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Commit de7f8401 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Better return value for rc in cacheExtremeDetail under PyPy

parent 312a493d
......@@ -530,12 +530,10 @@ class DB(object):
def cacheExtremeDetail(self):
detail = []
conn_no = [0] # A mutable reference to a counter
rc = sys.getrefcount
except AttributeError:
# sys.getrefcount is a CPython implementation detail
# not required to exist on, e.g., PyPy. Here we fake it.
rc = lambda o: 4
# sys.getrefcount is a CPython implementation detail
# not required to exist on, e.g., PyPy.
rc = getattr(sys, 'getrefcount', None)
def f(con, detail=detail, rc=rc, conn_no=conn_no):
conn_no[0] += 1
cn = conn_no[0]
......@@ -561,12 +559,15 @@ class DB(object):
# sys.getrefcount(ob) returns. But, in addition to that,
# the cache holds an extra reference on non-ghost objects,
# and we also want to pretend that doesn't exist.
# If we have no way to get a refcount, we return False to symbolize
# that. As opposed to None, this has the advantage of being usable
# as a number (0) in case clients depended on that
'conn_no': cn,
'oid': oid,
'id': id,
'klass': "%s%s" % (module, ob.__class__.__name__),
'rc': rc(ob) - 3 - (ob._p_changed is not None),
'rc': rc(ob) - 3 - (ob._p_changed is not None) if rc else False,
'state': ob._p_changed,
#'references': con.references(oid),
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