1. 17 Mar, 2023 15 commits
  2. 16 Mar, 2023 2 commits
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      Localizer,tests: fix translationContext that was working only in test · cbedc73e
      Jérome Perrin authored
      Test setup monkey-patched some function which we removed when merging
      Zope4 support. This function was used in translationContext, it was
      working fine in the tests, because the function was here thanks to the
      monkey-patch, but it failed with ImportError when used for real.
      This fixes the import to use the real getRequest and drop the patch to
      prevent similar problems.
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      accounting_l10n_fr: fix ValidDate computation for FEC · 4c608567
      Jérome Perrin authored
      According to https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/codes/article_lc/LEGIARTI000027804775/
      ValidDate is the date when the transaction was validated ( "16. La date
      de validation de l'écriture comptable"), this implementation was simply
      returning the modification date, which was not always correct, for
      example after causality state was recaculated.
      This keeps the `getModificationDate` fallback for cases where FEC is
      used with some non validated transactions, in order to keep compatibility
  3. 15 Mar, 2023 8 commits
  4. 13 Mar, 2023 1 commit
  5. 09 Mar, 2023 3 commits
  6. 08 Mar, 2023 4 commits
  7. 07 Mar, 2023 5 commits
  8. 06 Mar, 2023 2 commits
    • Gabriel Monnerat's avatar
      erp5_stripe: Use activity to store stripe session in ERP5 · ce9ec7b6
      Gabriel Monnerat authored
      Creating Stripe Payment Session and HTTP Exchange in the same transaction can raise conflict errors and when it happens, we already created the session on the Stripe side.
      With this, when this happens, we receive one useless webhook to inform that the session has expired.
      Also, batch_mode was removed because we only use it in tests. The tests were updated to use like in production.
      This change will probably avoid the issue below:
      2023-03-01 13:03:33,503 INFO Tracking queuing message: activity=SQLDict, object_path=/erp5/stripe_payment_session_module/20230301-1B990F0, method_id=immediateReindexObject, args=(), kw={}, activity_kw={'group_id': '', 'serialization_tag': '/erp5/stripe_payment_session_module/20230301-1B990F0', 'alternate_method_id': 'alternateReindexObject', 'group_method_id': 'portal_catalog/catalogObjectList'}, user_name=...
      2023-03-01 13:03:33,516 INFO Tracking queuing message: activity=SQLDict, object_path=/erp5/system_event_module/20230301-9DDE8DD8, method_id=immediateReindexObject, args=(), kw={}, activity_kw={'group_id': '', 'serialization_tag': '/erp5/system_event_module/20230301-9DDE8DD8', 'alternate_method_id': 'alternateReindexObject', 'group_method_id': 'portal_catalog/catalogObjectList'}, user_name=...
      2023-03-01 13:03:33,549 INFO ZPublisher.Conflict ReadConflictError at ......_startStripePaymentSession: database read conflict error (oid 0x06be91ef, serial this txn started with 0x03eec0ca6bdaf611 2023-03-01 10:50:25.278590, serial currently committed 0x03eec0d78f096a55 2023-03-01 11:03:33.524245) (12 conflicts (0 unresolved) since startup at Tue Jan 17 03:21:57 2023)
      2023-03-01 13:03:35,057 INFO Tracking queuing message: activity=SQLDict, object_path=/erp5/stripe_payment_session_module/20230301-1E233DB, method_id=immediateReindexObject, args=(), kw={}, activity_kw={'group_id': '', 'serialization_tag': '/erp5/stripe_payment_session_module/20230301-1E233DB', 'alternate_method_id': 'alternateReindexObject', 'group_method_id': 'portal_catalog/catalogObjectList'}, user_name=...
      2023-03-01 13:03:35,066 INFO Tracking queuing message: activity=SQLDict, object_path=/erp5/system_event_module/20230301-5C3B7E3, method_id=immediateReindexObject, args=(), kw={}, activity_kw={'group_id': '', 'serialization_tag': '/erp5/system_event_module/20230301-5C3B7E3', 'alternate_method_id': 'alternateReindexObject', 'group_method_id': 'portal_catalog/catalogObjectList'}, user_name=...
      See merge request nexedi/erp5!1747
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar