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- 18 Mar, 2015 1 commit
wenjie.zheng authored
- 17 Mar, 2015 4 commits
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored Add functions which are related to Displaying Action in action box. Such as listObjectActions, getWorklistVariableMatchDict.
wenjie.zheng authored
patches/ Now generating ERP5 User action in action box, redefine doActionFor without compability of ERP5 method.
- 14 Mar, 2015 1 commit
wenjie.zheng authored
- 13 Mar, 2015 3 commits
wenjie.zheng authored
erp5_workflow: remove erp5_validation_workflow, the DC testing_workflow and all tests for ERP5Workflow project from this template. All these removement can be found in erp5_workflw_test_data template.
wenjie.zheng authored
erp5_base: Remove erp5_validation_workflow from template; add validation_workflow to Portal type Organisation.
wenjie.zheng authored
erp5_base: Deploy the DC validation_workflow Portal type Organisation instead of ERP5 validation workflow.
- 12 Mar, 2015 9 commits
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
erp5_workflow_test_data: Rename dc_test_workflow to testing workflow; creat a testing_workflow in ERP5 workflow for test; add testValidationFailed; improve testCheckHistoryForASingleTransition.
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
erp5_property_sheets: Add Guard property in Transition_property_sheets. Modify the type of the erp5_workflow_list_property from multiselection to string-multivalues.
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored Now generate workflow history for both Action and Workflow Method, add Guard Object in real time, improve state getters.
- 10 Mar, 2015 1 commit
wenjie.zheng authored Remove duplicated WorkflowHistoryList class definition, import same class from instead.
- 09 Mar, 2015 5 commits
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
erp5_workflow: change the test name from testerp5anddcworkflow to testWorkflowAndDCWorkflow and the ERP5Workflow Test Object to ERP5Workflow Test Document, replace a _getOb in test script.
wenjie.zheng authored
- 06 Mar, 2015 3 commits
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
- 05 Mar, 2015 1 commit
wenjie.zheng authored
- 04 Mar, 2015 1 commit
wenjie.zheng authored
- 10 Feb, 2015 7 commits
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored Delete _params if it's an empty string, to avoid NoneType parameters from generating.
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
- 30 Jan, 2015 4 commits
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored
wenjie.zheng authored