
parent 902e5487
......@@ -455,9 +455,9 @@ class Config:
if not get_yes_no("A SlapOS Node configuration has been found. Do you want to overwrite it?", False):
print "Okay, let's start from scratch."
return False
self.master_url = raw_input("""SlapOS Master URL? Empty answer will make it use :""")
self.master_url = raw_input("""SlapOS Master URL? Empty answer will make it use Master:""")
if self.master_url:
self.master_url_web = raw_input("""SlapOS Master "web" URL? Default is "" :""")
self.master_url_web = raw_input("""SlapOS Master "web" URL?:""")
self.master_url_web = ''
self.computer_name = raw_input("Define a unique name for this computer: ")
......@@ -489,8 +489,12 @@ class Config:
def displayUserConfig(self):
# XXX print everything from configuration, not arbitrary members
if self.certificates:
print "Will register a computer on master"
if self.master_url:
print "URL of master: %s" % self.master_url
print "URL \"web\" of master: %s" % self.master_url_web
print "Number of partition: %s" % (self.partition_amount)
print "Computer name: %s" % self.computer_name
print "Virtual Machine: %s" % self.virtual
......@@ -527,10 +531,18 @@ def prepare_from_scratch(config):
# Prepare Slapos Configuration
if config.certificates:
_call(['slapos', 'node', 'register', config.computer_name
,'--interface-name', 'br0'
,'--ipv6-interface', config.ipv6_interface
,'--partition-number', config.partition_amount])
slapos_register_parameter_list = [
'slapos', 'node', 'register', config.computer_name,
'--interface-name', 'br0',
'--ipv6-interface', config.ipv6_interface,
'--partition-number', config.partition_amount
if config.master_url:
'--master-url', config.master_url,
'--master-url-web', config.master_url_web,
if getSlaposConfiguration():
if config.need_bridge:
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