Commit 2f46ea55 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Preliminary documentation for a single element from the schema

language, trying to set the pattern for the reference portion of that
parent 150d4b8c
\title{ZConfig Package Reference}
......@@ -230,8 +231,7 @@ The values of defined names are processed in the same way as
configuration values, and may contain references to named
For example, the value for the \code{key} will evaluate to
For example, the value for \code{key} will evaluate to \code{value}:
%define name value
......@@ -243,6 +243,61 @@ key $name
XXX to be written
\module{ZConfig} schema are written as XML documents. The following
elements are
\begin{elementdesc}{key}{description?, example?, metadefault?}
A \element{key} element is used to describe a key-value pair which
may occur at most once in the section type or top-level schema in
which it is listed.
The name of the Python attribute which this key should be the
value of on a \class{SectionValue} instance. This must be unique
within the immediate contents of a section type or schema. If
this attribute is not specified, an attribute name will be
computed by converting hyphens in the key name to underscores.
The data type converter which will be applied to the value of this
If the key-value pair is optional and this attribute is specified,
the value of this attribute will be converted using the appropiate
data type converter and returned to the application as the
configured value. This attribute may not be specified if the
\attribute{required} attribute is \code{yes}.
The name of the key, as it must be given in a configuration
instance, or `\code{*}'. If the value is `\code{*}', any name not
already specified as a key may be used, and the configuration
value for the key will be a dictionary mapping from the key name
to the value. In this case, the \attribute{attribute} attribute
must be specified, and the data type for the key will be applied
to each key which is found.
Specifies whether the configuration instance is required to
provide the key. If the value is \code{yes}, the
\attribute{default} attribute may not be specified and an error
will be reported if the configuration instance does not specify a
value for the key. If the value is \code{no} (the default) and
the configuration instance does not specify a value, the value
reported the the application will be that specified by the
\attribute{default} attribute, if given, or \code{None}.
\section{Schema Components \label{schema-components}}
......@@ -270,18 +325,18 @@ component.
A library of schema components is stored as a directory tree, where
each component is located in a directory within the tree. That
directory must contain a file named \file{component.xml} which defines
the types provided by that component; it must have a \code{component}
element as the document element. Extensions to a component are stored
in immediate subdirectories; a file \file{extension.xml} provides the
extension types. Extensions must have an \code{extension} element as
the document element.
the types provided by that component; it must have a
\element{component} element as the document element. Extensions to a
component are stored in immediate subdirectories; a file
\file{extension.xml} provides the extension types. Extensions must
have an \element{extension} element as the document element.
\section{Standard \module{ZConfig} Datatypes\label{standard-datatypes}}
There are a number of data types which can be identified using the
\code{datatype} attribute on \code{key}, \code{multikey},
\code{schema}, \code{section}, and \code{multisection} elements.
\attribute{datatype} attribute on \element{key},
\element{sectiontype}, and \element{schema} elements.
Applications may extend the set of datatypes by calling the
\method{register()} method of the data type regsitry being used or by
using Python dotted-names to refer to conversion routines defined in
......@@ -310,7 +365,7 @@ The following datatypes are provided by the default type registry.
Parse value in the form \samp{fn('1', '2', kw1='a', kw2='b')} into a
3-tuple where the first element is the string \code{'fn'}, the 2nd
element is the list \code{['1','2']}, and the 3rd element is the
element is the list \code{['1', '2']}, and the 3rd element is the
dictionary \code{\{'kw1': 'a', 'kw2': 'b'\}}. This is useful when
representing a Python-style constructor as a value. Python syntax
rules are enforced, but only constants are allowed as positional and
......@@ -683,7 +738,7 @@ non-default data type registry.
constructor arguments. These objects also have a \method{close()}
method which will call \method{close()} on \var{file}, then set the
\member{file} attribute to \code{None} and the \member{closed} to
......@@ -811,8 +866,8 @@ This module provides these functions:
Returns \code{True} if \var{s} is a valid name for a substitution
text, otherwise returns \code{False}.
Returns \constant{True} if \var{s} is a valid name for a substitution
text, otherwise returns \constant{False}.
......@@ -831,6 +886,15 @@ This module provides these functions:
\section{Schema Document Type Definition \label{schema-dtd}}
The following is the XML Document Type Definition for \module{ZConfig}
% The modules described here have been left in the package while
% everything is updated to use the schema-based configurations.
......@@ -1029,8 +1093,8 @@ methods to retrieve information from the section:
Return \code{True} if \var{key} has an associated value, otherwise
returns \code{False}.
Return \constant{True} if \var{key} has an associated value, otherwise
returns \constant{False}.
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