Commit 30ccd969 authored by Joanne Hugé's avatar Joanne Hugé

obs/re6st: pin version of buildout during boostrap

This is to prevent the "The 'wheel' distribution was not found" error
parent 63fca9c7
......@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ def bootstrap(task):
check_output((sys.executable, "-S", "-",
# XXX: By starting with an older version,
# we'll have the wanted version in cache.
"--setuptools-version", "40.8.0"), input=bootstrap)
"--setuptools-version", "40.8.0",
"--buildout-version", "2.13.8"), input=bootstrap)
check_call(("bin/buildout", "buildout:extensions=",
"buildout:newest=true", "buildout:parts=python-bootstrap"))
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