to access pychan C-level attribute earlier than where ch is currently initialized.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Kirill Smelkov authored
For clarity to denote that things work at Python level: - casev -> pycasev - case -> pycase - recv -> pyrecv - send -> pysend Channel object is still denoted as `ch` to reduce noise for when chan IO code will be move into libgolang. `ch` will be renamed to `pych` after that.
Kirill Smelkov authored
- put the logic to test-tweak what happens inside _blockforever into context manager pypanicWhenBlocked; - place this manager in pyx code, where it can later be changed to tweak _blockforever at C level.
Kirill Smelkov authored
For clarity to distinguish where an object is Python-level channel, or (later) a C-level channel.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Change `from golang import chan` to `from golang cimport pychan`; add type annotations where pychan is used. Using pychan at C level will be needed when test code will need to access C-level pychan attributes.
Kirill Smelkov authored
We will need to add C-level attributes to pychan and this requires it to become cdef class. The class is exported because at least _golang_test.pyx will also need to have access to those attributes. If we just do `class pychan` -> `cdef class pychan` e.g. the following starts to break: 1.venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/py/_path/ in pyimport __import__(modname) golang/ in <module> from ._golang import \ golang/_golang.pyx:455: in init golang._golang _pychan_send = _pychan_send.__func__ E AttributeError: 'method_descriptor' object has no attribute '__func__' and golang/_golang.pyx:513: in golang._golang.pyselect if im_class(recv) is not pychan: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f = <built-in method recv of golang._golang.pychan object at 0x7f7055e57cc8> def im_class(f): > return f.im_class E AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'im_class' golang/ AttributeError This is probably because for `cdef class` methods Cython does not emulate full method bindings the same way as Python does. Anyway we can check which method is passed to pyselect by chanop.__name__ or by inspecting PyCFunction directly. And not having method binding wrapper should only remove a bit of overhead. So we are ok with reworking send/recv chanop detection, and since this way im_class provided by golang._pycompat becomes unused, it is also removed. The timings are probably within noise: (on i7@2.6GHz) thread runtime: name old time/op new time/op delta go 21.7µs ± 1% 20.0µs ± 1% -7.60% (p=0.000 n=10+10) chan 9.91µs ± 4% 9.37µs ± 4% -5.39% (p=0.000 n=10+10) select 19.2µs ± 4% 20.2µs ± 4% +5.62% (p=0.001 n=9+8) def 58.0ns ± 0% 58.0ns ± 0% ~ (all equal) func_def 44.4µs ± 0% 43.8µs ± 1% -1.22% (p=0.000 n=10+10) call 63.0ns ± 0% 62.4ns ± 1% -0.95% (p=0.011 n=10+10) func_call 1.05µs ± 1% 1.06µs ± 1% ~ (p=0.059 n=10+10) try_finally 135ns ± 0% 136ns ± 0% +0.74% (p=0.000 n=10+9) defer 2.36µs ± 1% 2.28µs ± 1% -3.59% (p=0.000 n=10+10) workgroup_empty 49.0µs ± 1% 48.2µs ± 1% -1.63% (p=0.000 n=10+9) workgroup_raise 62.6µs ± 1% 58.9µs ± 1% -5.96% (p=0.000 n=10+10) gevent runtime: name old time/op new time/op delta go 21.7µs ± 1% 20.5µs ± 1% -5.33% (p=0.000 n=10+9) chan 9.91µs ± 4% 9.72µs ± 5% ~ (p=0.190 n=10+10) select 19.2µs ± 4% 19.5µs ±14% ~ (p=0.968 n=9+10) def 58.0ns ± 0% 58.0ns ± 0% ~ (all equal) func_def 44.4µs ± 0% 45.4µs ± 1% +2.23% (p=0.000 n=10+10) call 63.0ns ± 0% 64.0ns ± 0% +1.59% (p=0.000 n=10+10) func_call 1.05µs ± 1% 1.06µs ± 0% +0.65% (p=0.002 n=10+10) try_finally 135ns ± 0% 137ns ± 0% +1.48% (p=0.000 n=10+10) defer 2.36µs ± 1% 2.38µs ± 1% +0.72% (p=0.006 n=10+10) workgroup_empty 49.0µs ± 1% 48.2µs ± 1% -1.65% (p=0.000 n=10+10) workgroup_raise 62.6µs ± 1% 60.3µs ± 1% -3.69% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
