Commit 1a88ea50 authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

Doc updates

parent 0bf6ea5d
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -4734,11 +4734,22 @@ create <link>gecmd_create
<t>create rectangle <link>gecmd_create_rect
<t>create text <link>gecmd_create_text
<t>create subgraph <link>gecmd_create_subgraph
exit <link>gecmd_exit
group <link>gecmd_group
move <link>gecmd_move
<t>move currentobject <link>gecmd_move_currentobject
<t>move selectedobject <link>gecmd_move_selectedobject
new <link>gecmd_new
open <link>gecmd_open
quit <link>gecmd_quit
replace <link>gecmd_replace
rotate <link>gecmd_rotate
<t>rotate currentobject <link>gecmd_rotate_current
<t>rotate selectedobject <link>gecmd_rotate_selected
save <link>gecmd_save
scale <link>gecmd_scale
<t>scale currentobject <link>gecmd_scale_current
<t>scale selectedobject <link>gecmd_scale_selected
select <link>gecmd_select
<t>select currentobject <link>gecmd_select_currentobject
<t>select clear <link>gecmd_select_clear
......@@ -4773,16 +4784,6 @@ set <link>gecmd_set
<t>set currentobject attr2 <link>gecmd_set_current_attr1
<t>set currentobject annotation <link>gecmd_set_current_annotation
<t>set graphattributes <link>gecmd_set_graphattributes
rotate <link>gecmd_rotate
<t>rotate currentobject <link>gecmd_rotate_current
<t>rotate selectedobject <link>gecmd_rotate_selected
scale <link>gecmd_scale
<t>scale currentobject <link>gecmd_scale_current
<t>scale selectedobject <link>gecmd_scale_selected
save <link>gecmd_save
exit <link>gecmd_exit
quit <link>gecmd_quit
open <link>gecmd_open
show <link>gecmd_show
<t>show version <link>gecmd_show_version
......@@ -4915,6 +4916,16 @@ Create a subgraph object.
Save the current graph and close Ge.
<c>ge> exit ['filename']
<topic>gecmd_group <style>function
......@@ -4969,6 +4980,112 @@ new
Clear and reset the working area.
Open a graph.
<c>ge> open ['filename']
Close without save.
<c>ge> quit
replace attribute
String replacement in dynamic and action properties for selected objects.
<c>ge> replace attribute /from= /to= [/strict]
/from <t>String that is to be replaced.
/to <t>Replacement string.
/strict <t>Search of from string is case sensitive.
rotate currentobject
Rotates the current object around the center of the object.
<c>ge> rotate currentobject /angle=
/angle <t>Angle in degrees that the object is rotated.
rotate selectedobject
Rotates the selected object around the center of the object.
<c>ge> rotate selectedobject /angle=
/angle <t>Angle in degrees that the object is rotated.
Save a graph.
<c>ge> save ['filename']
scale currentobject
Scale the current object.
<c>ge> scale currentobject /scalex= /scaley= [/x= /y=]
/scalex <t>Scale factor in x direction.
/scaley <t>Scale factor in y direction.
/x <t>x coordinate for the reference point of the scaling.
/y <t>y coordinate for the reference point of the scaling.
scale selectedobject
Scale the selected object.
<c>ge> scale selectedobject /scalex= /scaley= [/x= /y=]
/scalex <t>Scalefactor in x direction.
/scaley <t>Scalefactor in y direction.
/x <t>x coordinate for the reference point of the scaling.
/y <t>y coordinate for the reference point of the scaling.
<topic>gecmd_select <style>function
......@@ -5347,108 +5464,6 @@ AnimationCount <t>Int
<c>ge> set graphattributes 'name' 'value'
rotate currentobject
Rotates the current object around the center of the object.
<c>ge> rotate currentobject /angle=
/angle <t>Angle in degrees that the object is rotated.
rotate selectedobject
Rotates the selected object around the center of the object.
<c>ge> rotate selectedobject /angle=
/angle <t>Angle in degrees that the object is rotated.
scale currentobject
Scale the current object.
<c>ge> scale currentobject /scalex= /scaley= [/x= /y=]
