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Commit f99c2917 authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

software/theia: Add ERP5 resiliency tests

parent 28ace582
# Copyright (c) 2019 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import gzip
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
import time
import unittest
import requests
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin
from slapos.testing.testcase import installSoftwareUrlList
import test_resiliency
from test import SlapOSInstanceTestCase, theia_software_release_url
erp5_software_release_url = os.path.abspath(
os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'erp5', 'software.cfg'))
def setUpModule():
[theia_software_release_url, erp5_software_release_url],
debug=bool(int(os.environ.get('SLAPOS_TEST_DEBUG', 0))),
class ERP5Mixin(object):
_test_software_url = erp5_software_release_url
_connexion_parameters_regex = re.compile(r"{\s*'_'\s*:\s*'(.*)'\s*}")
def _getERP5ConnexionParameters(self, software_type='export'):
slapos = self._getSlapos(software_type)
out = subprocess.check_output(
(slapos, 'request', 'test_instance', self._test_software_url),
return json.loads(
def _getERP5Url(self, connexion_parameters, path=''):
return urljoin(connexion_parameters['family-default-v6'], path)
def _getERP5User(self, connexion_parameters):
return connexion_parameters['inituser-login']
def _getERP5Password(self, connexion_parameters):
return connexion_parameters['inituser-password']
def _waitERP5connected(self, url, user, password):
for _ in range(5):
resp = requests.get('%s/getId' % url, auth=(user, password), verify=False, allow_redirects=False)
except Exception:
if resp.status_code != 200:
else:'Failed to connect to ERP5')
self.assertEqual(resp.text, 'erp5')
def _getERP5Partition(self, servicename):
p = subprocess.Popen(
(self._getSlapos(), 'node', 'status'),
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
out, _ = p.communicate()
found = set()
for line in out.splitlines():
if servicename in line:
if not found:
raise Exception("ERP5 %s partition not found" % servicename)
elif len(found) > 1:
raise Exception("Found several partitions for ERP5 %s" % servicename)
return found.pop()
def _getERP5PartitionPath(self, software_type, servicename, *paths):
partition = self._getERP5Partition(servicename)
return self._getPartitionPath(
software_type, 'srv', 'runner', 'instance', partition, *paths)
class TestTheiaResilienceERP5(ERP5Mixin, test_resiliency.TestTheiaResilience):
test_instance_max_retries = 12
backup_max_tries = 480
backup_wait_interval = 60
def _prepareExport(self):
super(TestTheiaResilienceERP5, self)._prepareExport()
# Connect to erp5
info = self._getERP5ConnexionParameters()
user = self._getERP5User(info)
password = self._getERP5Password(info)
url = self._getERP5Url(info, 'erp5')
self._waitERP5connected(url, user, password)
# Change title
new_title = time.strftime("HelloTitle %a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time()))
requests.get('%s/portal_types/setTitle?value=%s' % (url, new_title), auth=(user, password), verify=False)
resp = requests.get('%s/portal_types/getTitle' % url, auth=(user, password), verify=False, allow_redirects=False)
self.assertEqual(resp.text, new_title)
self._erp5_new_title = new_title
# Wait until changes have been catalogued
mariadb_partition = self._getERP5PartitionPath('export', 'mariadb')
mysql_bin = os.path.join(mariadb_partition, 'bin', 'mysql')
wait_activities_script = os.path.join(
mariadb_partition, 'software_release', 'parts', 'erp5',
'Products', 'CMFActivity', 'bin', 'wait_activities')
subprocess.check_call((wait_activities_script, 'erp5'), env={'MYSQL': mysql_bin})
# Check that changes have been catalogued
output = subprocess.check_output((mysql_bin, 'erp5', '-e', 'SELECT title FROM catalog WHERE id="portal_types"'))
self.assertIn(new_title, output)
# Compute backup date in the near future
soon = ( + timedelta(minutes=4)).replace(second=0)
date = '*:%d:00' % soon.minute
params = '_={"zodb-zeo": {"backup-periodicity": "%s"}, "mariadb": {"backup-periodicity": "%s"} }' % (date, date)
# Update ERP5 parameters
print('Requesting ERP5 with parameters %s' % params)
slapos = self._getSlapos()
subprocess.check_call((slapos, 'request', 'test_instance', self._test_software_url, '--parameters', params))
# Process twice to propagate parameter changes
for _ in range(2):
subprocess.check_call((slapos, 'node', 'instance'))
# Restart cron (actually all) services to let them take the new date into account
# XXX this should not be required, updating ERP5 parameters should be enough, 'node', 'restart', 'all'))
# Wait until after the programmed backup date, and a bit more
t = (soon -
self.assertLess(0, t)
time.sleep(t + 120)
# Check that mariadb backup has started
mariadb_backup = os.path.join(mariadb_partition, 'srv', 'backup', 'mariadb-full')
mariadb_backup_dump, = os.listdir(mariadb_backup)
# Check that zodb backup has started
zodb_backup = self._getERP5PartitionPath('export', 'zeo', 'srv', 'backup', 'zodb', 'root')
self.assertEqual(len(os.listdir(zodb_backup)), 3)
# Check that mariadb catalog backup contains expected changes
with, mariadb_backup_dump)) as f:
self.assertIn(new_title,, "Mariadb catalog backup %s is not up to date" % mariadb_backup_dump)
def _checkTakeover(self):
super(TestTheiaResilienceERP5, self)._checkTakeover()
# Connect to erp5
info = self._getERP5ConnexionParameters()
user = self._getERP5User(info)
password = self._getERP5Password(info)
url = self._getERP5Url(info, 'erp5')
self._waitERP5connected(url, user, password)
resp = requests.get('%s/portal_types/getTitle' % url, auth=(user, password), verify=False, allow_redirects=False)
self.assertEqual(resp.text, self._erp5_new_title)
# Check that the mariadb catalog is not yet restored
mariadb_partition = self._getERP5PartitionPath('export', 'mariadb')
mysql_bin = os.path.join(mariadb_partition, 'bin', 'mysql')
query = 'SELECT title FROM catalog WHERE id="portal_types"'
out = subprocess.check_output((mysql_bin, 'erp5', '-e', query))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
out = ''
self.assertNotIn(self._erp5_new_title, out)
# Stop all services
slapos = self._getSlapos()
print("Stop all services"), 'node', 'stop', 'all'))
# Manually restore mariadb from backup
mariadb_restore_script = os.path.join(mariadb_partition, 'bin', 'restore-from-backup')
print("Restore mariadb from backup")
# Check that the test instance is properly redeployed after restoring mariadb
# This restarts the services and checks the promises of the test instance
# Process twice to propagate state change
for _ in range(2):
# Check that the mariadb catalog was properly restored
out = subprocess.check_output((mysql_bin, 'erp5', '-e', query))
self.assertIn(self._erp5_new_title, out, 'Mariadb catalog is not properly restored')
......@@ -324,6 +324,11 @@ class TestTheiaExportAndImportFailures(ExportAndImportMixin, ResilientTheiaTestC
class TestTheiaExportAndImport(ResilienceMixin, ExportAndImportMixin, ResilientTheiaTestCase):
def test_twice(self):
# Run two synchronisations on the same instances
# to make sure everything still works the second time
def checkLog(self, log_path, initial=[], newline="Hello"):
with open(log_path) as f:
log = f.readlines()
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