Commit 7beee739 authored by Oleg.Korshul's avatar Oleg.Korshul Committed by Alexander Trofimov

unicode converter

git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@64552 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 02c0928e
......@@ -9186,6 +9186,36 @@ Test/HtmlTextEditor/Table/images/pencil.png svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Focte
Test/Units/DocxOdtTxt/OdtTemplate/Thumbnails/Thumbs.db svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
Test/Units/DocxOdtTxt/OdtTemplate/Thumbnails/thumbnail.png svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
Test/Units/DocxOdtTxt/image1.emf svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
/UnicodeConverter svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/linux64 svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/linux64/usr svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/linux64/usr/local svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/linux64/usr/local/include svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/linux64/usr/local/include/layout svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/linux64/usr/local/include/unicode svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/linux64/usr/local/lib svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win32 svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win32/bin svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win32/bin/icudt55.dll svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win32/bin/icuuc55.dll svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win32/include svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win32/include/layout svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win32/include/unicode svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win32/lib svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win32/lib/icudt.lib svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win32/lib/icuuc.lib svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win64 svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win64/bin svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win64/bin/icudt55.dll svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win64/bin/icuuc55.dll svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win64/include svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win64/include/layout svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win64/include/unicode svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win64/lib svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win64/lib/icudt.lib svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
UnicodeConverter/icubuilds/win64/lib/icuuc.lib svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
UnicodeConverter/test svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
/XpsFile svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
XpsFile/XpsFileTest svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
XpsFile/XpsLib svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
#include "./UnicodeConverter.h"
#include "unicode/utypes.h" /* Basic ICU data types */
#include "unicode/ucnv.h" /* C Converter API */
#include "../DesktopEditor/common/File.h"
namespace NSUnicodeConverter
class CUnicodeConverter_Private
#if 1
std::wstring sDumpPath = NSFile::GetProcessDirectory() + L"/codepages.txt";
NSFile::CFileBinary oFile;
int32_t count = ucnv_countAvailable();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
std::string sCodePage = ucnv_getAvailableName(i);
UErrorCode _error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int nCountAliases = ucnv_countAliases(sCodePage.c_str(), &_error);
char** palices = new char*[nCountAliases];
ucnv_getAliases(sCodePage.c_str(), (const char**)palices, &_error);
oFile.WriteFile((BYTE*)sCodePage.c_str(), sCodePage.length());
for (int j = 0; j < nCountAliases; ++j)
oFile.WriteFile((BYTE*)palices[j], strlen(palices[j]));
std::string fromUnicode(const std::wstring& sInput, const char* converterName)
std::string sRes = "";
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UConverter* conv = ucnv_open(converterName, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status))
int32_t nUCharCapacity = sInput.size();// UTF-16 uses 2 code-points per char
UChar* pUChar = (UChar*)malloc(nUCharCapacity * sizeof(UChar));
const UChar* pUCharStart = pUChar;
int32_t nUCharLength = 0;
u_strFromWCS(pUChar, nUCharCapacity, &nUCharLength, &sInput[0], sInput.size(), &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status))
const UChar* pUCharLimit = pUCharStart + nUCharLength;
sRes.resize(nUCharLength * ucnv_getMaxCharSize(conv));// UTF-16 uses 2 code-points per char
char *sResStart = &sRes[0];
const char *sResLimit = sResStart + sRes.size();
ucnv_fromUnicode(conv, &sResStart, sResLimit, &pUCharStart, pUCharLimit, NULL, TRUE, &status);
