Commit a508d9c0 authored by Nicolas Delaby's avatar Nicolas Delaby

If there is multiple attributes to update, only the last one was consider. This fix this issue

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 3c1745d8
......@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
def getElementFromXupdate(self, xml):
from a xupdate:element returns the element as xml
return a fragment node with applied xupdate
if xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_ELEMENT:
new_node = Element(xml.attrib.get('name'), nsmap=xml.nsmap)
......@@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ class ERP5DocumentConduit(ERP5Conduit):
for element in self.getXupdateElementList(subnode):
name_element = element.attrib.get('name', None)
if name_element:
attrib_dict = {}
for sub_element in element:
if sub_element.xpath('name()') in 'xupdate:attribute':
name_attribute = sub_element.attrib.get('name')
value_attribute = sub_element.text
attrib_dict[sub_element.attrib.get('name')] = sub_element.text
block = etree.SubElement(xml, name_element)
block.set(name_attribute, value_attribute)
#change structure in xupdate because is bad formed
value = etree.tostring(element).split('</')[1].split('>')[1]
block.text = value
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