Commit 8cc525ba authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

Implement GIL-free socket API

parent 7ea35116
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ cdef extern from "<sys/types.h>" nogil:
cdef extern from "<sys/socket.h>" nogil:
cdef extern from "<sys/socket.h>" namespace "" nogil:
ctypedef long socklen_t
......@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ cdef extern from "<sys/socket.h>" nogil:
int socketpair(int, int, int, int [2])
cdef extern from "<unistd.h>" namespace "" nogil:
int close(int fd)
cdef extern from "<netdb.h>" nogil:
cimport stdlib._socket as _socket
from stdlib._string cimport string, move_string
from libc.string cimport memset, memcpy
from libc.errno cimport errno
from libc.string cimport memset, memcpy, strerror
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
from stdlib.string cimport Str
from libcythonplus.list cimport cyplist
......@@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ cdef cypclass Addrinfo:
self.sockaddr = sockaddr
cdef inline cyplist[Addrinfo] getaddrinfo(Str host, Str port, int family, int socktype, int protocol, int flags) nogil except NULL:
cdef inline cyplist[Addrinfo] getaddrinfo(Str host, Str port, int family=0, int socktype=0, int protocol=0, int flags=0) nogil except NULL:
cdef _socket.addrinfo hints
cdef _socket.addrinfo *ai
cdef _socket.addrinfo *p
......@@ -152,4 +154,190 @@ cdef inline cyplist[Addrinfo] getaddrinfo(Str host, Str port, int family, int so
return result
cdef cypclass Socket
cdef inline Socket socket(int family, int socktype, int protocol=0) nogil except NULL:
cdef int sockfd = _socket.socket(family, socktype, protocol)
if sockfd == -1:
with gil:
raise OSError('failed to open socket: ' + strerror(errno).decode())
s = Socket()
s.sockfd = sockfd = family
s.socktype = socktype
s.protocol = protocol
s.address = NULL
return s
cdef cypclass Socket:
int sockfd
int family
int socktype
int protocol
Sockaddr address
int setsockopt(self, int optname, int value) except -1:
cdef int status
status = _socket.setsockopt(self.sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, optname, &value, sizeof(value))
if status == -1:
with gil:
raise OSError('failed to set socket option: ' + strerror(errno).decode())
return status
int bind(self, Sockaddr address) except -1:
cdef int status
status = _socket.bind(self.sockfd, address.addr, address.addrlen)
if status == -1:
with gil:
raise OSError('failed to bind socket: ' + strerror(errno).decode())
self.address = address
return status
int connect(self, Sockaddr address) except -1:
cdef int status
status = _socket.connect(self.sockfd, address.addr, address.addrlen)
if status == -1:
with gil:
raise OSError('failed to connect socket: ' + strerror(errno).decode())
self.address = address
return status
int listen(self, int backlog) except -1:
cdef int status
status = _socket.listen(self.sockfd, backlog)
if status == -1:
with gil:
raise OSError('failed to listen to socket: ' + strerror(errno).decode())
return status
Socket accept(self) except NULL:
cdef _socket.sockaddr_storage addr
cdef _socket.socklen_t addrlen
cdef int status
cdef Socket socket
status = _socket.accept(self.sockfd, <_socket.sockaddr *> &addr, &addrlen)
if status == -1:
with gil:
raise OSError('failed to accept from socket: ' + strerror(errno).decode())
socket = Socket()
socket.sockfd = status =
socket.socktype = self.socktype
socket.protocol = self.protocol
socket.address = Sockaddr(<_socket.sockaddr *> &addr, addrlen)
return socket
int send(self, Str msg, int flags=0) except -1:
cdef int status
if msg is NULL:
with gil:
raise ValueError('cannot send NULL to socket')
status = _socket.send(self.sockfd, Str.to_c_str(msg), msg.__len__(), flags)
if status == -1:
with gil:
raise OSError('failed to send to socket: ' + strerror(errno).decode())
return status
int sendsubstr(self, Str msg, int flags=0, size_t start=0, size_t stop=0) except -1:
cdef int status
if msg is NULL:
with gil:
raise ValueError('cannot send NULL to socket')
end = msg.__len__()
if stop == 0:
stop = end
elif stop > end:
with gil:
raise ValueError('slice bounds out of range')
if start >= stop:
with gil:
raise ValueError('slice bounds out of order')
size = stop - start
status = _socket.send(self.sockfd, Str.to_c_str(msg) + start, size, flags)
if status == -1:
with gil:
raise OSError('failed to send to socket: ' + strerror(errno).decode())
return status
int sendall(self, Str msg, int flags=0) except -1:
cdef int sent = self.send(msg, flags)
cdef int size = msg.__len__()
while sent < size:
sent += self.sendsubstr(msg, flags, sent)
return sent
iso Str recv(self, int bufsize, int flags=0) except NULL:
cdef int status
# unnecessary zero-initialisation but unavoidable with C++<23 strings
cdef string buf = string(bufsize, <char> 0)
cdef iso Str result
status = _socket.recv(self.sockfd, &buf[0], bufsize, flags)
if status == -1:
with gil:
raise OSError('failed to recv from socket: ' + strerror(errno).decode())
#if status < bufsize:
# buf.shrink_to_fit()
result = new Str()
result._str = move_string(buf)
return consume result
iso Str recvinto(self, iso Str result, int bufsize, int flags=0) except NULL:
cdef int status
cdef int oldsize = result._str.size()
# unnecessary zero-initialisation but unavoidable with C++<23 strings
result._str.resize(oldsize + bufsize)
status = _socket.recv(self.sockfd, &(result._str[oldsize]), bufsize, flags)
if status == -1:
with gil:
raise OSError('failed to recv from socket: ' + strerror(errno).decode())
result._str.resize(oldsize + status)
# if status < bufsize:
# result._str.shrink_to_fit()
return consume result
iso Str recvuntil(self, Str sentinel, int bufsize, int flags=0) except NULL:
cdef size_t oldsize = 0
cdef Str result = self.recv(bufsize, flags)
cdef size_t newsize = result._str.size()
while not result.find(sentinel, oldsize):
oldsize = newsize
result = self.recvinto(consume result, bufsize, flags)
newsize = result._str.size()
if newsize == oldsize:
return consume result
iso Str recvall(self, int flags=0) except NULL:
cdef int bufsize = 96
cdef iso Str result = new Str()
result._str = string()
cdef size_t oldsize = result._str.size()
while True:
result = self.recvinto(consume result, bufsize, flags)
if result._str.size() == oldsize:
oldsize = result._str.size()
if bufsize < 4096:
bufsize = bufsize * 2
return consume result
int shutdown(self, int how) except -1:
cdef int status
status = _socket.shutdown(self.sockfd, how)
if status == -1:
with gil:
raise OSError('failed to shutdown socket: ' + strerror(errno).decode())
return status
int close(self) except -1:
cdef int status
status = _socket.close(self.sockfd)
if status == -1:
with gil:
raise OSError('failed to close socket: ' + strerror(errno).decode())
return status
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