/scalex <t>Scale factor in x direction.
/scaley <t>Scale factor in y direction.
/x <t>x coordinate for the reference point of the scaling.
/y <t>y coordinate for the reference point of the scaling.
scale selectedobject
Scale the selected object.
<c>ge> scale selectedobject /scalex= /scaley= [/x= /y=]
/scalex <t>Scalefactor in x direction.
/scaley <t>Scalefactor in y direction.
/x <t>x coordinate for the reference point of the scaling.
/y <t>y coordinate for the reference point of the scaling.
Save a graph.
<c>ge> save ['filename']
Save the current graph and close Ge.
<c>ge> exit ['filename']
Close without save.
<c>ge> quit
Open a graph.
<c>ge> open ['filename']
......@@ -5503,6 +5518,7 @@ fgets <t>Read a line from a file.
fopen <t>Open a file.
fprintf <t>Formatted write to file.
fscanf <t>Formatted read from file.
translate_filename <t>Replace environment variables in a file name.
<h2>Handling of strings
<b>Function <t>Description
......@@ -5515,6 +5531,7 @@ strchr <t>Find the first occurrence of a character in a string.
strlen <t>The length of a string.
strrchr <t>Find the last occurrence of a character in a string.
strstr <t>Find the first occurrence of a character sequence in a string.
tolower <t>Convert a string to lower case.
toupper <t>Convert a string to upper case.
<h2>Database functions
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......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<h1> Designer's Guide
<h1> Process station
......@@ -370,17 +370,20 @@ Check the busnumber
<c>> echo $PWR_BUS_ID
If it is not correct, change the busnumber in /etc/proview.cnf
Check that the bootfile $pwrp_load/ld_boot_'nodename'_'busid'.dat exists with the correct bus number. If the busnumber in the name is not correct, change it in the directory volume.
Check that the bootfile $pwrp_load/ld_boot_'nodename'_'busid'.dat exists with the correct bus
number. If the busnumber in the name is not correct, change it in the directory volume.
<c>W Version mismatch for volume: ...
Usually a change is made in a classvolume, but the rootvolume for the node is not rebuilt.
Update the classes and build the rootvolume for the node.
If the volume is a Proview base volume, check that the installed pwrrt version corresponds to the version in the development environment
If the volume is a Proview base volume, check that the installed pwrrt version corresponds to
the version in the development environment
<c>> cat $pwr_exe/rt_version.dat
If this doesn't help, the versions for the loadfiles can be viewed with wb_ldlist in the development environment. Check the versions of the .dbs files on $pwrp_load
If this doesn't help, the versions for the loadfiles can be viewed with wb_ldlist in the
development environment. Check the versions of the .dbs files on $pwrp_load
<c>> wb_ldlist $pwrp_load/volsaturnus7.dbs
<c>Volume VolSaturnus7 13-FEB-2009 16:16:51.59 (1234538211,592936184) 65796
......@@ -391,7 +394,9 @@ If this doesn't help, the versions for the loadfiles can be viewed with wb_ldlis
<c>VolRef CVolSaturnus7 13-FEB-2009 16:09:38.61 (1234537778,610918602) 25372
<c>VolRef Profibus 09-OCT-2008 12:00:00.00 (1223546400,0) 64007
Here the volume rootvolume VolSaturnus7 references the class volume CVolSaturnus7. The time for CvolSaturnus7 has to equal the VolRef time. By listing the .dbs file for the classvolume we can compare the times.
Here the volume rootvolume VolSaturnus7 references the class volume CVolSaturnus7. The time for
CvolSaturnus7 has to equal the VolRef time. By listing the .dbs file for the classvolume we can
compare the times.
<c>> wb_ldlist $pwrp_load/cvolsaturnus7.dbs
<c>Volume CVolSaturnus7 22-APR-2009 08:12:08.22 (1240380728,222698031) 25372
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18.7 KB | W: | H:


