Commit ad8ea254 authored by Sergey.Konovalov's avatar Sergey.Konovalov Committed by Alexander Trofimov

( FileConverter2

чтобы можно было убрать PdfWriter.dll на C#

git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@62727 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 4a312b61
......@@ -138,6 +138,11 @@ HRESULT CPdfWriterLib::SetAdditionalParam (CString ParamName, VARIANT ParamValue
std::wstring strFontDirectory = std::wstring( ParamValue.bstrVal );
else if ( _T("ThemesPlace") == sParamName && VT_BSTR == ParamValue.vt )
std::wstring strFontDirectory = std::wstring( ParamValue.bstrVal );
else if ( _T("WhiteBackImage") == sParamName && VT_BOOL == ParamValue.vt )
m_bIsWhiteBackImage = (ParamValue.boolVal == VARIANT_TRUE) ? true : false;
......@@ -3641,8 +3646,15 @@ void CPdfWriterLib::OnlineWordToPdfInternal(BYTE* dstArray, LONG len, const std:
} // while (curindex < len)
HRESULT CPdfWriterLib::OnlineWordToPdf (std::wstring sPathXml, std::wstring sDstFile, LONG nReg)
HRESULT CPdfWriterLib::OnlineWordToPdf(std::wstring sPathXml, std::wstring sDstFile, LONG nReg)
return OnlineWordToPdfExec(sPathXml, sDstFile, nReg, false);
HRESULT CPdfWriterLib::OnlineWordToPdfFromBinary(std::wstring sPathXml, std::wstring sDstFile, LONG nReg)
return OnlineWordToPdfExec(sPathXml, sDstFile, nReg, true);
HRESULT CPdfWriterLib::OnlineWordToPdfExec (std::wstring sPathXml, std::wstring sDstFile, LONG nReg, bool bBinary)
using namespace NOnlineOfficeBinToPdf;
......@@ -3684,46 +3696,21 @@ HRESULT CPdfWriterLib::OnlineWordToPdf (std::wstring sPathXml, std::wstring sDst
oFile.ReadFile(fileContent, dwFileSize);
// here we can to divide file into some lines of text (divided by '\n' symbol)
// -> std::vector<CStringA> asResFile;
// -> for (size_t nLine = 0; nLine < asResFile.size(); ++nLine)
int pos_end = 0;
int pos_start = 0 ;
while(pos_end < dwFileSize)
if (bBinary)
if (fileContent[pos_end] == '\n')
long line_length = pos_end - pos_start;
LPCSTR line_str = (LPCSTR)(fileContent + pos_start);
int len = Base64::Base64DecodeGetRequiredLength(line_length);
BYTE * dstArray = new BYTE[len + 64];
if (Base64::Base64Decode(line_str, line_length, dstArray, &len))
OnlineWordToPdfInternal(dstArray, len, sHtmlPlace, sHypers, nCountPages, sTempLogo, nReg);
pos_start = pos_end+1;
OnlineWordToPdfInternal(fileContent, dwFileSize, sHtmlPlace, sHypers, nCountPages, sTempLogo, nReg);
if (pos_start < pos_end)
long line_length = pos_end - pos_start;
LPCSTR line_str = (LPCSTR)(fileContent + pos_start);
//схема с разбивкой по 50 страниц убрана из js. теперь на входе всегда файл с одним base64
int len = Base64::Base64DecodeGetRequiredLength(dwFileSize);
BYTE * dstArray = new BYTE[len];
int len = Base64::Base64DecodeGetRequiredLength(line_length);
BYTE * dstArray = new BYTE[len + 64];
if (Base64::Base64Decode(line_str, line_length, dstArray, &len))
OnlineWordToPdfInternal(dstArray, len, sHtmlPlace, sHypers, nCountPages, sTempLogo, nReg);
if (Base64::Base64Decode((LPCSTR)fileContent, dwFileSize, dstArray, &len))
OnlineWordToPdfInternal(dstArray, len, sHtmlPlace, sHypers, nCountPages, sTempLogo, nReg);
sHypers += _T("</linker>");
if (!nReg)
......@@ -378,6 +378,8 @@ public:
HRESULT OnlineWordToPdf (std::wstring sPathXml, std::wstring sDstFile, LONG nReg);
HRESULT OnlineWordToPdfFromBinary (std::wstring sPathXml, std::wstring sDstFile, LONG nReg);
HRESULT OnlineWordToPdfExec (std::wstring sPathXml, std::wstring sDstFile, LONG nReg, bool bBinary);
void OnlineWordToPdfInternal (BYTE* dstArray, LONG len, const std::wstring& sHtmlPlace, std::wstring& sHypers, int& nCountPages, CString sTempLogo, LONG nReg);
......@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ HRESULT CPDFWriter::OnlineWordToPdf (BSTR sPathXml, BSTR sDstFile, BSTR sHtmlPla
return m_oPdfWriter->OnlineWordToPdf( std::wstring(sPathXml), std::wstring(sDstFile), nReg);
HRESULT CPDFWriter::OnlineWordToPdfFromBinary (BSTR sPathXml, BSTR sDstFile, BSTR sHtmlPlace, LONG nReg)
return m_oPdfWriter->OnlineWordToPdfFromBinary( std::wstring(sPathXml), std::wstring(sDstFile), nReg);
B// PDFWriter.h : Declaration of the CPDFWriter
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