Commit 1754bf81 authored by Julien Jerphanion's avatar Julien Jerphanion

Boils down to a simple example

The problem looks likely related to the
error handling with prange.
parent a8f04bcc
import kdtree
import numpy as np
from sklearn import neighbors
if __name__ == "__main__":
X = np.load("X.npy")
tree = kdtree.KDTree()
n_query = 10
k = 3
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
Y = rng.rand(n_query, X.shape[1])
knn_indices = np.zeros((n_query, k), dtype=np.int32)
knn_distances = np.zeros((n_query, k), dtype=np.float64)
tree.query(Y, knn_indices, knn_distances)
# print(knn_distances)
sktree = neighbors.KDTree(X, leaf_size=256)
knn_distances, knn_indices = sktree.query(Y, k=k, return_distance=True)
# print(knn_distances)
tree = kdtree.Clazz()
# distutils: language = c++
# cython: language_level = 3
cimport numpy as np
import numpy as np
from runtime.runtime cimport BatchMailBox, Scheduler
from libc.math cimport log2, fmax, fmin, fabs
from libc.stdio cimport printf
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free, exit
from openmp cimport omp_get_max_threads
from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref
from cython.parallel import prange
## Types declaration
ctypedef int I_t
ctypedef double D_t
cdef extern from "<sys/syscall.h>" nogil:
int SYS_gettid
long syscall(long)
# TODO (jjerphan): integrate this where needed once the
# compilation problem with Cython has been resolved
# TODO(jjerphan): debug without using any cypclass instances.
cpdef void prange_workaround(
KDTree tree,
I_t n_query,
I_t num_threads,
I_t n_features,
D_t * _query_points_ptr,
) nogil:
cdef void prange_workaround(Clazz instance) nogil:
D_t rdist_lower_bound = 0
I_t i
printf("prange_workaround: start\n")
for i in prange(10, schedule='static', num_threads=10):
printf("Inner method: %d\n", i)
printf("prange_workaround: end\n")
printf("pre-prange tid: %d\n", syscall(SYS_gettid))
for i in prange(n_query, schedule='static', num_threads=num_threads):
printf("i, tid: %d\n", syscall(SYS_gettid))
printf("%d / %d: start\n", i, n_query)
rdist_lower_bound = tree.min_rdist(0, _query_points_ptr + i * n_features)
# tree._query_single_depthfirst(0, _query_points_ptr, i, rdist_lower_bound)
printf("%d / %d: end\n", i, n_query)
printf("end prange\n")
cdef cypclass KDTree:
# Recursively building the tree here
# printf("Scheduler: starting\n")
# cdef lock Scheduler scheduler = Scheduler(omp_get_max_threads())
# printf("Scheduler: started\n")
# scheduler.finish()
printf("Scheduler: None\n")
void query(self,
np.ndarray query_points, # IN
np.ndarray knn_indices, # IN/OUT
np.ndarray knn_distances, # IN/OUT
I_t completed_queries = 0
I_t i
I_t n_query = query_points.shape[0]
I_t n_features = query_points.shape[1]
I_t n_neighbors = knn_indices.shape[1]
D_t * _query_points_ptr = <D_t *>
D_t rdist_lower_bound
I_t num_threads = omp_get_max_threads()
printf("Query: starting\n")
prange_workaround(self, n_query, num_threads, n_features, _query_points_ptr)
printf("Query: finished\n")
D_t min_rdist(
KDTree self,
I_t idx_node,
D_t* pt,
) except -1:
"""Compute the minimum reduced-distance between a point and a node"""
D_t d, d_lo, d_hi, node_min_j, node_max_j, rdist=0.0
I_t j
for j in range(10):
node_min_j = 0
node_max_j = 10
d_lo = node_min_j - pt[j]
d_hi = pt[j] - node_max_j
# We use the following identity:
# 0.5 * (x + abs(x)) = 0.5 * max(x, 0)
# twice.
d = 0.5 * ((d_lo + fabs(d_lo)) + (d_hi + fabs(d_hi)))
rdist += d ** 2
return rdist
cdef cypclass Clazz:
void outer_method(Clazz self):
printf("Outer method: start\n")
printf("Outer method: finish\n")
cdef public int main() nogil:
# Entry point for the compiled binary file
printf("empty public int main() nogil:")
return 0
# Exception handling with prange makes the
# execution block for some reasons.
double inner_method(Clazz self) except -1:
return 0.0
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