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  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin

24.4 KB | W: | H:


28.5 KB | W: | H:

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6.53 KB | W: | H:


9.2 KB | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -4698,11 +4698,22 @@ create <link>gecmd_create
<t>create rectangle <link>gecmd_create_rect
<t>create text <link>gecmd_create_text
<t>create subgraph <link>gecmd_create_subgraph
exit <link>gecmd_exit
group <link>gecmd_group
move <link>gecmd_move
<t>move currentobject <link>gecmd_move_currentobject
<t>move selectedobject <link>gecmd_move_selectedobject
new <link>gecmd_new
open <link>gecmd_open
quit <link>gecmd_quit
replace <link>gecmd_replace
rotate <link>gecmd_rotate
<t>rotate currentobject <link>gecmd_rotate_current
<t>rotate selectedobject <link>gecmd_rotate_selected
save <link>gecmd_save
scale <link>gecmd_scale
<t>scale currentobject <link>gecmd_scale_current
<t>scale selectedobject <link>gecmd_scale_selected
select <link>gecmd_select
<t>select currentobject <link>gecmd_select_currentobject
<t>select clear <link>gecmd_select_clear
......@@ -4737,16 +4748,6 @@ set <link>gecmd_set
<t>set currentobject attr2 <link>gecmd_set_current_attr1
<t>set currentobject annotation <link>gecmd_set_current_annotation
<t>set graphattributes <link>gecmd_set_graphattributes
rotate <link>gecmd_rotate
<t>rotate currentobject <link>gecmd_rotate_current
<t>rotate selectedobject <link>gecmd_rotate_selected
scale <link>gecmd_scale
<t>scale currentobject <link>gecmd_scale_current
<t>scale selectedobject <link>gecmd_scale_selected
save <link>gecmd_save
exit <link>gecmd_exit
quit <link>gecmd_quit
open <link>gecmd_open
show <link>gecmd_show
<t>show version <link>gecmd_show_version
......@@ -4877,6 +4878,16 @@ Skapar ett subgraf-objekt.
Avsluta ge och spara aktuell graf först.
<c>ge> exit ['filename']
<topic>gecmd_group <style>function
......@@ -4927,6 +4938,112 @@ new
Rensar arbetsarean.
Öppna en graf.
<c>ge> open ['filename']
Avsluta utan att spara.
<c>ge> quit
replace attribute
Sträng utbyte i dynamic och actino för utvalda object.
<c>ge> replace attribute /from= /to= [/strict]
/from <t>Sträng som ska bytas ut.
/to <t>Ersättnings sträng.
/strict <t>Sökning efter 'from' sträng skiljer mellan stora och små bokstäver.
rotate currentobject
Roterar senast skapade objekt runt objektets mittpunkt.
<c>ge> rotate currentobject /angle=
/angle <t>Vinkel i grader som objektet ska roteras.
rotate selectedobject
Roterar utvalt objekt runt objektets mittpunkt.
<c>ge> rotate selectedobject /angle=
/angle <t>Vinkel i grader som objektet ska roteras.
Sparar en graf.
<c>ge> save ['filename']
scale currentobject
Skalar om senast skapade objekt.
<c>ge> scale currentobject /scalex= /scaley= [/x= /y=]
/scalex <t>Skalfaktor i x-led
/scaley <t>Skalfaktor i y-led.
/x <t>x-koordinat för skalningens referenspunkt.
/y <t>y-koordinat för skalningens referenspunkt.
scale selectedobject
Skalar om utvalt objekt.
<c>ge> scale selectedobject /scalex= /scaley= [/x= /y=]
/scalex <t>Skalfaktor i x-led
/scaley <t>Skalfaktor i y-led.
/x <t>x-koordinat för skalningens referenspunkt.
/y <t>y-koordinat för skalningens referenspunkt.
<topic>gecmd_select <style>function
......@@ -5305,108 +5422,6 @@ AnimationCount <t>Int
<c>ge> set graphattributes 'name' 'value'
rotate currentobject
Roterar senast skapade objekt runt objektets mittpunkt.
<c>ge> rotate currentobject /angle=
/angle <t>Vinkel i grader som objektet ska roteras.
rotate selectedobject
