Commit c0a3b524 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

playbook: new 'rina' role

parent 00c505a0
--- ---
- apt_key:
data: "{{ lookup('file', 'key_1A716324.gpg') }}"
- apt_key: - apt_key:
data: "{{ lookup('file', 'key_2EB4D2F994A63987.gpg') }}" data: "{{ lookup('file', 'key_2EB4D2F994A63987.gpg') }}"
--- ---
- name: Remove legacy repositories from - name: Remove legacy repositories from
apt_key: id=1A716324 state=absent apt_key: id=1A716324 state=absent
when: ansible_distribution == "Debian" when: ansible_distribution == "Debian" and not rina
- name: Remove {{ base_open_build_url }} key (and add later) on every upgrade, as expiration date is quite short (2 months). - name: Remove {{ base_open_build_url }} key (and add later) on every upgrade, as expiration date is quite short (2 months).
apt_key: id=94A63987 state=absent apt_key: id=94A63987 state=absent
- { role: repository }
- apt_key: data="{{ lookup('file', 'key_1A716324.gpg') }}"
- apt_repository: repo='deb ./'
- apt: update_cache=yes
- apt: name=linux-image-4.1.0-rina.1-amd64
- apt: name=librinad-dev
- apt: name=rinad
#- include: "{{ ansible_distribution |lower }}.yml"
- assert: { that: "ansible_distribution == 'Debian'" }
- include: debian.yml
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