Commit 612ff488 authored by Bryton Lacquement's avatar Bryton Lacquement 🚪

Fix the documentation

parent 4901356b
......@@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ This documentation is rudimentary.
## Apply "trace" fixers on the fly
* When importing modules:
from my2to3.trace import patch_imports
def is_whitelisted(fullname, path):
# This function is used to whitelist specific modules. This corresponds to
return True
......@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ This documentation is rudimentary.
from my2to3.trace import tracing_functions, apply_fixers
# `tracing_function` contains all the functions registered with
# `@register_tracing_function`. Add its content to the builtins (or
# equivalent) of the component to monkey-patch, e.g.:
# `tracing_functions` contains all the functions which trace data at runtime.
# Add its content to the builtins (or equivalent) of the component to
# monkey-patch, e.g.:
component_builtins.update({f.__name__: f for f in tracing_functions})
# `name` must be a unique name which represents the code to modify, to easily
# recognize it. In general, we use a filepath (or an equivalent). This is used
# by the fixers.
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