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Commit 01c261fb authored by Arnaud Fontaine's avatar Arnaud Fontaine

ZODB Components: Module Component: Add Unit Tests.

parent ea30cba0
......@@ -1429,18 +1429,18 @@ def assertResetCalled(*args, **kwargs):
return reset_performed
import abc
from Products.ERP5Type.mixin.component import ComponentMixin
from Products.ERP5Type.tests.SecurityTestCase import SecurityTestCase
from App.config import getConfiguration
from Products.ERP5Type.Core.ModuleComponent import ModuleComponent
class _TestZodbComponent(SecurityTestCase):
class TestZodbModuleComponent(SecurityTestCase):
Abstract class which defined convenient methods used by any Component Test
and tests ran for all Component Test classes
Tests for ZODB Module Component (base class of all other Component
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
_portal_type = 'Module Component'
_document_class = ModuleComponent
def getBusinessTemplateList(self):
return ('erp5_base',)
......@@ -1455,8 +1455,10 @@ class _TestZodbComponent(SecurityTestCase):
def _generateReference(self, base_name):
return base_name
def _getValidSourceCode(self, class_name):
raise NotImplementedError
def _getValidSourceCode(self, *_):
return '''def foobar(*args, **kwargs):
return 'Anything'
def _newComponent(self, reference, text_content=None, version='erp5', id_=None):
......@@ -2553,7 +2555,7 @@ return 'OK'
from Products.ERP5Type.Core.ExtensionComponent import ExtensionComponent
class TestZodbExtensionComponent(_TestZodbComponent):
class TestZodbExtensionComponent(TestZodbModuleComponent):
Tests specific to ZODB Extension Component (previously defined in bt5 and
installed on the filesystem in $INSTANCE_HOME/Extensions)
......@@ -2561,11 +2563,6 @@ class TestZodbExtensionComponent(_TestZodbComponent):
_portal_type = 'Extension Component'
_document_class = ExtensionComponent
def _getValidSourceCode(self, *_):
return '''def foobar(*args, **kwargs):
return 'Anything'
def testExternalMethod(self):
Check that ExternalMethod monkey-patch to use ZODB Components works well
......@@ -2655,7 +2652,7 @@ def foobar(self, a, b="portal_type"):
from Products.ERP5Type.Core.DocumentComponent import DocumentComponent
class _TestZodbDocumentComponentMixin(_TestZodbComponent):
class _TestZodbDocumentComponentMixin(TestZodbModuleComponent):
Common to all Component class inheriting from Document Component (so
Interface, Tool and Mixin)
......@@ -3070,7 +3067,7 @@ InitializeClass(%(class_name)s)
from Products.ERP5Type.Core.TestComponent import TestComponent
class TestZodbTestComponent(_TestZodbComponent):
class TestZodbTestComponent(TestZodbModuleComponent):
Tests specific to ZODB Test Component (known as Live Tests, and previously
defined in bt5 and installed in $INSTANCE_HOME/test)
......@@ -3473,6 +3470,7 @@ def test_suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
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