will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Cache is used if defined.

parent 16b5940f
......@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ class ConnectionHelper:
ssl_error_message_connect_fail = "\nCouldn't authenticate computer. Please "\
"check that certificate and key exist and are valid. "
def __init__(self, connection_wrapper, host, path, key_file=None,
cert_file=None, master_ca_file=None, timeout=None):
cert_file=None, master_ca_file=None, timeout=None, cache_location=None):
self.connection_wrapper = connection_wrapper = host
self.path = path
......@@ -553,18 +553,24 @@ class ConnectionHelper:
self.cert_file = cert_file
self.master_ca_file = master_ca_file
self.timeout = timeout
self.cache_location = cache_location
def getComputerInformation(self, computer_id):
self.GET('/getComputerInformation?computer_id=%s' % computer_id)
return xml_marshaller.loads(
def getFullComputerInformation(self, computer_id):
if os.path.exists("/opt/slapos/cache"):
return xml_marshaller.loads(open("/opt/slapos/cache", "r").read())
# Check if cache (file) is enabled and exists: return directly from cache
if self.cache_location:
computer_cache_location = os.path.join(cache_location, 'computer.xml')
if self.cache_location and os.path.exists(computer_cache_location):
return xml_marshaller.loads(open(computer_cache_location, "r").read())
# Fetch up-to-date information if no valid cache or cache is not enabled
self.GET('/getFullComputerInformation?computer_id=%s' % computer_id)
if not os.path.exists("/opt/slapos/cache"):
# If cache enabled: set it
if self.cache_location and not os.path.exists(computer_cache_location):
cache =
open("/opt/slapos/cache", "w+").write(cache)
open(computer_cache_location, "w+").write(cache)
return xml_marshaller.loads(cache)
return xml_marshaller.loads(
......@@ -645,6 +651,8 @@ class ConnectionHelper:
class slap:
def __init__(self, cache_location=None):
self.cache_location = cache_location
def initializeConnection(self, slapgrid_uri, key_file=None, cert_file=None,
master_ca_file=None, timeout=60):
......@@ -665,7 +673,8 @@ class slap:
raise AttributeError('Passed URL %r issue: there is no support for %r p'
'rotocol' % (slapgrid_uri, scheme))
self._connection_helper = ConnectionHelper(connection_wrapper,
netloc, path, key_file, cert_file, master_ca_file, timeout)
netloc, path, key_file, cert_file, master_ca_file, timeout,
def registerSoftwareRelease(self, software_release):
......@@ -688,16 +697,18 @@ class slap:
Registers connected representation of computer partition and
returns Computer Partition class object
cache_id = "/tmp/cache_registerComputerPartition%s%s" % (computer_guid, partition_id)
if os.path.exists(cache_id):
cache = open(cache_id, "r").read()
if self.cache_location:
partition_cache_location = os.path.join(cache_location,
'partition%s%s.xml' % (computer_guid, partition_id))
if self.cache_location and os.path.exists(partition_cache_location):
cache = open(partition_cache_location, "r").read()
self._connection_helper.GET('/registerComputerPartition?' \
'computer_reference=%s&computer_partition_reference=%s' % (
computer_guid, partition_id))
if not os.path.exists(cache_id):
if self.cache_location and not os.path.exists(partition_cache_location):
cache =
open(cache_id, "w+").write(cache)
open(partition_cache_location, "w+").write(cache)
result = xml_marshaller.loads(cache)
# XXX: dirty hack to make computer partition usable. xml_marshaller is too
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