Commit 196a98b1 authored by Yoshinori Okuji's avatar Yoshinori Okuji
Browse files

Do not use hasattr, because hasattr drains exceptions.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent fe27aada
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -74,72 +74,76 @@ class SQLQueue(RAMQueue):
activity_tool.SQLQueue_delMessage(uid = m.uid)
def dequeueMessage(self, activity_tool, processing_node):
if hasattr(activity_tool,'SQLQueue_readMessageList'):
now_date = DateTime()
# Next processing date in case of error
next_processing_date = now_date + float(VALIDATION_ERROR_DELAY)/86400
priority = random.choice(priority_weight)
# Try to find a message at given priority level
result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readMessage(processing_node=processing_node, priority=priority,
if len(result) == 0:
# If empty, take any message
result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readMessage(processing_node=processing_node, priority=None,to_date=now_date)
if len(result) > 0:
line = result[0]
path = line.path
method_id = line.method_id
# Make sure message can not be processed anylonger
get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
m = self.loadMessage(line.message)
# Make sure object exists
validation_state = m.validate(self, activity_tool)
if validation_state is not VALID:
if validation_state in (EXCEPTION, INVALID_PATH):
if line.priority > MAX_PRIORITY:
# This is an error
activity_tool.SQLQueue_assignMessage(uid=line.uid, processing_node = VALIDATE_ERROR_STATE)
# Assign message back to 'error' state
#m.notifyUser(activity_tool) # Notify Error
get_transaction().commit() # and commit
# Lower priority
activity_tool.SQLQueue_setPriority(uid=line.uid, priority = line.priority + 1)
get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
readMessage = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLQueue_readMessage', None)
if readMessage is None:
return 1
now_date = DateTime()
# Next processing date in case of error
next_processing_date = now_date + float(VALIDATION_ERROR_DELAY)/86400
priority = random.choice(priority_weight)
# Try to find a message at given priority level
result = readMessage(processing_node=processing_node, priority=priority,
if len(result) == 0:
# If empty, take any message
result = readMessage(processing_node=processing_node, priority=None,to_date=now_date)
if len(result) > 0:
line = result[0]
path = line.path
method_id = line.method_id
# Make sure message can not be processed anylonger
get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
m = self.loadMessage(line.message)
# Make sure object exists
validation_state = m.validate(self, activity_tool)
if validation_state is not VALID:
if validation_state in (EXCEPTION, INVALID_PATH):
if line.priority > MAX_PRIORITY:
# This is an error
activity_tool.SQLQueue_assignMessage(uid=line.uid, processing_node = VALIDATE_ERROR_STATE)
# Assign message back to 'error' state
#m.notifyUser(activity_tool) # Notify Error
get_transaction().commit() # and commit
# We do not lower priority for INVALID_ORDER errors but we do postpone execution
activity_tool.SQLQueue_setPriority(uid = line.uid, date = next_processing_date,
priority = line.priority)
# Lower priority
activity_tool.SQLQueue_setPriority(uid=line.uid, priority = line.priority + 1)
get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
# Try to invoke
activity_tool.invoke(m) # Try to invoke the message - what happens if read conflict error restarts transaction ?
if m.is_executed: # Make sure message could be invoked
activity_tool.SQLQueue_delMessage(uid=line.uid) # Delete it
get_transaction().commit() # If successful, commit
# We do not lower priority for INVALID_ORDER errors but we do postpone execution
activity_tool.SQLQueue_setPriority(uid = line.uid, date = next_processing_date,
priority = line.priority)
get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
# Try to invoke
activity_tool.invoke(m) # Try to invoke the message - what happens if read conflict error restarts transaction ?