Roterar utvalt objekt runt objektets mittpunkt.
<c>ge> rotate selectedobject /angle=
/angle <t>Vinkel i grader som objektet ska roteras.
scale currentobject
Skalar om senast skapade objekt.
<c>ge> scale currentobject /scalex= /scaley= [/x= /y=]
/scalex <t>Skalfaktor i x-led
/scaley <t>Skalfaktor i y-led.
/x <t>x-koordinat för skalningens referenspunkt.
/y <t>y-koordinat för skalningens referenspunkt.
scale selectedobject
Skalar om utvalt objekt.
<c>ge> scale selectedobject /scalex= /scaley= [/x= /y=]
/scalex <t>Skalfaktor i x-led
/scaley <t>Skalfaktor i y-led.
/x <t>x-koordinat för skalningens referenspunkt.
/y <t>y-koordinat för skalningens referenspunkt.
Sparar en graf.
<c>ge> save ['filename']
Avsluta ge och spara aktuell graf först.
<c>ge> exit ['filename']
Avsluta utan att spara.
<c>ge> quit
Öppna en graf.
<c>ge> open ['filename']
......@@ -5461,6 +5476,7 @@ fgets <t>L
fopen <t>Öppna en fil
fprintf <t>Formaterad skrivning på fil
fscanf <t>Formaterad läsning frän fil
translate_filename <t>Byt ur miljövariabler i ett filnamn.
<h2>Hantering av strängar
<b>Funktion <t>Beskrivning
......@@ -5473,6 +5489,7 @@ strchr <t>Leta efter f
strlen <t>Längden av en sträng
strrchr <t>Leta efter sista förekomsten av ett tecken i en sträng
strstr <t>Leta efter första förekomsten av en teckensekvens i en sträng
tolower <t>Konvertera till gemener
toupper <t>Konvertera till versaler
<h2>Databas funktioner
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ static void usage()
printf( "Usage: co_convert -wxsoc -d target_directory source_files\n");
printf( " -w: Create html from wb_load-files\n");
printf( " -x: Create xtthelp from wb_load-filesfiles\n");
printf( " -x: Create xtthelp from wb_load-files\n");
printf( " -c: Create html files from c- and -h-files\n");
printf( " -s: Create h files from wb_load-files\n");
printf( " -so: Create one common h file from wb_load-files\n");
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! @Version 1.0
! @Group NodeConfiguration
! @Summary Configures the an application
! @Summary Configures an application
! Configures an application.
Object Application $ClassDef 363
......@@ -52,11 +52,18 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
Body SysBody
Attr StructName = "Application"
! Optional description.
Object Description $Attribute 1
Body SysBody
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80"
! Application index.
! Should be set by the application with a call to errh_Init().
Object Anix $Attribute 3
Body SysBody
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
......@@ -66,6 +73,13 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
Object DevBody $ObjBodyDef 2
! Build command. The command is executed when the node is built from
! the configurator. This is a way to ensure that the application is updated
! when the node is built. Example
! make --directory $pwrp_src/myappl -f makefile
Object BuildCmd $Attribute 2
Body SysBody
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80"
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ GeBuild Ge graph built. Built graph displayed in item.\n\
GeExport Ge graph exported to java. Exported graph displayed in item.\n\
UpdateClasses Classes updated.\n\
CreatePackage Distribution package created. Created package displayed in item.\n\
&CopyPackage Package distributed to process or operator station. Package displayed in item.\n\
CopyPackage Package distributed to process or operator station. Package displayed in item.\n\
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