2006-02-22 kevin * Fix bad default lisbox parameters. 2006-06-02 Jerome * add missing 'follow_up' base category. * improve 'Respond' feature in event workflow * make filtering work in Event Module + other small UI fixes.
2005-11-11 Romain * Correct naming convention. 2005-11-05 Romain * Correct naming convention. 2005-10-20 Romain * Correct naming convention. 2005-09-05 Romain (1.0rc5) * Change state variable to simulation_state for event_workflow and sale_opportunity_workflow. 2005-09-02 Romain (1.0rc4) * Added all _action transitions in workflows. 2005-08-29 Romain (1.0rc3) * Added missing forms. * Clean portal type definition. * Change module id (event->event_module, etc) * Move Project* skins to folder erp5_project (included in business template erp5_project). * Correct python script (where module ids are hardcoded).