return sRes;
std::wstring toUnicode(const std::string& sInput, const char* converterName)
std::wstring sRes = L"";
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UConverter* conv = ucnv_open(converterName, &status);
//UConverter* conv = ucnv_openCCSID(5347, UCNV_IBM, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status))
const char* source = &sInput[0];
const char* sourceLimit = source + sInput.size();
unsigned int uBufSize = (sInput.size() / ucnv_getMinCharSize(conv));
UChar* targetStart = (UChar*)malloc(uBufSize * sizeof(UChar));
UChar* target = targetStart;
UChar* targetLimit = target + uBufSize;
ucnv_toUnicode(conv, &target, targetLimit, &source, sourceLimit, NULL, TRUE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status))
unsigned int nTargetSize = target - targetStart;
sRes.resize(nTargetSize * 2);// UTF-16 uses 2 code-points per char
int32_t nResLen = 0;
u_strToWCS(&sRes[0], sRes.size(), &nResLen, targetStart, nTargetSize, &status);
return sRes;
namespace NSUnicodeConverter
m_pInternal = new CUnicodeConverter_Private();
delete m_pInternal;
std::string CUnicodeConverter::fromUnicode(const std::wstring &sSrc, const char *sCodePage)
return m_pInternal->fromUnicode(sSrc, sCodePage);
std::wstring CUnicodeConverter::toUnicode(const std::string &sSrc, const char *sCodePage)
return m_pInternal->toUnicode(sSrc, sCodePage);
#include "../DesktopEditor/common/base_export.h"
#include <string>
namespace NSUnicodeConverter
class CUnicodeConverter_Private;
std::string fromUnicode(const std::wstring& sSrc, const char* sCodePage);
std::wstring toUnicode(const std::string& sSrc, const char* sCodePage);
CUnicodeConverter_Private* m_pInternal;
# Project created by QtCreator 2015-05-15T12:43:02
QT -= core gui
TARGET = UnicodeConverter
#CONFIG += staticlib
CONFIG += shared
CONFIG += c++11
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fvisibility=hidden
QMAKE_CFLAGS += -fvisibility=hidden
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--rpath=./
############### destination path ###############
win32:contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64):{
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
} else {
win32:!contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64):{
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
} else {
linux-g++:contains(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86_64):{
linux-g++:!contains(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86_64):{
############# dynamic dependencies #############
shared {
linux-g++ | linux-g++-64 | linux-g++-32 {
CONFIG += plugin
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/icubuilds/$$ICU_BUILDS_PLATFORM/usr/local/include
LIBS += $$PWD/icubuilds/$$ICU_BUILDS_PLATFORM/usr/local/lib/
LIBS += $$PWD/icubuilds/$$ICU_BUILDS_PLATFORM/usr/local/lib/
win32 {
LIBS += -L$$PWD/icubuilds/$$ICU_BUILDS_PLATFORM/lib -licuuc
ICU Version: 55.1
HOST: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
CC Compiler: gcc
CXX Compiler: g++
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2011 - All Rights Reserved
#include "LETypes.h"
* This is a helper class that is used to
* recognize a set of glyph indices.
* @internal
class LEGlyphFilter /* not : public UObject because this is an interface/mixin class */ {
* Destructor.
* @internal
virtual ~LEGlyphFilter();
* This method is used to test a particular
* glyph index to see if it is in the set
* recognized by the filter.
* @param glyph - the glyph index to be tested
* @return TRUE if the glyph index is in the set.
* @internal
virtual le_bool accept(LEGlyphID glyph) const = 0;
#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
* Copyright (C) 1998-2014, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
#include "LETypes.h"
struct InsertionRecord;
* This class encapsulates the callback used by <code>LEInsertionList</code>
* to apply an insertion from the insertion list.
* @internal
class U_LAYOUT_API LEInsertionCallback
* This method will be called by <code>LEInsertionList::applyInsertions</code> for each
* entry on the insertion list.
* @param atPosition the position of the insertion
* @param count the number of glyphs to insert
* @param newGlyphs the address of the glyphs to insert
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if <code>LEInsertions::applyInsertions</code> should
* stop after applying this insertion.
* @internal
virtual le_bool applyInsertion(le_int32 atPosition, le_int32 count, LEGlyphID newGlyphs[]) = 0;
* The destructor
virtual ~LEInsertionCallback();
* This class is used to keep track of insertions to an array of
* <code>LEGlyphIDs</code>. The insertions are kept on a linked
* list of <code>InsertionRecords</code> so that the glyph array
* doesn't have to be grown for each insertion. The insertions are
* stored on the list from leftmost to rightmost to make it easier
* to do the insertions.
