will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit ecf53eeb authored by Kevin Deldycke's avatar Kevin Deldycke

CleanUp the file

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 9ff91fb6
......@@ -29,167 +29,101 @@
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowCore import WorkflowAction
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, Constraint, Interface
from Products.ERP5Type.Base import Base
from Products.CMFPhoto.CMFPhoto import CMFPhoto
from Products.Photo.Photo import Photo
from zLOG import LOG
class Image(Base, CMFPhoto):
class Image (Base, CMFPhoto):
An Image can contain text that can be formatted using
*Structured Text* or *HTML*. Text can be automatically translated
through the use of 'message catalogs'.
A Document is a terminating leaf
in the OFS. It can not contain anything.
Document inherits from XMLObject and can
be synchronized accross multiple sites.
meta_type = 'ERP5 Image'
portal_type = 'Image'
add_permission = Permissions.AddPortalContent
isPortalContent = 1
isRADContent = 1
# Declarative security
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
# Declarative properties
property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base
, PropertySheet.CategoryCore
, PropertySheet.DublinCore
def __init__( self, id, title='', file='', store='ExtImage'
, engine='ImageMagick', quality=75, pregen=0, timeout=0):
Photo.__init__(self, id=id, title=title, file=file, store=store
, engine=engine, quality=quality, pregen=pregen, timeout=timeout)
Base.__init__(self, id=id)
self._data = '' = store
### Special edit method
def _edit(self, **kw):
An Image can contain text that can be formatted using
*Structured Text* or *HTML*. Text can be automatically translated
through the use of 'message catalogs'.
A Document is a terminating leaf
in the OFS. It can not contain anything.
Document inherits from XMLObject and can
be synchronized accross multiple sites.
This is used to edit files
if not hasattr(self, '_original'):
if == 'Image' : from Products.Photo.PhotoImage import PhotoImage
elif == 'ExtImage': from Products.Photo.ExtPhotoImage import PhotoImage
self._original = PhotoImage(, self.title, path=self.absolute_url(1))
if kw.has_key('file'):
file = kw.get('file')
precondition = kw.get('precondition')
CMFPhoto.manage_editPhoto(self, file=file)
del kw['file']
Base._edit(self, **kw)
security.declareProtected('View', 'index_html')
index_html = CMFPhoto.index_html
security.declareProtected('AccessContentsInformation', 'content_type')
content_type = CMFPhoto.content_type
# Copy support needs to be implemented by ExtFile
# Special management methods #
def manage_afterClone(self, item):
Base.manage_afterClone(self, item)
CMFPhoto.manage_afterClone(self, item)
def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container):
CMFPhoto.manage_afterAdd(self, item, container)
def manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container):
CMFPhoto.manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container)
# Some ERPish
def getWidth(self):
Alias for width
return self.width()
meta_type = 'ERP5 Image'
portal_type = 'Image'
add_permission = Permissions.AddPortalContent
isPortalContent = 1
isRADContent = 1
# Declarative security
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
# Declarative properties
property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base
, PropertySheet.CategoryCore
, PropertySheet.DublinCore
# Declarative interfaces
#__implements__ = ( , )
# CMF Factory Type Information
factory_type_information = \
{ 'id' : portal_type
, 'meta_type' : meta_type
, 'description' : """\
Document can contain text that can be formatted using 'Structured Text'.\
or 'HTML'. Text can be automatically translated through the use of\
'message catalogs' and provided to the user in multilple languages."""
, 'icon' : 'document_icon.gif'
, 'product' : 'ERP5'
, 'factory' : 'addImage'
, 'immediate_view' : 'image_view'
, 'actions' :
( { 'id' : 'view'
, 'name' : 'View'
, 'category' : 'object_view'
, 'action' : 'image_view'
, 'permissions' : (
Permissions.View, )
, { 'id' : 'print'
, 'name' : 'Print'
, 'category' : 'object_print'
, 'action' : 'image_print'
, 'permissions' : (
Permissions.View, )
, { 'id' : 'metadata'
, 'name' : 'Metadata'
, 'category' : 'object_view'
, 'action' : 'metadata_edit'
, 'permissions' : (
Permissions.View, )
, { 'id' : 'download'
, 'name' : 'Download'
, 'category' : 'object_action'
, 'action' : 'download'
, 'permissions' : (
Permissions.View, )
, { 'id' : 'translate'
, 'name' : 'Translate'
, 'category' : 'object_action'
, 'action' : 'translation_template_view'
, 'permissions' : (
Permissions.TranslateContent, )
def __init__(self,
Photo.__init__(self, id=id, title=title, file=file, store=store, engine=engine, quality=quality, pregen=pregen, timeout=timeout)
Base.__init__(self, id=id)
self._data = '' = store
### Special edit method
security.declarePrivate( '_edit' )
def _edit(self, **kw):
This is used to edit files
if not hasattr(self,'_original'):
if == 'Image': from Products.Photo.PhotoImage import PhotoImage
elif == 'ExtImage': from Products.Photo.ExtPhotoImage import PhotoImage
self._original = PhotoImage(, self.title, path=self.absolute_url(1))
if kw.has_key('file'):
file = kw.get('file')
precondition = kw.get('precondition')
CMFPhoto.manage_editPhoto(self, file=file)
del kw['file']
Base._edit(self, **kw)
security.declareProtected('View', 'index_html')
index_html = CMFPhoto.index_html
security.declareProtected('AccessContentsInformation', 'content_type')
content_type = CMFPhoto.content_type
# Copy support needs to be implemented by ExtFile
# Special management methods #
def manage_afterClone(self, item):
Base.manage_afterClone(self, item)
CMFPhoto.manage_afterClone(self, item)
def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container):
CMFPhoto.manage_afterAdd(self, item, container)
def manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container):
CMFPhoto.manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container)
# Some ERPish
def getWidth(self):
Alias for width
return self.width()
def getHeight(self):
Alias for width
return self.height()
# Aliases for uniform update of data
def manage_upload(self, file='',REQUEST=None):
def getHeight(self):
Alias for width
return self.height()
# Aliases for uniform update of data
def manage_upload(self, file='', REQUEST=None):
self.manage_file_upload(self, file=file, REQUEST=None)
\ No newline at end of file
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