Commit a0ce50a4 authored by Benjamin Blanc's avatar Benjamin Blanc

stack/erp5: fix md5sum

parent de07d4f6
......@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ md5sum = 564006953b7d7a12d40a14b6648b32f0
# XXX: "template.cfg" is hardcoded in instanciation recipe
filename = template.cfg
template = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
md5sum = fd9b178af013e92ccf26ef38279108c5
md5sum = 5ab4a218a587be795d703a4f68938fe0
extra-context =
key apache_location apache:location
key aspell_location aspell:location
......@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ extra-context =
recipe = slapos.cookbook:softwaretype
default = ${template-erp5-single:rendered}
cluster = ${dynamic-template-cluster-erp5:rendered}
scalability = ${dynamic-template-scalability:rendered}
test = ${dynamic-template-scalability:rendered}
kumofs = ${dynamic-template-kumofs:rendered}
cloudooo = ${dynamic-template-cloudooo:rendered}
zope = ${dynamic-template-zope:rendered}
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