Kirill Smelkov authored
For consistency to denote that this functions work at Python level: - len_sendq -> pylen_sendq - len_recvq -> pylen_recvq - waitBlocked -> pywaitBlocked
Kirill Smelkov authored
Plain test code movement with s/panic/pypanic/ as in golang.pyx panic is already there and means semantically different thing. We need this code to live in pyx world, because when channels implementation will be moved to C, this utilities will need to be adjusted in a way that is not possible to do from Python.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Denote what a method returns via `# -> ...` suffix.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Use `ch` instead of `self` for pychan methods. This aligns with how (py)chan objects are currently denoted in (py)select and will reduce the difference when chan code is moved into libgolang. We are sticking to Go convention here. After the code with channels implementation is moved into libgolang, the rest bits in golang.pyx will be changed to refer to pychan objects as pych for clarity.
Kirill Smelkov authored
To denote that this function/classes work at Python level: - chan -> pychan - select -> pyselect - default -> pydefault - nilchan -> pynilchan
Kirill Smelkov authored
Plain code movement with just s/panic/pypanic/ as in golang.pyx panic is aleady there and means semantically different thing. Moved code, even though it lives in golang.pyx, is still Python code and requires Python runtime and GIL. We'll be splitting channels implementation into nogil world in the following patches. Just plain movement to Cython brings the following speedup: (on i7@2.6GHz) thread runtime: name old time/op new time/op delta go 26.6µs ± 1% 21.7µs ± 1% -18.54% (p=0.000 n=10+10) chan 13.7µs ± 1% 9.9µs ± 4% -27.80% (p=0.000 n=10+10) select 29.3µs ± 2% 19.2µs ± 4% -34.65% (p=0.000 n=9+9) def 55.0ns ± 0% 58.0ns ± 0% +5.45% (p=0.000 n=10+10) func_def 44.0µs ± 1% 44.4µs ± 0% +0.72% (p=0.002 n=10+10) call 64.0ns ± 0% 63.0ns ± 0% -1.56% (p=0.002 n=8+10) func_call 1.09µs ± 1% 1.05µs ± 1% -2.96% (p=0.000 n=10+10) try_finally 139ns ± 2% 135ns ± 0% -2.60% (p=0.000 n=10+10) defer 2.36µs ± 1% 2.36µs ± 1% ~ (p=0.617 n=10+10) workgroup_empty 58.1µs ± 1% 49.0µs ± 1% -15.61% (p=0.000 n=10+10) workgroup_raise 72.7µs ± 1% 62.6µs ± 1% -13.88% (p=0.000 n=10+10) gevent runtime: name old time/op new time/op delta go 28.6µs ± 0% 25.4µs ± 0% -11.20% (p=0.000 n=8+9) chan 15.8µs ± 1% 12.2µs ± 1% -22.62% (p=0.000 n=10+10) select 33.1µs ± 1% 23.3µs ± 2% -29.60% (p=0.000 n=10+10) def 55.0ns ± 0% 56.0ns ± 0% +1.82% (p=0.000 n=10+10) func_def 44.4µs ± 2% 43.0µs ± 1% -3.06% (p=0.000 n=10+9) call 64.0ns ± 2% 69.0ns ± 0% +7.81% (p=0.000 n=10+10) func_call 1.06µs ± 0% 1.06µs ± 1% ~ (p=0.913 n=8+9) try_finally 136ns ± 0% 139ns ± 0% +2.21% (p=0.000 n=9+10) defer 2.29µs ± 1% 2.38µs ± 2% +3.58% (p=0.000 n=10+10) workgroup_empty 73.8µs ± 1% 70.5µs ± 1% -4.48% (p=0.000 n=10+10) workgroup_raise 94.1µs ± 0% 90.6µs ± 0% -3.69% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
