Commit 4384cfc1 authored by Oleg.Korshul's avatar Oleg.Korshul Committed by Alexander Trofimov


git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@57758 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent ac168368
......@@ -222138,6 +222138,9 @@ CHistory.prototype =
Is_SimpleChanges : function()
if (this.Index - this.RecIndex !== 1)
return [];
if ( this.Index >= 0 && this.Points[this.Index].Items.length > 0 )
// Считываем изменения, начиная с последней точки, и смотрим что надо пересчитать.
......@@ -396343,10 +396346,15 @@ CCellCommentator.prototype.Redo = function(type, data) {
var oThis = this;
var aIndexes = [];
var bIsTablePartContainActiveRange;
for(var i = oThis.isCopyPaste.c1; i <= oThis.isCopyPaste.c2; i++)
var api = window["Asc"]["editor"];
var ws = api.wb.getWorksheet();
bIsTablePartContainActiveRange = ws.autoFilters.isTablePartContainActiveRange();
......@@ -396359,8 +396367,13 @@ CCellCommentator.prototype.Redo = function(type, data) {
var cell = aCells[aIndexes[i]];
//готовим ячейку к записи
if(!oThis.isCopyPaste || (oThis.isCopyPaste && cell))
var nXfsId = this.prepareXfs(cell.xfs);
var nXfsId;
if(oThis.isCopyPaste && bIsTablePartContainActiveRange)
nXfsId = this.prepareXfs(cell.compiledXfs);
nXfsId = this.prepareXfs(cell.xfs);
//сохраняем как и Excel даже пустой стиль(нужно чтобы убрать стиль строки/колонки)
if(null != cell.xfs || false == cell.isEmptyText()), function(){oThis.WriteCell(cell, nXfsId);});
......@@ -425573,6 +425586,9 @@ function CDrawingDocument()
// frame rect
this.FrameRect = { IsActive : false, Rect : { X : 0, Y : 0, R : 0, B : 0 }, Frame : null,
Track : { X : 0, Y : 0, L : 0, T : 0, R : 0, B : 0, PageIndex : 0, Type : -1 }, IsTracked : false, PageIndex : 0 };
// math rect
this.MathRect = { IsActive : false, Rect : { X : 0, Y : 0, R : 0, B : 0, PageIndex : 0 } };
// table track
this.TableOutlineDr = new CTableOutlineDr();
......@@ -426190,6 +426206,7 @@ CDrawingDocument.prototype =
if (this.InlineTextTrackEnabled && null != this.InlineTextTrack)
......@@ -426864,6 +426881,29 @@ CDrawingDocument.prototype =
this.FrameRect.Track.L, this.FrameRect.Track.T, this.FrameRect.Track.R, this.FrameRect.Track.B);
DrawMathTrack : function()
if (!this.MathRect.IsActive)
this.MathRect.Rect.X, this.MathRect.Rect.Y, this.MathRect.Rect.R, this.MathRect.Rect.B);
Update_MathTrack : function(IsActive, X, Y, W, H, PageIndex)
this.MathRect.IsActive = IsActive;
if (true === IsActive)
this.MathRect.Rect.X = X;
this.MathRect.Rect.Y = Y;
this.MathRect.Rect.R = X + W;
this.MathRect.Rect.B = Y + H;
this.MathRect.Rect.PageIndex = PageIndex;
IsCursorInTableCur : function(x, y, page)
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