* The insertions are applied to the array by calling the
* <code>applyInsertions</code> method, which calls a client
* supplied <code>LEInsertionCallback</code> object to actually
* apply the individual insertions.
* @internal
class LEInsertionList : public UObject
* Construct an empty insertion list.
* @param rightToLeft <code>TRUE</code> if the glyphs are stored
* in the array in right to left order.
* @internal
LEInsertionList(le_bool rightToLeft);
* The destructor.
* Add an entry to the insertion list.
* @param position the glyph at this position in the array will be
* replaced by the new glyphs.
* @param count the number of new glyphs
* @param success set to an error code if the auxillary data cannot be retrieved.
* @return the address of an array in which to store the new glyphs. This will
* <em>not</em> be in the glyph array.
* @internal
LEGlyphID *insert(le_int32 position, le_int32 count, LEErrorCode &success);
* Return the number of new glyphs that have been inserted.
* @return the number of new glyphs which have been inserted
* @internal
le_int32 getGrowAmount();
* Call the <code>LEInsertionCallback</code> once for each
* entry on the insertion list.
* @param callback the <code>LEInsertionCallback</code> to call for each insertion.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if <code>callback</code> returned <code>TRUE</code> to
* terminate the insertion list processing.
* @internal
le_bool applyInsertions(LEInsertionCallback *callback);
* Empty the insertion list and free all associated
* storage.
* @internal
void reset();
* ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
* ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
static UClassID getStaticClassID();
* The head of the insertion list.
* @internal
InsertionRecord *head;
* The tail of the insertion list.
* @internal
InsertionRecord *tail;
* The total number of new glyphs on the insertion list.
* @internal
le_int32 growAmount;
* Set to <code>TRUE</code> if the glyphs are in right
* to left order. Since we want the rightmost insertion
* to be first on the list, we need to append the
* insertions in this case. Otherwise they're prepended.
* @internal
le_bool append;
#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2014. All Rights Reserved.
* Generated on: 10/26/2010 02:53:33 PM PDT
#include "LETypes.h"
* \file
* \brief C++ API: List of language codes for LayoutEngine
* A provisional list of language codes. For now,
* this is just a list of languages which the LayoutEngine
* supports.
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
enum LanguageCodes {
nullLanguageCode = 0,
araLanguageCode = 1,
asmLanguageCode = 2,
benLanguageCode = 3,
farLanguageCode = 4,
gujLanguageCode = 5,
hinLanguageCode = 6,
iwrLanguageCode = 7,
jiiLanguageCode = 8,
janLanguageCode = 9,
kanLanguageCode = 10,
kokLanguageCode = 11,
korLanguageCode = 12,
kshLanguageCode = 13,
malLanguageCode = 14,
marLanguageCode = 15,
mlrLanguageCode = 16,
mniLanguageCode = 17,
oriLanguageCode = 18,
sanLanguageCode = 19,
sndLanguageCode = 20,
snhLanguageCode = 21,
syrLanguageCode = 22,
tamLanguageCode = 23,
telLanguageCode = 24,
thaLanguageCode = 25,
urdLanguageCode = 26,
zhpLanguageCode = 27,
zhsLanguageCode = 28,
zhtLanguageCode = 29,
/** New language codes added 03/13/2008 @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
afkLanguageCode = 30,
belLanguageCode = 31,
bgrLanguageCode = 32,
catLanguageCode = 33,
cheLanguageCode = 34,
copLanguageCode = 35,
csyLanguageCode = 36,
danLanguageCode = 37,
deuLanguageCode = 38,
dznLanguageCode = 39,
ellLanguageCode = 40,
engLanguageCode = 41,
espLanguageCode = 42,
etiLanguageCode = 43,
euqLanguageCode = 44,
finLanguageCode = 45,
fraLanguageCode = 46,
gaeLanguageCode = 47,
hauLanguageCode = 48,
hrvLanguageCode = 49,
hunLanguageCode = 50,
hyeLanguageCode = 51,
indLanguageCode = 52,
itaLanguageCode = 53,
khmLanguageCode = 54,
mngLanguageCode = 55,
mtsLanguageCode = 56,
nepLanguageCode = 57,
nldLanguageCode = 58,
pasLanguageCode = 59,
plkLanguageCode = 60,
ptgLanguageCode = 61,
romLanguageCode = 62,
rusLanguageCode = 63,
skyLanguageCode = 64,
slvLanguageCode = 65,
sqiLanguageCode = 66,
srbLanguageCode = 67,
sveLanguageCode = 68,
tibLanguageCode = 69,
trkLanguageCode = 70,
welLanguageCode = 71,
languageCodeCount = 72
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2014. All Rights Reserved.