Kirill Smelkov authored
- Add go functionality to libgolang runtime; - Implement go for thread and gevent runtimes. * Thread runtime uses PyThread_start_new_thread which, if used carefully, does not depend on Python GIL and on e.g. POSIX reduces to tiny wrapper around pthread_create. * Gevent runtime uses gevent's Greenlet in Pyx mode. This turns gevent to be a build-time dependency. - Provide low-level _taskgo in C client API; - Provide type-safe C++-level go wrapper over _taskgo; - Switch golang.go from py implementation into Pyx wrapper over Pyx/nogil API. This is the first patch that adds Pyx/C++/C-level unit tests and hooks them into . This patch brings the following speedup to Python-level interface: (on i7@2.6GHz) thread runtime: name old time/op new time/op delta go 93.0µs ± 1% 26.6µs ± 1% -71.41% (p=0.000 n=10+10) chan 13.6µs ± 2% 13.7µs ± 1% ~ (p=0.280 n=10+10) select 29.9µs ± 4% 29.3µs ± 2% -1.89% (p=0.017 n=10+9) def 61.0ns ± 0% 55.0ns ± 0% -9.84% (p=0.000 n=10+10) func_def 43.8µs ± 1% 44.0µs ± 1% +0.66% (p=0.006 n=10+10) call 62.5ns ± 1% 64.0ns ± 0% +2.40% (p=0.000 n=10+8) func_call 1.06µs ± 1% 1.09µs ± 1% +2.72% (p=0.000 n=10+10) try_finally 137ns ± 0% 139ns ± 2% +1.17% (p=0.033 n=10+10) defer 2.34µs ± 1% 2.36µs ± 1% +0.84% (p=0.015 n=10+10) workgroup_empty 96.1µs ± 1% 58.1µs ± 1% -39.55% (p=0.000 n=10+10) workgroup_raise 135µs ± 1% 73µs ± 1% -45.97% (p=0.000 n=10+10) gevent runtime: name old time/op new time/op delta go 68.8µs ± 1% 28.6µs ± 0% -58.47% (p=0.000 n=10+8) chan 14.8µs ± 1% 15.8µs ± 1% +6.19% (p=0.000 n=10+10) select 32.0µs ± 0% 33.1µs ± 1% +3.25% (p=0.000 n=10+10) def 58.0ns ± 0% 55.0ns ± 0% -5.17% (p=0.000 n=10+10) func_def 43.9µs ± 1% 44.4µs ± 2% +1.20% (p=0.007 n=10+10) call 63.5ns ± 1% 64.0ns ± 2% ~ (p=0.307 n=10+10) func_call 1.08µs ± 1% 1.06µs ± 0% -2.55% (p=0.000 n=10+8) try_finally 142ns ± 0% 136ns ± 0% -4.23% (p=0.000 n=10+9) defer 2.32µs ± 1% 2.29µs ± 1% -0.96% (p=0.000 n=10+10) workgroup_empty 90.3µs ± 0% 73.8µs ± 1% -18.29% (p=0.000 n=10+10) workgroup_raise 108µs ± 1% 94µs ± 0% -13.29% (p=0.000 n=10+10) (small changes are probably within noise; "go" and "workgroup_*" should be representative)
Kirill Smelkov authored
The next patch will add `go` to Pyx API and correspondingly C, C++ and Pyx level tests for it that will go into _golang_test.pyx extension. For C-level test we'll use C source file - to verify that libgolang.h could be used by C projects with C compiler, while for C++ and Pyx-level tests the sources will be in C++. Thus will be build from both C and C++ sources. This creates a problem: distutils / setuptools use the _same_ compiler to compile both C and C++ sources and only use C++ compiler at link stage. Thus, as it is not possible to tune compiler that is used only for C++ sources, and also as it is not possible to provide per-source flags, when compiling C-level test, the compiler will be invoked with `-std=c++11` option that we inject. Gcc tolerates that and only prints a warning, but Clang considers that an error and gives: error: invalid argument '-std=c++11' not allowed with 'C'` A proper fix would be to change the build system from distutils to something more flexible that uses C++ compiler for C++ sources and C compiler for C sources and allows to tune per-unit flags. However it is not a small step at this stage. -> Use workaround and tweak options that are used when compiling sources depending on whether it is C or C++.
