Commit 619f3ee8 authored by Ophélie Gagnard's avatar Ophélie Gagnard


parent bbe63bcd
**WARNING**: This project is a **work in progress** (WIP)!
## What is it
### In short
Here we turn a *software release* (SR) or a *buildout.cfg* into a *Linux package* thanks to *OBS*! It is not that simple though and you will have to read a bit on how it works before you can get your package.
### Workflow (short version)
1. Set you OBS repository.
2. Adapt *build-scripts/*
3. Run ```make```
### How?
#### 1. OBS Repository
Sorry but first you will have to read this
and follow the "command-line" instructions. So you will have to install this (the *osc* command)
Advice: to install *osc*, if you are working at Nexedi or whatever affiliated company, you should probably go to
and follow the installation instructions. They are slightly broken: use ```python3``` instead of ```python``` and provide an absolute path to ```ln``` for the osc wrapper script.
You should checkout (```osc co <home-project> <package>```) in the root directory of this project. So after that, along with *Makefile* and **, you should have a directory *home-project* with a directory *package* inside.
Don't cheat! If you don't create them with ```osc``` it won't work...
### 2. Adapt *build-scripts/*
[TODO: describe the needed adaptations]
### 3. Run ```make```
Simply run ```make```. More explanations at section [TODO: section]
Good luck!
Some advices though: [TODO: give some tips to get the logs, etc.]
[TODO: Reorganize the rest]
### Tarballs
The *\<tarball\>* directory to be archived and sent to OBS is to be prepared in tarballs/*\<tarball\>*.
### Templates
The *templates/* directory contains the templates used during first local run of buildout and to prepare the templates to be sent to OBS.
### Distribution specifics
The *distribution-specifics/* directory contains the files needed to build a package in a given distribution. Currently only Debian is supported and the files are in the minimal possible stage. Do not rely solely on them for a serious build.
### Packaging with OBS
Currently, only Debian is supported.
The OBS directory is prepared with and the temporary files created for it are cleaned with The scripts assume you already checked out your OBS project.
#### Debian
The *debian/* directory provides only the bare minimum for a package to be built. For more support you will have to add it yourself.
### Complete process
#### Workflow preparation workflow
``` # block of code
#### Clean workflow
make clean
This package aims at minimizing efforts when turning a simple set of buildout.cfg files into something OBS-compatible in order to build a package. It provides a set of scripts and some additional files to ease the process.
The main goal is to prepare a tarball usable with the make/make install workflow. Then it is sent to OBS along with some *.spec* files. *.spec* files are used to actually package the tarball and are often specific to the distribution one wants to build a package for.
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