* Generated on: 04/08/2014 03:20:04 PM PDT
#ifndef __LESCRIPTS_H
#define __LESCRIPTS_H
#include "LETypes.h"
* \file
* \brief C++ API: Constants for Unicode script values
* Constants for Unicode script values, generated using
* ICU4J's <code>UScript</code> class.
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
enum ScriptCodes {
zyyyScriptCode = 0,
zinhScriptCode = 1,
qaaiScriptCode = zinhScriptCode, /* manually added alias, for API stability */
arabScriptCode = 2,
armnScriptCode = 3,
bengScriptCode = 4,
bopoScriptCode = 5,
cherScriptCode = 6,
coptScriptCode = 7,
cyrlScriptCode = 8,
dsrtScriptCode = 9,
devaScriptCode = 10,
ethiScriptCode = 11,
georScriptCode = 12,
gothScriptCode = 13,
grekScriptCode = 14,
gujrScriptCode = 15,
guruScriptCode = 16,
haniScriptCode = 17,
hangScriptCode = 18,
hebrScriptCode = 19,
hiraScriptCode = 20,
kndaScriptCode = 21,
kanaScriptCode = 22,
khmrScriptCode = 23,
laooScriptCode = 24,
latnScriptCode = 25,
mlymScriptCode = 26,
mongScriptCode = 27,
mymrScriptCode = 28,
ogamScriptCode = 29,
italScriptCode = 30,
oryaScriptCode = 31,
runrScriptCode = 32,
sinhScriptCode = 33,
syrcScriptCode = 34,
tamlScriptCode = 35,
teluScriptCode = 36,
thaaScriptCode = 37,
thaiScriptCode = 38,
tibtScriptCode = 39,
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
cansScriptCode = 40,
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
yiiiScriptCode = 41,
tglgScriptCode = 42,
hanoScriptCode = 43,
buhdScriptCode = 44,
tagbScriptCode = 45,
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
braiScriptCode = 46,
cprtScriptCode = 47,
limbScriptCode = 48,
linbScriptCode = 49,
osmaScriptCode = 50,
shawScriptCode = 51,
taleScriptCode = 52,
ugarScriptCode = 53,
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
hrktScriptCode = 54,
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
bugiScriptCode = 55,
glagScriptCode = 56,
kharScriptCode = 57,
syloScriptCode = 58,
taluScriptCode = 59,
tfngScriptCode = 60,
xpeoScriptCode = 61,
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
baliScriptCode = 62,
batkScriptCode = 63,
blisScriptCode = 64,
brahScriptCode = 65,
chamScriptCode = 66,
cirtScriptCode = 67,
cyrsScriptCode = 68,
egydScriptCode = 69,
egyhScriptCode = 70,
egypScriptCode = 71,
geokScriptCode = 72,
hansScriptCode = 73,
hantScriptCode = 74,
hmngScriptCode = 75,
hungScriptCode = 76,
indsScriptCode = 77,
javaScriptCode = 78,
kaliScriptCode = 79,
latfScriptCode = 80,
latgScriptCode = 81,
lepcScriptCode = 82,
linaScriptCode = 83,
mandScriptCode = 84,
mayaScriptCode = 85,
meroScriptCode = 86,
nkooScriptCode = 87,
orkhScriptCode = 88,
permScriptCode = 89,
phagScriptCode = 90,
phnxScriptCode = 91,
plrdScriptCode = 92,
roroScriptCode = 93,
saraScriptCode = 94,
syreScriptCode = 95,
syrjScriptCode = 96,
syrnScriptCode = 97,
tengScriptCode = 98,
vaiiScriptCode = 99,
vispScriptCode = 100,
xsuxScriptCode = 101,
zxxxScriptCode = 102,
zzzzScriptCode = 103,
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
cariScriptCode = 104,
jpanScriptCode = 105,
lanaScriptCode = 106,
lyciScriptCode = 107,
lydiScriptCode = 108,
olckScriptCode = 109,
rjngScriptCode = 110,
saurScriptCode = 111,
sgnwScriptCode = 112,
sundScriptCode = 113,
moonScriptCode = 114,
mteiScriptCode = 115,
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
armiScriptCode = 116,
avstScriptCode = 117,
cakmScriptCode = 118,
koreScriptCode = 119,
kthiScriptCode = 120,
maniScriptCode = 121,
phliScriptCode = 122,
phlpScriptCode = 123,
phlvScriptCode = 124,
prtiScriptCode = 125,
samrScriptCode = 126,
tavtScriptCode = 127,
zmthScriptCode = 128,
zsymScriptCode = 129,
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
bamuScriptCode = 130,
lisuScriptCode = 131,
nkgbScriptCode = 132,
sarbScriptCode = 133,
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