Kirill Smelkov authored
- Add sleep functionality to libgolang runtime; - Implement sleep for thread and gevent runtimes. Thread runtime implements sleep independently of GIL, but only for POSIX for now; - Switch golang.time py module into using golang.time pyx module. As we are adding sleep, related functionality to query system about "what is current time?" is also added.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Libgolang will be generic library and it will adapt itself to particular execution environment by way of runtime plugin. This commit introduces stubs for two such runtimes - "thread" and "gevent" - and initializes libgolang with particular runtime depending on whether golang is imported with gevent preactivated or not. The runtimes themselves are empty at this step. We'll be adding runtime functionality in the following patches.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Start transforming Pygolang from being pure Python project into project that uses both Python and Cython and provides both Python and Cython API to its users. For Cython API there is a goal for it to be usable independently of Python GIL - i.e. independently of Python runtime and limitations imposed by Python's global interpreter lock. The motivation for this work is wendelin.core v2, which, due to its design, would deadlock if it tries to take the GIL in its pinner thread. This commit brings bare minimum establishing libraries and build system. It: - Introduces C/C++ library libgolang. Libgolang will be serving most of nogil functionality and Pyx API will be a small wrapper over it. At this step Libgolang comes only with C-level panic; - Introduces Pyx package golang that is aliased to Pyx package golang._golang . Users can do `from golang cimport ...` similarly to how they do py-level `from golang import ...`. At this step golang.pyx only wraps panic and provides way to transform C-level panic into Python exception; - Introduces Py package . This package, similarly to, serves as the system to build Pyx packages - both external packages that use Pygolang in pyx mode, and to build Pygolang itself. The build, internally, is served by setuptools_dso and cython. An example how to use from external project comes in golang/pyx/testprog/golang_pyx_user/ and is used by tests to verify functionality; - Introduces Pygolang build dependency to cython and setuptools_dso.
- 26 Aug, 2019 8 commits
Kirill Smelkov authored
Kirill Smelkov authored
We can include *.py from top-level directories, not only under X/testdata/, X/testprog/ ...
Kirill Smelkov authored
This test is veriyfing only how leaked goroutines behave, not go in general.
Kirill Smelkov authored
test_go was doing the same what pyrun is doing + adjusting PYTHONPATH a bit. Merge PYTHONPATH adjustment into pyrun and use pyrun uniformly.
Kirill Smelkov authored
pyrun runs command without piping output. pyout runs command and returns its output.
Kirill Smelkov authored
We'll need to use this utility in other places; golang_test is the central place for testing utilities.
Kirill Smelkov authored
gpython/ 'subprocess' imported but unused gpython/ 'six.PY3' imported but unused
Kirill Smelkov authored
... and everything that whole pygolang depends on in pygolang[all]. The reason we do this: currently golang.perf.benchlib needs NumPy, but it would be not ok to depend whole pygolang on numpy. Similarly pybench needs pytest, but it would be not ok to require pytest unconditionally. Thus allow users to specify what they need from pygolang via extras, like pygolang[x.perf.benchlib] or pygolang[cmd.pybench], with pygolang[all] serving as merge point for all subpackages dependencies. TODO in the future we'll, hopefully, also provide accumulation points, like pygolang[x.perf] which contains everything pygolang[x.perf.*] depends on. Note: core functionality and gpython are provided always unconditionally.
