Commit 30b0e964 authored by Bryan Kaperick's avatar Bryan Kaperick

Revision history tests are passing as expected now.

parent adb69072
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
// Prepare to post the current doc as a deprecated version
previous_data = latest_data;
previous_data._deprecated = true;
previous_data._deprecated = "true";
previous_data._doc_id = id;
// Get most recent deprecated version's _revision attribute
......@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
.push(function (query_results) {
if (query_results.length > 0) {
var doc_id = query_results[0];
return this._sub_storage.get(doc_id);
if ( > 0) {
var doc_id =[0].id;
return substorage.get(doc_id);
throw new jIO.util.jIOError(
"bryanstorage: query returned no results.'",
......@@ -143,30 +143,16 @@
BryanStorage.prototype.hasCapacity = function () {
return this._sub_storage.hasCapacity.apply(this._sub_storage, arguments);
BryanStorage.prototype.allDocs = function (options) {
if (options === undefined) {
options = {};
console.log("options", options);
BryanStorage.prototype.buildQuery = function (options) {
if (options === undefined) {
options = {query: ""};
options.query = '(' + options.query + ') AND NOT (_deprecated = true)';
console.log("query string: ", options.query);
return this._sub_storage.allDocs.apply(this._sub_storage, options);
//return this._sub_storage.buildQuery.apply(this._sub_storage, options);
BryanStorage.prototype.buildQuery = function () {
if (options === undefined) {
options = {};
if (options.query !== "") {
options.query = "(" + options.query + ") AND ";
options.query = '(' + options.query + ') AND NOT (_deprecated = true)';
console.log("options", arguments);
return this._sub_storage.buildQuery.apply(this._sub_storage, arguments);
options.query = options.query + 'NOT (_deprecated: "true")';
return this._sub_storage.buildQuery(options);
jIO.addStorage('bryan', BryanStorage);
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