Commit 48e7ffa0 authored by Marcus Nordenberg's avatar Marcus Nordenberg Committed by Claes Sjöfors

Profinet Configurator fix

Properly set the unsigned/signed 8bit values
parent a655c424
......@@ -2461,12 +2461,12 @@ int pn_gsdml::string_to_datavalue(gsdml_eValueDataType datatype, void* value,
case gsdml_eValueDataType_Integer8:
if (sscanf(str, "%hhd", (char*)value) != 1)
return PB__SYNTAX;
value_reversed_endianess = value;
*(char*)value_reversed_endianess = *(char*)value;
case gsdml_eValueDataType_Unsigned8:
if (sscanf(str, "%hhu", (unsigned char*)value) != 1)
return PB__SYNTAX;
value_reversed_endianess = value;
*(unsigned char*)value_reversed_endianess = *(unsigned char*)value;
case gsdml_eValueDataType_Integer16:
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