if m.is_executed: # Make sure message could be invoked
activity_tool.SQLQueue_delMessage(uid=line.uid) # Delete it
get_transaction().commit() # If successful, commit
get_transaction().abort() # If not, abort transaction and start a new one
if line.priority > MAX_PRIORITY:
# This is an error
activity_tool.SQLQueue_assignMessage(uid=line.uid, processing_node = INVOKE_ERROR_STATE)
# Assign message back to 'error' state
m.notifyUser(activity_tool) # Notify Error
get_transaction().commit() # and commit
get_transaction().abort() # If not, abort transaction and start a new one
if line.priority > MAX_PRIORITY:
# This is an error
activity_tool.SQLQueue_assignMessage(uid=line.uid, processing_node = INVOKE_ERROR_STATE)
# Assign message back to 'error' state
m.notifyUser(activity_tool) # Notify Error
get_transaction().commit() # and commit
# Lower priority
activity_tool.SQLQueue_setPriority(uid=line.uid, date = next_processing_date,
priority = line.priority + 1)
get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
return 0
get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
# Lower priority
activity_tool.SQLQueue_setPriority(uid=line.uid, date = next_processing_date,
priority = line.priority + 1)
get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
return 0
get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
return 1
def hasActivity(self, activity_tool, object, **kw):
if hasattr(activity_tool,'SQLQueue_readMessageList'):
hasMessage = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLQueue_hasMessage', None)
if hasMessage is not None:
if object is not None:
my_object_path = '/'.join(object.getPhysicalPath())
result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_hasMessage(path=my_object_path, **kw)
result = hasMessage(path=my_object_path, **kw)
if len(result) > 0:
return result[0].message_count > 0
......@@ -158,7 +162,8 @@ class SQLQueue(RAMQueue):
NOTE: commiting is very likely nonsenses here. We should just avoid to flush as much as possible
if hasattr(activity_tool,'SQLQueue_readMessageList'):
readMessageList = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLQueue_readMessageList', None)
if readMessageList is not None:
#return # Do nothing here to precent overlocking
path = '/'.join(object_path)
# Parse each message in registered
......@@ -168,7 +173,7 @@ class SQLQueue(RAMQueue):
activity_tool.unregisterMessage(self, m)
# Parse each message in SQL queue
#LOG('Flush', 0, str((path, invoke, method_id)))
result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readMessageList(path=path, method_id=method_id,processing_node=None)
result = readMessageList(path=path, method_id=method_id,processing_node=None)
#LOG('Flush', 0, str(len(result)))
method_dict = {}
for line in result:
......@@ -202,8 +207,9 @@ class SQLQueue(RAMQueue):
def getMessageList(self, activity_tool, processing_node=None,**kw):
message_list = []
if hasattr(activity_tool,'SQLQueue_readMessageList'):
result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None, processing_node=None)
readMessageList = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLQueue_readMessageList', None)
if readMessageList is not None:
result = readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None, processing_node=None)
for line in result:
m = self.loadMessage(line.message)
m.processing_node = line.processing_node
......@@ -214,17 +220,19 @@ class SQLQueue(RAMQueue):
def dumpMessageList(self, activity_tool):
# Dump all messages in the table.
message_list = []
if hasattr(activity_tool, 'SQLQueue_dumpMessageList'):
result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_dumpMessageList()
dumpMessageList = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLQueue_dumpMessageList', None)
if dumpMessageList is not None:
result = dumpMessageList()
for line in result:
m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid = line.uid)
return message_list
def distribute(self, activity_tool, node_count):
processing_node = 1
if hasattr(activity_tool,'SQLQueue_readMessageList'):
result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None, processing_node = -1) # Only assign non assigned messages
readMessageList = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLQueue_readMessageList', None)
if readMessageList is not None:
result = readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None, processing_node = -1) # Only assign non assigned messages
#LOG('distribute count',0,str(len(result)) )
#LOG('distribute count',0,str(map(lambda x:x.uid, result)))
#get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
......@@ -296,7 +304,7 @@ class SQLQueue(RAMQueue):
if result[0].uid_count > 0:
return VALID
def _validate_after_tag(self, activity_tool, message, value):
# Count number of occurances of tag
if type(value) == type(''):
......@@ -305,7 +313,7 @@ class SQLQueue(RAMQueue):
if result[0].uid_count > 0:
return VALID
def _validate_after_tag_and_method_id(self, activity_tool, message, value):
# Count number of occurances of tag and method_id
if (type(value) != type ( (0,) ) and type(value) != type([])) or len(value)<2:
......@@ -321,7 +329,7 @@ class SQLQueue(RAMQueue):
if result[0].uid_count > 0:
return VALID
# Required for tests (time shift)
def timeShift(self, activity_tool, delay, processing_node = None):
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