• Arnaud Fontaine's avatar
    erp5_core: Fix ListMode view for ListBox with several tabs. · f6a79a1a
    Arnaud Fontaine authored
    1. On Tab1, from PurchaseSupply_view, click on 'Purchase Supply Lines':
       This Python Script initialise 'list_mode_proxy_selection' with the
       above 2 GET parameters and then displays PurchaseSupply_view.listbox
       indirectly but current Form is Base_viewListModeRenderer.
    2. On Tab2, from SaleSupply_view, click on 'Sale Supply Lines':
       This Python Script initialise 'list_mode_proxy_selection' with the
       above 2 GET parameters and then displays SaleSupply_view.listbox
       indirectly but current Form is Base_viewListModeRenderer.
    3. On Tab1, filter Purchase Supply Lines.
       As proxy_form_id and proxy_field_id are not given, then
       Base_viewListModeRender fallbacks on 'list_mode_proxy_selection'
       values to find out the Form ID to be called and wrongly display
       SaleSupply_view.listbox (2.).
listbox.xml 27.4 KB