bassScriptCode = 134,
duplScriptCode = 135,
elbaScriptCode = 136,
granScriptCode = 137,
kpelScriptCode = 138,
lomaScriptCode = 139,
mendScriptCode = 140,
mercScriptCode = 141,
narbScriptCode = 142,
nbatScriptCode = 143,
palmScriptCode = 144,
sindScriptCode = 145,
waraScriptCode = 146,
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
afakScriptCode = 147,
jurcScriptCode = 148,
mrooScriptCode = 149,
nshuScriptCode = 150,
shrdScriptCode = 151,
soraScriptCode = 152,
takrScriptCode = 153,
tangScriptCode = 154,
woleScriptCode = 155,
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
hluwScriptCode = 156,
khojScriptCode = 157,
tirhScriptCode = 158,
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
aghbScriptCode = 159,
mahjScriptCode = 160,
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
ahomScriptCode = 161,
hatrScriptCode = 162,
modiScriptCode = 163,
multScriptCode = 164,
paucScriptCode = 165,
siddScriptCode = 166,
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2014 - All Rights Reserved
#ifndef __LESWAPS_H
#define __LESWAPS_H
#include "LETypes.h"
* \file
* \brief C++ API: Endian independent access to data for LayoutEngine
* A convenience macro which invokes the swapWord member function
* from a concise call.
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
#define SWAPW(value) LESwaps::swapWord((le_uint16)(value))
* A convenience macro which invokes the swapLong member function
* from a concise call.
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
#define SWAPL(value) LESwaps::swapLong((le_uint32)(value))
* This class is used to access data which stored in big endian order
* regardless of the conventions of the platform.
* All methods are static and inline in an attempt to induce the compiler
* to do most of the calculations at compile time.
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
class U_LAYOUT_API LESwaps /* not : public UObject because all methods are static */ {
* Reads a big-endian 16-bit word and returns a native-endian value.
* No-op on a big-endian platform, byte-swaps on a little-endian platform.
* @param value - the word to be byte swapped
* @return the byte swapped word
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
static le_uint16 swapWord(le_uint16 value)
#if (defined(U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN) && U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN) || \
(defined(BYTE_ORDER) && defined(BIG_ENDIAN) && (BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN)) || \
// Fastpath when we know that the platform is big-endian.
return value;
// Reads a big-endian value on any platform.
const le_uint8 *p = reinterpret_cast<const le_uint8 *>(&value);
return (le_uint16)((p[0] << 8) | p[1]);
* Reads a big-endian 32-bit word and returns a native-endian value.
* No-op on a big-endian platform, byte-swaps on a little-endian platform.
* @param value - the long to be byte swapped
* @return the byte swapped long
* @deprecated ICU 54. See {@link icu::LayoutEngine}
static le_uint32 swapLong(le_uint32 value)
#if (defined(U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN) && U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN) || \
(defined(BYTE_ORDER) && defined(BIG_ENDIAN) && (BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN)) || \
// Fastpath when we know that the platform is big-endian.
return value;
// Reads a big-endian value on any platform.
const le_uint8 *p = reinterpret_cast<const le_uint8 *>(&value);
return (le_uint32)((p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]);
LESwaps() {} // private - forbid instantiation
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2011 - All Rights Reserved
#ifndef __LOENGINE_H
#define __LOENGINE_H
#include "LETypes.h"
* \file
* \brief C API for complex text layout.
