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Commit 5041f302 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Internally remember which identifiers have been created to prevent the system...

Internally remember which identifiers have been created to prevent the system from allowing to create the same check twice if done in the same reception.
Use composition category to remove the need for a dirty hack (string replacement).
Use paths instead of titles as part of identifiers.
Now that there is an object as part of the identifier, use serialize.
Resource is set differently if the object is a check or a checkbook, move and duplicate setter use downward.
Trigger a dummy tagged activity even when creating a check, like what's done when creating a checkbook.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 2c8d9f1d
......@@ -133,11 +133,13 @@ def checkReferenceListUniqueness(reference_list, model, destination_payment):\n
Check each given reference not to already exist.\n
match_list = portal.portal_catalog(portal_type=\'Check\', reference=reference_list, destination_payment_uid=destination_payment.getUid())\n
destination_payment_uid = destination_payment.getUid()\n
match_list = portal.portal_catalog(portal_type=\'Check\', reference=reference_list, destination_payment_uid=destination_payment_uid, resource_relative_url=model)\n
for reference in reference_list:\n
if portal_activities.countMessageWithTag(\'check_%s_%s\' % (model, reference)) != 0:\n
raise ValidationFailed, \'This reference is alredy scheduled for indexing, and so is already allocated : %s\' % (reference, )\n
tag = \'check_%s_%s_%s\' % (model, destination_payment_uid, reference)\n
if encountered_check_identifiers_dict.has_key(tag) or portal_activities.countMessageWithTag(tag) != 0:\n
raise ValidationFailed, \'The following references are already allocated : %s\' % ([reference, ], )\n
portal_activities = context.getPortalObject().portal_activities\n
def checkReferenceUniqueness(reference, model, destination_payment):\n
......@@ -157,6 +159,8 @@ portal = context.getPortalObject()\n
# because everything is already checked in the fast input\n
line_list = delivery.objectValues(portal_type=delivery.getPortalType() + \' Line\')\n
encountered_check_identifiers_dict = {}\n
for line in line_list:\n
quantity = line.getQuantity()\n
resource = line.getResourceValue()\n
......@@ -169,7 +173,7 @@ for line in line_list:\n
if resource_portal_type == \'Checkbook Model\':\n
is_checkbook = True\n
module = portal.checkbook_module\n
model = resource.getTitle().replace(\'Ch\xc3\xa9quier\', \'Ch\xc3\xa8que\') # XXX: Yuck yuck.\n
model = resource.getComposition()\n
# XXX: portal_type value is hardcoded because I don\'t want to get the\n
# portaltype on each created object as it will always be the same.\n
# We need a method to get the default content portaltype on a Folder.\n
......@@ -180,7 +184,7 @@ for line in line_list:\n
is_checkbook = False\n
module = portal.check_module\n
model = resource.getTitle()\n
model = resource.getRelativeUrl()\n
# XXX: portal_type value is hardcoded, see XXX above.\n
if resource_portal_type == \'Check Model\' and resource.isFixedPrice():\n
reference_to_int = getTravelerCheckReferenceNumber\n
......@@ -193,9 +197,10 @@ for line in line_list:\n
for i in xrange(quantity):\n
item = module.newContent()\n
item.getDestinationPaymentValue().serialize() # To prevent multiple zeo nodes from creating checks for the same account, since they would not be able to see each other\'s activities.\n
if is_checkbook:\n
last_reference_value = reference_to_int(reference_range_min) + check_quantity - 1\n
reference_range_max = int_to_reference(last_reference_value, reference_range_min)\n
......@@ -208,21 +213,30 @@ for line in line_list:\n
reference_list = range(reference_to_int(reference_range_min), last_reference_value + 1)\n
checkReferenceListUniqueness(reference_list, model, item.getDestinationPaymentValue())\n
destination_payment_uid = item.getDestinationPaymentValue().getUid()\n
for j in reference_list:\n
reference = int_to_reference(j, reference_range_min)\n
check = item.newContent(portal_type=\'Check\', title=str(reference), activate_kw={\'tag\': \'check_%s_%s\' % (model, reference)})\n
tag = \'check_%s_%s_%s\' % (model, destination_payment_uid, reference)\n
encountered_check_identifiers_dict[tag] = None\n
check = item.newContent(portal_type=\'Check\', title=str(reference), activate_kw={\'tag\': tag})\n
checkReferenceUniqueness(reference_range_min, model, line.getDestinationPaymentValue())\n
if len(resource.objectValues()) > 0:\n
item_type = line.getCheckTypeValue()\n
last_reference_value = reference_to_int(reference_range_min)\n
# Trigger a dummy activity just to avoi dbeing able to create that check multiple times in the same checkbook reception\n
tag = \'check_%s_%s_%s\' % (model, line.getDestinationPaymentValue().getUid(), reference_range_min)\n
encountered_check_identifiers_dict[tag] = None\n
# update reference_range_min for the next pass\n
reference_range_min = int_to_reference(last_reference_value + 1, reference_range_min)\n
# I (seb) think this is a big mistake\n
......@@ -296,6 +310,7 @@ for line in line_list:\n
......@@ -328,8 +343,12 @@ for line in line_list:\n
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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