Commit 2e107bd5 authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

Attribute flag DevHideValue added for password attributes

parent 7cb35204
......@@ -1342,6 +1342,7 @@ char *CnvReadWbl::flags_to_string( int value)
if ( value & pwr_mAdef_alwayswbl) strcat( str, "Alwayswbl|");
if ( value & pwr_mAdef_disableattr) strcat( str, "DisableAttr|");
if ( value & pwr_mAdef_rthide) strcat( str, "RtHide|");
if ( value & pwr_mAdef_devhidevalue) strcat( str, "DevHideValue|");
if ( str[strlen(str)-1] == '|')
str[strlen(str)-1] = 0;
return str;
......@@ -713,10 +713,12 @@ union pwr_m_Adef {
pwr_Bits( buffer , 1),
pwr_Bits( nowbl , 1),
pwr_Bits( alwayswbl , 1),
pwr_Bits( newattribute , 1),
pwr_Bits( fill_0 , 1),
pwr_Bits( disableattr , 1),
pwr_Bits( rthide , 1),
pwr_Bits( fill_1 , 8),,,,,,,
pwr_Bits( newattribute , 1),
pwr_Bits( devhidevalue , 1),
pwr_Bits( fill_1 , 6),,,,,
) b;
#define pwr_mAdef_pointer pwr_Bit(0) /* 1 */
......@@ -744,6 +746,7 @@ union pwr_m_Adef {
#define pwr_mAdef_disableattr pwr_Bit(22) /* Can be disabled */
#define pwr_mAdef_rthide pwr_Bit(23) /* Hide in runtime */
#define pwr_mAdef_newattribute pwr_Bit(24) /* New attribute */
#define pwr_mAdef_devhidevalue pwr_Bit(25) /* Hide in runtime */
#define PWR_MASK_POINTER pwr_mAdef_pointer
......@@ -772,6 +775,7 @@ union pwr_m_Adef {
#define PWR_MASK_DISABLEATTR pwr_mAdef_disableattr
#define PWR_MASK_RTHIDE pwr_mAdef_rthide
#define PWR_MASK_NEWATTRIBUTE pwr_mAdef_newattribute
#define PWR_MASK_DEVHIDEVALUE pwr_mAdef_devhidevalue
struct pwr_s_Param {
pwr_sParInfo Info pwr_dAlignLW;
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