* \internal
* This is a technology preview. The API may
* change significantly.
* The opaque type for a LayoutEngine.
* @internal
typedef void le_engine;
* The opaque type for a font instance.
* @internal
typedef void le_font;
* This function returns an le_engine capable of laying out text
* in the given font, script and langauge. Note that the LayoutEngine
* returned may be a subclass of LayoutEngine.
* @param font - the font of the text
* @param scriptCode - the script of the text
* @param languageCode - the language of the text
* @param typo_flags - flags that control layout features like kerning and ligatures.
* @param success - output parameter set to an error code if the operation fails
* @return an le_engine which can layout text in the given font.
* @internal
U_INTERNAL le_engine * U_EXPORT2
le_create(const le_font *font,
le_int32 scriptCode,
le_int32 languageCode,
le_int32 typo_flags,
LEErrorCode *success);
* This function closes the given LayoutEngine. After
* it returns, the le_engine is no longer valid.
* @param engine - the LayoutEngine to close.
* @internal
le_close(le_engine *engine);
* This routine will compute the glyph, character index and position arrays.
* @param engine - the LayoutEngine
* @param chars - the input character context
* @param offset - the offset of the first character to process
* @param count - the number of characters to process
* @param max - the number of characters in the input context
* @param rightToLeft - TRUE if the characers are in a right to left directional run
* @param x - the initial X position
* @param y - the initial Y position
* @param success - output parameter set to an error code if the operation fails
* @return the number of glyphs in the glyph array
* Note: The glyph, character index and position array can be accessed
* using the getter routines below.
* Note: If you call this function more than once, you must call the reset()
* function first to free the glyph, character index and position arrays
* allocated by the previous call.
* @internal
le_layoutChars(le_engine *engine,
const LEUnicode chars[],
le_int32 offset,
le_int32 count,
le_int32 max,
le_bool rightToLeft,
float x,
float y,
LEErrorCode *success);
* This function returns the number of glyphs in the glyph array. Note
* that the number of glyphs will be greater than or equal to the number
* of characters used to create the LayoutEngine.
* @param engine - the LayoutEngine
* @param success - output parameter set to an error code if the operation fails.
* @return the number of glyphs in the glyph array
* @internal
le_getGlyphCount(le_engine *engine,
LEErrorCode *success);
* This function copies the glyph array into a caller supplied array.
* The caller must ensure that the array is large enough to hold all
* the glyphs.
* @param engine - the LayoutEngine
* @param glyphs - the destiniation glyph array
* @param success - set to an error code if the operation fails
* @internal
le_getGlyphs(le_engine *engine,
LEGlyphID glyphs[],
LEErrorCode *success);
* This function copies the character index array into a caller supplied array.
* The caller must ensure that the array is large enough to hold a
* character index for each glyph.
* @param engine - the LayoutEngine
* @param charIndices - the destiniation character index array
* @param success - set to an error code if the operation fails
* @internal
le_getCharIndices(le_engine *engine,
le_int32 charIndices[],
LEErrorCode *success);
* This function copies the character index array into a caller supplied array.
* The caller must ensure that the array is large enough to hold a
* character index for each glyph.
* @param engine - the LayoutEngine
* @param charIndices - the destiniation character index array
* @param indexBase - an offset that will be added to each index.
* @param success - set to an error code if the operation fails
* @internal
le_getCharIndicesWithBase(le_engine *engine,
le_int32 charIndices[],
le_int32 indexBase,
LEErrorCode *success);
* This function copies the position array into a caller supplied array.
* The caller must ensure that the array is large enough to hold an
* X and Y position for each glyph, plus an extra X and Y for the
* advance of the last glyph.
* @param engine - the LayoutEngine
* @param positions - the destiniation position array
* @param success - set to an error code if the operation fails
* @internal
le_getGlyphPositions(le_engine *engine,
float positions[],
LEErrorCode *success);
* This function returns the X and Y position of the glyph at
* the given index.
