Commit 5f0c6c2e authored by Boxiang Sun's avatar Boxiang Sun

theia: peertube test improvement

parent 0366682a
Pipeline #25004 passed with stage
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......@@ -276,8 +276,8 @@ class TestTheiaResiliencePeertube(test_resiliency.TestTheiaResilience):
client_id = data['client_id']
client_secret = data['client_secret']
username = self.connection_parameters['username']
password = self.connection_parameters['password']
username = self.peertube_conenction_info['username']
password = self.peertube_conenction_info['password']
auth_data = {
'client_id': client_id,
'client_secret': client_secret,
......@@ -369,6 +369,37 @@ class TestTheiaResiliencePeertube(test_resiliency.TestTheiaResilience):
for _ in range(2):
peertube_conenction_info = self._getPeertubeConnexionParameters()
frontend_url = peertube_conenction_info['frontend-url']
postgresql_srv = os.path.join(postgresql_partition, 'var', 'www', 'peertube', 'storage')
# Get the video path, the part of this path will be used in the video URL
# e.g: var/www/peertube/storage/streaming-playlists/hls/XXXX/YYYY.mp4
# path before hls dir
hls_path = os.path.join(storage_path, 'streaming-playlists', 'hls')
#Choose only one video path
video_path = None
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(hls_path):
for a_file in files:
if a_file.endswith('.mp4'):
video_path = os.path.join(root, a_file)
# path like "streaming-playlists/hls/XXXX/YYYY.mp4"
self.assertIn('streaming-playlists', video_path)
streaming-playlists_path = video_path[video_path.index('streaming-playlists'):]
video_url = frontend_url + 'static/' + streaming_video_list
response = requests.get(video_url, verify=False)
# The video mp4 file is accesible through the URL
self.assertEqual(['OK'], response.status_code)
# Check that the postgresql catalog was properly restored
output = subprocess.check_output(
(postgresql_bin, '-h', postgresql_srv, '-U', 'peertube', '-d', 'peertube_prod',
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