Commit 8a1a673a authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

caddy-frontend: Explain kedifa configuration with caucase

parent 90541ea0
......@@ -610,3 +610,14 @@ So it means sites are served in `caddy-frontend-N` partition, and this partition
* Caddy serving the browser
* (optional) Apache Traffic Server for caching
* Caddy connected to the backend
Kedifa implementation
`Kedifa <>`_ server runs on kedifa partition.
Each `caddy-frontend-N` partition downloads certificates from the kedifa server.
Caucase (exposed by ``kedifa-caucase-url`` in master partition parameters) is used to handle certificates for authentication to kedifa server.
If ``automatic-internal-kedifa-caucase-csr`` is enabled (by default it is) there are scripts running on master partition to simulate human to sign certificates for each caddy-frontend-N node.
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