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Commit 322fc688 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

Makefile improved

parent db517423
OUT = jio.js
UGLY_OUT = jio.min.js
LINT_CMD = jslint --terse --indent 2 --maxlen 80
LINT_CMD = jslint --terse
UGLIFY_CMD = uglifyjs
FILE_DIR = src/jio
......@@ -23,13 +23,12 @@ uglify:
# lint all files in FILES and STORAGE_FILES
# command: jslint [options] file
# [options] are defined in the source file:
# The file can contain a line beginning by:
# // -*- jslint: [options] -*-
# If there is several such lines, only the first is used. Example:
# // -*- jslint: --sloppy --maxlen 80 --predef hex_sha256 -*-
# [options] are defined at the top of the source file:
# Example:
# /*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80 */
# /*global hex_sha256: true, jQuery: true */
bash -c "result=0 ; for file in $(LINT_FILES:%=$(FILE_DIR)/%.js) $(STORAGE_FILES:%=$(STORAGE_DIR)/%.js) ; do out=\"\$$($(LINT_CMD) \$$(grep '^// *-\*- *jslint: .* -\*-' \$$file | head -1 | sed 's/^\/\/ *-\*- *jslint: \(.*\) -\*-/\1/') \$$file)\" ; res=\$$? ; [ \$$res != 0 ] && echo \"\$$out\" ; [ \$$res -gt \$$result ] && result=\$$res ; done ; exit \$$result ;"
$(LINT_CMD) -- $(LINT_FILES:%=$(FILE_DIR)/%.js)
.phony: clean
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