Commit 1f11f164 authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

javadoc removed -Xdoclint

parent 6fcd9126
......@@ -179,6 +179,6 @@ exe : $(doc_dir)/en_us/jprm/index.html
$(doc_dir)/en_us/jprm/index.html :
@ echo "Generating javadoc for rt, jop and jopg"
@ if [ ! -e $(doc_dir)/en_us/jprm ]; then mkdir $(doc_dir)/en_us/jprm; fi
@ javadoc -Xdoclint:none -d $(doc_dir)/en_us/jprm $(pwre_sroot)/jpwr/rt/src/*.java $(pwre_sroot)/jpwr/jop/src/*.java $(pwre_sroot)/jpwr/jopg/src/*.java
@ javadoc -d $(doc_dir)/en_us/jprm $(pwre_sroot)/jpwr/rt/src/*.java $(pwre_sroot)/jpwr/jop/src/*.java $(pwre_sroot)/jpwr/jopg/src/*.java
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