Commit cf09f030 authored by Sebastien Robin's avatar Sebastien Robin

task_distribution: increase the maximum testnodes for test suite having high priority

Before we were using up to 10 testnodes per test suite. Push it to 15 testnodes to have
chance to run big test suite (like whole ERP5 tests) in less than 2 hours.
parent 7cc3d26d
......@@ -347,13 +347,14 @@ class TestTaskDistribution(ERP5TypeTestCase):
This avoid affecting all test nodes to a test suite having medium priority
while a test suite with high priority is waiting for more nodes to speed up.
for x in range(10):
for x in range(10):
config_list = json.loads(self.distributor.startTestSuite(
title="COMP%s-Node1" % x))
test_suite_list = self._createTestSuite(quantity=3)
test_suite_list[0].setIntIndex(1) # test suite 1
test_suite_list[1].setIntIndex(5) # test suite 2
test_suite_list[2].setIntIndex(9) # test suite 3
test_suite_1, test_suite_2, test_suite_3 = test_suite_list
test_suite_list[0].setIntIndex(1) # test suite 1, up to 1 testnode
test_suite_list[1].setIntIndex(5) # test suite 2, up to 5 testnodes
test_suite_list[2].setIntIndex(8) # test suite 3, up to 10 testnodes
......@@ -362,23 +363,24 @@ class TestTaskDistribution(ERP5TypeTestCase):
return ["%s" % x["test_suite_title"] for x in config_list]
now = DateTime()
def affectTestSuite(node_title, test_suite_list):
test_node, = self.test_node_module.searchFolder(title=node_title)
test_node = test_node.getObject()
# Check test suite distribution. This is not the purpose of this test
# initially, distribution might later change if algorithm is modified.
# Though next steps of the test depends on distribution, thus we have
# to make sure test does not fails only due to a change of distribution
self.assertEquals(set(getTestSuiteList("COMP0-Node1")), set(["test suite 1", "test suite 2", "test suite 3"]))
self.assertEquals(set(getTestSuiteList("COMP1-Node1")), set(["test suite 2", "test suite 3"]))
self.assertEquals(set(getTestSuiteList("COMP2-Node1")), set(["test suite 2", "test suite 3"]))
self.assertEquals(set(getTestSuiteList("COMP3-Node1")), set(["test suite 2", "test suite 3"]))
# COMP4 as less than COMP5 only due to distribution algorithm, though
# this is not an issue at all
self.assertEquals(set(getTestSuiteList("COMP4-Node1")), set(["test suite 3"]))
self.assertEquals(set(getTestSuiteList("COMP5-Node1")), set(["test suite 2", "test suite 3"]))
self.assertEquals(set(getTestSuiteList("COMP6-Node1")), set(["test suite 3"]))
self.assertEquals(set(getTestSuiteList("COMP7-Node1")), set(["test suite 3"]))
self.assertEquals(set(getTestSuiteList("COMP8-Node1")), set(["test suite 3"]))
self.assertEquals(set(getTestSuiteList("COMP9-Node1")), set(["test suite 3"]))
# Take a distribution that was calculated by alarm at some point. Though
# hardcode the distribution, because this is not the purpose of this test
# to check purpose algorithm
affectTestSuite("COMP0-Node1", [test_suite_1, test_suite_2, test_suite_3])
affectTestSuite("COMP1-Node1", [test_suite_2, test_suite_3])
affectTestSuite("COMP2-Node1", [test_suite_2, test_suite_3])
affectTestSuite("COMP3-Node1", [test_suite_2, test_suite_3])
affectTestSuite("COMP4-Node1", [test_suite_3])
affectTestSuite("COMP5-Node1", [test_suite_2, test_suite_3])
affectTestSuite("COMP6-Node1", [test_suite_3])
affectTestSuite("COMP7-Node1", [test_suite_3])
affectTestSuite("COMP8-Node1", [test_suite_3])
affectTestSuite("COMP9-Node1", [test_suite_3])
# process some test to have old test result in database
self.processTest("test suite 1", "r0=a", node_title="COMP0-Node1")
self.pinDateTime(now + 1.0/86400)
......@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ PRIORITY_MAPPING = {
4: ( 6, 12),
5: ( 9, 15),
6: ( 9, 18),
7: ( 12, 18),
8: ( 15, 24),
9: ( 18, 30),
7: ( 12, 24),
8: ( 15, 30),
9: ( 18, 45),
class ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor(XMLObject):
......@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ class ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor(XMLObject):
# priority and the more test result lack test node, the lower is key[0]
# This allows to affect more test nodes to test suites with higher priority
wanted_test_core_quantity = PRIORITY_MAPPING[test_suite.getIntIndex()][1]
factor = max_test_core_per_suite / wanted_test_core_quantity
factor = float(max_test_core_per_suite) / wanted_test_core_quantity
missing_quantity = wanted_test_core_quantity/3 - len(test_result.objectValues(portal_type="Test Result Node"))
key = (max_test_core_per_suite - missing_quantity * 3 * factor, modification_date)
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