* Input parameters:
* @param engine - the LayoutEngine
* @param glyphIndex - the index of the glyph
* Output parameters:
* @param x - the glyph's X position
* @param y - the glyph's Y position
* @param success - set to an error code if the operation fails
* @internal
le_getGlyphPosition(le_engine *engine,
le_int32 glyphIndex,
float *x,
float *y,
LEErrorCode *success);
* This function frees the glyph, character index and position arrays
* so that the LayoutEngine can be reused to layout a different
* characer array. (This function is also called by le_close)
* @param engine - the LayoutEngine
* @param success - set to an error code if the operation fails
* @internal
le_reset(le_engine *engine,
LEErrorCode *success);
#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* file name: appendable.h
* encoding: US-ASCII
* tab size: 8 (not used)
* indentation:4
* created on: 2010dec07
* created by: Markus W. Scherer
#ifndef __APPENDABLE_H__
#define __APPENDABLE_H__
* \file
* \brief C++ API: Appendable class: Sink for Unicode code points and 16-bit code units (UChars).
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/uobject.h"
class UnicodeString;
* Base class for objects to which Unicode characters and strings can be appended.
* Combines elements of Java Appendable and ICU4C ByteSink.
* This class can be used in APIs where it does not matter whether the actual destination is
* a UnicodeString, a UChar[] array, a UnicodeSet, or any other object
* that receives and processes characters and/or strings.
* Implementation classes must implement at least appendCodeUnit(UChar).
* The base class provides default implementations for the other methods.
* The methods do not take UErrorCode parameters.
* If an error occurs (e.g., out-of-memory),
* in addition to returning FALSE from failing operations,
* the implementation must prevent unexpected behavior (e.g., crashes)
* from further calls and should make the error condition available separately
* (e.g., store a UErrorCode, make/keep a UnicodeString bogus).
* @stable ICU 4.8
class U_COMMON_API Appendable : public UObject {
* Destructor.
* @stable ICU 4.8
* Appends a 16-bit code unit.
* @param c code unit
* @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
* @stable ICU 4.8
virtual UBool appendCodeUnit(UChar c) = 0;
* Appends a code point.
* The default implementation calls appendCodeUnit(UChar) once or twice.
* @param c code point 0..0x10ffff
* @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
* @stable ICU 4.8
virtual UBool appendCodePoint(UChar32 c);
* Appends a string.
* The default implementation calls appendCodeUnit(UChar) for each code unit.
* @param s string, must not be NULL if length!=0
* @param length string length, or -1 if NUL-terminated
* @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
* @stable ICU 4.8
virtual UBool appendString(const UChar *s, int32_t length);
* Tells the object that the caller is going to append roughly
* appendCapacity UChars. A subclass might use this to pre-allocate
* a larger buffer if necessary.
* The default implementation does nothing. (It always returns TRUE.)
* @param appendCapacity estimated number of UChars that will be appended
* @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
* @stable ICU 4.8
virtual UBool reserveAppendCapacity(int32_t appendCapacity);
* Returns a writable buffer for appending and writes the buffer's capacity to
* *resultCapacity. Guarantees *resultCapacity>=minCapacity.
* May return a pointer to the caller-owned scratch buffer which must have
* scratchCapacity>=minCapacity.
* The returned buffer is only valid until the next operation
* on this Appendable.
* After writing at most *resultCapacity UChars, call appendString() with the
* pointer returned from this function and the number of UChars written.
* Many appendString() implementations will avoid copying UChars if this function
* returned an internal buffer.
* Partial usage example:
* \code
* int32_t capacity;
* UChar* buffer = app.getAppendBuffer(..., &capacity);
* ... Write n UChars into buffer, with n <= capacity.
* app.appendString(buffer, n);
* \endcode
* In many implementations, that call to append will avoid copying UChars.
* If the Appendable allocates or reallocates an internal buffer, it should use
* the desiredCapacityHint if appropriate.
* If a caller cannot provide a reasonable guess at the desired capacity,
* it should pass desiredCapacityHint=0.
* If a non-scratch buffer is returned, the caller may only pass
* a prefix to it to appendString().
* That is, it is not correct to pass an interior pointer to appendString().
