1. 31 Oct, 2008 3 commits
  2. 29 Oct, 2008 2 commits
  3. 26 Oct, 2008 1 commit
  4. 18 Oct, 2008 2 commits
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Added support for copying and recovery of blob storages: · cc986bde
      Jim Fulton authored
      - Added a helper function, ZODB.blob.is_blob_record for testing whether
        a data record is for a blob.  This can be used when iterating over a
        storage to detect blob records so that blob data can be copied.
      In the future, we may want to build this into a blob-aware
        iteration interface, so that records get blob file attributes
      - Added the IBlobStorageRestoreable interfaces for blob storages
        that support recovery via a restoreBlob method.
      - Updated ZODB.blob.BlobStorage to implement
        IBlobStorageRestoreable and to have a copyTransactionsFrom method
        that also copies blob data.
      Also removed the version argument from the history method.
  5. 26 Sep, 2008 1 commit
  6. 23 Sep, 2008 1 commit
  7. 22 Sep, 2008 1 commit
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      FileStorages previously saved indexes after a certain · 151e859a
      Jim Fulton authored
      number of writes.  This was done during the last phase of two-phase
      commit, which made this critical phase more subject to errors than
      it should have been.  Also, for large databases, saves were done so
      infrequently as to be useless.  The feature was removed to reduce
      the chance for errors during the last phase of two-phase commit.
  8. 10 Sep, 2008 1 commit
  9. 06 Sep, 2008 1 commit
  10. 05 Sep, 2008 1 commit
  11. 30 Aug, 2008 1 commit
  12. 04 Aug, 2008 2 commits
  13. 21 Jun, 2008 2 commits
  14. 20 Jun, 2008 1 commit
  15. 15 May, 2008 1 commit
  16. 03 May, 2008 3 commits
  17. 18 Feb, 2008 2 commits
  18. 31 Jan, 2008 1 commit
  19. 29 Jan, 2008 2 commits
  20. 15 Jan, 2008 1 commit
  21. 08 Jan, 2008 1 commit