Commit 32482d8e authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

Wb change of header in some generated files

parent aa8f94ed
......@@ -589,9 +589,21 @@ pwrc_create_func()
echo "`date +%F` $USER Project created" >> $sysinfo
# Create local setup script
revtxt="`date +%F` $USER File created"
cat > $proot/src/login/ << EOF
#! /bin/bash
# Description
# Project login script.
# This script is executed when the project is attached, and contains
# settings for the development environment.
# Revision history
# $revtxt
# Local setup
# Printer command for plc documents
......@@ -611,6 +623,18 @@ EOF
# Create a xtt_help.dat
cat > $proot/src/cnf/xtt_help.dat << EOF
# File \$pwrp_cnf/xtt_help.dat
# Description
# This file contains help topics that can be displayed in the Proview help browser.
# For more information see Designers Guide, chapter Helpfile.
# Revision history
# $revtxt
<topic> index
<image> pwr_logga.gif
......@@ -17279,6 +17279,9 @@ static int gcg_check_ra_plc_user(
pwr_tFileName found_file;
pwr_tStatus sts;
unsigned long search_ctx;
char date[40];
char user[80];
pwr_tTime current_time;
search_ctx = 0;
sts = dcli_search_file( filename, found_file, DCLI_DIR_SEARCH_INIT);
......@@ -17290,11 +17293,21 @@ static int gcg_check_ra_plc_user(
if ( checkfile == 0)
fprintf( checkfile, "/* Filename: $pwrp_inc/ra_plc_user.h */\n\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "/* This file is included by the plc code generated from the plc windows. */\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "/* Includefiles for classvolumes with classes referenced by the */\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "/* plc program should be inserted here. Also declarations of types and */\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "/* functions used in arithm code can be inserted. */\n\n");
time_GetTime( &current_time);
sts = time_AtoAscii( &current_time, time_eFormat_NumDateAndTime, date, sizeof(date));
date[10] = 0;
sts = syi_UserName( user, sizeof(user));
fprintf( checkfile, "/* File $pwrp_inc/ra_plc_user.h\n\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " * Description\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " * This file is included by the plc code generated from the plc windows.\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " * Includefiles for classvolumes with classes referenced by the\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " * plc program should be inserted here. Also declarations of types and\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " * functions used in arithm code can be inserted.\n\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " * Revision history\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " * %s %s Project created\n", date, user);
fprintf( checkfile, " */\n\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "#include \"pwr_nmpsclasses.h\"\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "#include \"pwr_remoteclasses.h\"\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "#include \"pwr_profibusclasses.h\"\n");
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