Commit 30ba029d authored by claes's avatar claes

Open annotation without selecting the text

parent a3acc154
......@@ -3155,6 +3155,11 @@ void GeValueInput::get_attributes( attr_sItem *attrinfo, int *item_count)
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_Boolean;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( popup);
strcpy( attrinfo[i].name, "ValueInput.Unselect");
attrinfo[i].value = &unselect;
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_Boolean;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( unselect);
dyn->display_access = true;
*item_count = i;
......@@ -3166,6 +3171,7 @@ void GeValueInput::save( ofstream& fp)
fp << int(ge_eSave_ValueInput_max_value) << FSPACE << max_value << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_ValueInput_clear) << FSPACE << clear << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_ValueInput_popup) << FSPACE << popup << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_ValueInput_unselect) << FSPACE << unselect << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_End) << endl;
......@@ -3184,6 +3190,7 @@ void GeValueInput::open( ifstream& fp)
case ge_eSave_ValueInput_max_value: fp >> max_value; break;
case ge_eSave_ValueInput_clear: fp >> clear; break;
case ge_eSave_ValueInput_popup: fp >> popup; break;
case ge_eSave_ValueInput_unselect: fp >> unselect; break;
case ge_eSave_End: end_found = 1; break;
cout << "GeValueInput:open syntax error" << endl;
......@@ -3245,9 +3252,11 @@ int GeValueInput::action( grow_tObject object, glow_tEvent event)
if ( !grow_AnnotationInputIsOpen( object, 1)) {
// grow_CloseAnnotationInputAll( dyn->graph->grow->ctx);
if ( clear)
if ( clear)
grow_SetAnnotationBrief( object, 1, "", 0);
grow_OpenAnnotationInput( object, 1);
if ( unselect)
grow_SetAnnotationSelection( object, 0);
else {
......@@ -303,6 +303,7 @@ extern "C" {
ge_eSave_ValueInput_max_value = 1303,
ge_eSave_ValueInput_clear = 1304,
ge_eSave_ValueInput_popup = 1305,
ge_eSave_ValueInput_unselect = 1306,
ge_eSave_Rotate_attribute = 1400,
ge_eSave_Rotate_x0 = 1401,
ge_eSave_Rotate_y0 = 1402,
......@@ -1087,7 +1088,8 @@ class GeValueInput : public GeDynElem {
double max_value; //!< Maximum value for input.
int clear; //!< Clear input field it is when opened.
int popup; //!< Input in popup dialog.
int unselect; //!< Text not selected in input field when opened.
int annot_typeid;
int annot_size;
GeValue *value_element;
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