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  1. 07 Sep, 2011 1 commit
  2. 14 Jun, 2011 2 commits
  3. 02 May, 2011 1 commit
  4. 12 Apr, 2011 1 commit
  5. 24 Mar, 2011 2 commits
  6. 17 Jan, 2011 1 commit
  7. 06 Jan, 2011 1 commit
    • Vincent Pelletier's avatar
      After undoing an object, its current serial goes back in time. · 10c96d61
      Vincent Pelletier authored
      This is important for chaining "undo" for a given object in a single
      transaction, to allow checking for conflicts.
      Also, this means that get_baseTID return value cannot be used to update
      cache when undoing, so only update cache when storing a new revision.
      Actually, cache was never updated when undoing anyway, as current snapshot
      TID was unlikely to exist as a serial for any object, so it would not be
      found in cache and update would be a no-op.
      git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
  8. 05 Jan, 2011 2 commits
  9. 14 Dec, 2010 1 commit
    • Vincent Pelletier's avatar
      Implement MVCC. · 4e402dda
      Vincent Pelletier authored
      Remove round-trip to master upon "load" call.
      Move load/loadBefore/loadSerial/loadEx from to
      This is required to get rid of master node round-trip upon each "load"
      Get rid of no-op-ish "sync" implementation.
      Separate "undoing transaction ID" from "undoing transaction database
      snapshot" when undoing.
      git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
  10. 07 Dec, 2010 1 commit
  11. 17 Nov, 2010 1 commit
  12. 09 Nov, 2010 1 commit
  13. 04 Nov, 2010 1 commit
  14. 02 Nov, 2010 1 commit
  15. 01 Nov, 2010 1 commit
  16. 01 Oct, 2010 1 commit
  17. 24 Sep, 2010 1 commit
  18. 23 Sep, 2010 2 commits
  19. 07 Sep, 2010 1 commit
  20. 05 Sep, 2010 2 commits
  21. 02 Sep, 2010 1 commit
    • Vincent Pelletier's avatar
      Make undo implementation work with replication. · 7835c09e
      Vincent Pelletier authored
      The problem with previous implementation was that each storage locally
      decided what undo actually did to data. This causes problems when a
      storage doesn't have a complete view of past transaction but accepts write
      queries, ie when it replicates.
      This implementation reduces the decision to a readable subset of storage
      nodes (which are hence not replicating), and then sends that decision to
      all storage nodes, hence fixing the issue.
      Also, DatabaseManager.storeTransaction now consistently expects object's
      value_serial to be packed, not an integer.
      git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
  22. 28 Aug, 2010 1 commit
  23. 27 Aug, 2010 1 commit
  24. 24 Aug, 2010 1 commit
    • Vincent Pelletier's avatar
      Improve replication SQL queries. · d8a7a177
      Vincent Pelletier authored
      It is more efficient to provide a boundary value than a row count range.
      This fixes replication on partitions with a large number of objects, revisions
      or transactions: query time is now constant where it used to increase, causing
      timeout problems when query duration exceeded ping time + ping timeout (11s
      git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
  25. 01 Apr, 2010 2 commits
  26. 26 Mar, 2010 1 commit
    • Vincent Pelletier's avatar
      Use value_serial for undo support. · 83c02447
      Vincent Pelletier authored
      This mimics what FileStorage uses (file offsets) but in a relational manner.
      This offloads decision of the ability to undo a transaction to storages,
      avoiding 3 data loads for each object in the transaction at client side.
      This also makes Neo refuse to undo transactions where object data would happen
      to be equal between current value and undone value.
      Finally, this is required to make database pack work properly (namely, it
      prevents loosing objects which are orphans at pack TID, but are reachable
      after it thanks to a transactional undo).
      Also, extend storage's transaction manager so database adapter can fetch data
      already sent by client in the same transaction, so it can undo multiple
      transactions at once. Requires making object lock re-entrant (done in this
      git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
  27. 17 Mar, 2010 1 commit
  28. 25 Feb, 2010 1 commit
  29. 23 Feb, 2010 1 commit
  30. 19 Feb, 2010 1 commit
  31. 08 Feb, 2010 1 commit
  32. 01 Feb, 2010 1 commit
  33. 20 Jan, 2010 1 commit
  34. 13 Jan, 2010 1 commit