- 23 Aug, 2019 9 commits
Kirill Smelkov authored
This test passes, but the functionality was not tested before. In particular all tests were passing even with the following hand-edits: --- a/golang/ +++ b/golang/ @@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ def selected(): sel = g.which if isinstance(sel, _SendWaiting): if not sel.ok: - panic("send on closed channel") + panic("send on closed channel ZZZ") return sel.sel_n, None if isinstance(sel, _RecvWaiting): with added tests the bug is caught and reported: def test_select(): N = 1000 # times to do repeated select/chan or select/select interactions # sync: close vs select(send) ch = chan() def _(): waitBlocked(ch.send) ch.close() go(_) > with panics("send on closed channel"): select((ch.send, 0)) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ self = <golang.golang_test.panics instance at 0x7fc1da66e5f0>, exc_type = <class 'golang._PanicError'>, exc_val = _PanicError('send on closed channel ZZZ',) exc_tb = <traceback object at 0x7fc1dabc33b0> def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): ok = self.raises.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) if not ok: return ok # _PanicError raised - let's check panic argument > assert self.exc_info.value.args == (self.arg,) E AssertionError: assert ('send on ZZZ',) == ('send on closed channel',) E At index 0 diff: 'send on closed channel ZZZ' != 'send on closed channel' E Use -v to get the full diff AssertionError
Kirill Smelkov authored
For buffered channel _tryrecv, on success, was unlocking ch._mu too early - before accessing ch._dataq with ch._dataq.append(). Without the fix, newly added test breaks as e.g. golang/ Exception in thread Thread-3: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 754, in run self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs) File "/home/kirr/src/tools/go/pygolang-master/golang/", line 317, in _ assert (_, _rx) == (1, None), ('i%d' % i) AssertionError: i30 assert (0, None) == (1, None) At index 0 diff: 0 != 1 Full diff: - (0, None) ? ^ + (1, None) ? ^
Kirill Smelkov authored
For buffered channel _trysend, on success, was unlocking ch._mu too early - before accessing ch._dataq with ch._dataq.popleft(). Without the fix, newly added test breaks as e.g. golang/ Exception in thread Thread-3: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 754, in run self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs) File "/home/kirr/src/tools/go/pygolang-master/golang/", line 256, in _ assert (_, _rx) == (1, None) AssertionError: assert (0, 209) == (1, None) At index 0 diff: 0 != 1 Full diff: - (0, 209) + (1, None) Exception in thread Thread-2: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 754, in run self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs) File "/home/kirr/src/tools/go/pygolang-master/golang/", line 243, in _ ch.send(i) File "/home/kirr/src/tools/go/pygolang-master/golang/", line 340, in send ok = self._trysend(obj) File "/home/kirr/src/tools/go/pygolang-master/golang/", line 417, in _trysend rx = self._dataq.popleft() IndexError: pop from an empty deque
Kirill Smelkov authored
Currently it behaves correctly, but this aspect will need to be explicitly cared about when channel implementation moves to C. Add test to make sure it won't regress.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Starting from b51b8d5d (select: Run tests more thoroughly) we are running select subtests in repeated mode with N=1000. However not all select subtests were run in repeated mode - for example e.g. "non-blocking try send: not ok" was being run only once. -> Rework all select subtests to be run in repeated mode to increase the probability of catching bugs.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Channels implementation will soon be moved to C and will become independent from Python runtime. This way while pygolang will still be providing panic, hooking in and raising arbitrary Python-level exception will become problematic. -> Rework "blocks forever" tests to rely on just panic to prepare for that.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Chan implementation is going to be moved into C, and this way direct access to chan internals won't be possible. C implementation will export dedicated functions for chan tests which will be used. Prepare for that and factor out retrieving len of chan recv/send queues into separate functions, which will be adapted at the time of C port.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Nil channel will soon be changed to be represented by underlying NULL C pointer and there won't be channel object for nil and correspondingly recv/send queues won't be there. -> Prepare for that and don't check for recvq/sendq on nil channel.
Kirill Smelkov authored
We provide gpython since 32a21d5b (gpython: Python interpreter with support for lightweight threads), and golang module, since the beginning, automatically uses gevent if it was installed via monkey patching.