Add basic usage

parent db7982db
......@@ -170,9 +170,31 @@ def main():
is_node = False
# XXX-Cedric: add "description" for parser.
usage = """SlapOS command line interface.
For more informations, refer to SlapOS documentation.
Client subcommands usage:
slapos request <instance-name> <software-url> [--configuration arg1=value1 arg2=value2 ... argN=valueN]
slapos supply <software-url> <node-id>
slapos console
Node subcommands usage:
slapos node
slapos node register <node-id>
slapos node software
slapos node instance
slapos node report
slapos node start <process>
slapos node stop <process>
slapos node restart <process>
slapos node tail [process]
slapos node status <process>
slapos node supervisorctl
slapos node supervisord
# Parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# XXX remove the "positional arguments" from help message
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_argument('argument_list', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
......@@ -187,5 +209,6 @@ def main():
except EntryPointNotImplementedError, exception:
print 'Not yet implemented: %s. Please use old-style commands or SlapOS '
print 'Not yet implemented: %s. Please use old-style commands or SlapOS ' \
'Master web UI.' % exception
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