* The default implementation always returns the scratch buffer.
* @param minCapacity required minimum capacity of the returned buffer;
* must be non-negative
* @param desiredCapacityHint desired capacity of the returned buffer;
* must be non-negative
* @param scratch default caller-owned buffer
* @param scratchCapacity capacity of the scratch buffer
* @param resultCapacity pointer to an integer which will be set to the
* capacity of the returned buffer
* @return a buffer with *resultCapacity>=minCapacity
* @stable ICU 4.8
virtual UChar *getAppendBuffer(int32_t minCapacity,
int32_t desiredCapacityHint,
UChar *scratch, int32_t scratchCapacity,
int32_t *resultCapacity);
* An Appendable implementation which writes to a UnicodeString.
* This class is not intended for public subclassing.
* @stable ICU 4.8
class U_COMMON_API UnicodeStringAppendable : public Appendable {
* Aliases the UnicodeString (keeps its reference) for writing.
* @param s The UnicodeString to which this Appendable will write.
* @stable ICU 4.8
explicit UnicodeStringAppendable(UnicodeString &s) : str(s) {}
* Destructor.
* @stable ICU 4.8
* Appends a 16-bit code unit to the string.
* @param c code unit
* @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
* @stable ICU 4.8
virtual UBool appendCodeUnit(UChar c);
* Appends a code point to the string.
* @param c code point 0..0x10ffff
* @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
* @stable ICU 4.8
virtual UBool appendCodePoint(UChar32 c);
* Appends a string to the UnicodeString.
* @param s string, must not be NULL if length!=0
* @param length string length, or -1 if NUL-terminated
* @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
* @stable ICU 4.8
virtual UBool appendString(const UChar *s, int32_t length);
* Tells the UnicodeString that the caller is going to append roughly
* appendCapacity UChars.
* @param appendCapacity estimated number of UChars that will be appended
* @return TRUE if the operation succeeded
* @stable ICU 4.8
virtual UBool reserveAppendCapacity(int32_t appendCapacity);
* Returns a writable buffer for appending and writes the buffer's capacity to
* *resultCapacity. Guarantees *resultCapacity>=minCapacity.
* May return a pointer to the caller-owned scratch buffer which must have
* scratchCapacity>=minCapacity.
* The returned buffer is only valid until the next write operation
* on the UnicodeString.
* For details see Appendable::getAppendBuffer().
* @param minCapacity required minimum capacity of the returned buffer;
* must be non-negative
* @param desiredCapacityHint desired capacity of the returned buffer;
* must be non-negative
* @param scratch default caller-owned buffer
* @param scratchCapacity capacity of the scratch buffer
* @param resultCapacity pointer to an integer which will be set to the
* capacity of the returned buffer
* @return a buffer with *resultCapacity>=minCapacity
* @stable ICU 4.8
virtual UChar *getAppendBuffer(int32_t minCapacity,
int32_t desiredCapacityHint,
UChar *scratch, int32_t scratchCapacity,
int32_t *resultCapacity);
UnicodeString &str;
#endif // __APPENDABLE_H__
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006,2013 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.
* Date Name Description
* 12/1/99 rgillam Complete port from Java.
* 01/13/2000 helena Added UErrorCode to ctors.
#ifndef DBBI_H
#define DBBI_H
#include "unicode/rbbi.h"
* \file
* \brief C++ API: Dictionary Based Break Iterator
* An obsolete subclass of RuleBasedBreakIterator. Handling of dictionary-
* based break iteration has been folded into the base class. This class
* is deprecated as of ICU 3.6.
* @deprecated ICU 3.6
typedef RuleBasedBreakIterator DictionaryBasedBreakIterator;
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* file name: std_string.h
* encoding: US-ASCII
* tab size: 8 (not used)
* indentation:4
* created on: 2009feb19
* created by: Markus W. Scherer
#ifndef __STD_STRING_H__
#define __STD_STRING_H__
* \file
* \brief C++ API: Central ICU header for including the C++ standard &lt;string&gt;
* header and for related definitions.
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
namespace std { class type_info; } // WORKAROUND:
#include <string>
#endif // __STD_STRING_H__
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