Commit 39bfb511 authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

rt_report bugfix for several concurrent reports, target file wasn't used

parent 1554195f
No related merge requests found
......@@ -501,6 +501,7 @@ void rt_report::create_report( pwr_sClass_Report *o)
if ( o->Media & pwr_mReportMediaMask_Printer) {
// Convert to postscript
pwr_tCmd cmd;
pwr_tFileName target_file;
sprintf( cmd, "co_convert -n -d %s %s",
"$pwrp_lis", tmpfile);
......@@ -508,12 +509,20 @@ void rt_report::create_report( pwr_sClass_Report *o)
strcpy( cnvfile, "$pwrp_lis/");
if ( strcmp( o->TargetFile, "") != 0) {
strcpy( target_file, o->TargetFile);
snprintf( cmd, sizeof(cmd), "mv %s %s", cnvfile, target_file);
system( cmd);
strcpy( target_file, cnvfile);
dcli_trim( conf_cmd, o->PrintCmd);
if ( strcmp( conf_cmd, "") == 0)
strncpy( conf_cmd, conf->PrintCmd, sizeof(conf_cmd));
format_cmd( cmd, sizeof(cmd), conf_cmd, 0, 0, 0,
cnvfile, 0);
target_file, 0);
if (conf->Options & pwr_mPostOptionsMask_Log)
errh_Info( "Print: %s", cmd);
......@@ -928,7 +937,7 @@ int rt_report::parse( char *line)
if ( !fout)
return 0;
fout << "open graph /hide " << line_array[2] << endl;
fout << "open graph " << line_array[2] << endl; // Should be with /hide but it sometimes doesn't work...
fout << "wait 2 " << endl;
fout << "export graph /graph=" << line_array[2] << " /file=\"" << line_array[3] << "\"" << endl;
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