Commit 5e9474b6 authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

Ge rotation of texts in java export

parent 981fa508
......@@ -2863,7 +2863,8 @@ void GlowExportJBean::arc( double x0, double y0, double width, double height,
void GlowExportJBean::text( int x0, int y0, char *text,
glow_eDrawType drawtype, glow_eDrawType color_drawtype, int bold,
int idx, glow_eExportPass pass, int *shape_cnt, int node_cnt, ofstream& fp)
int idx, int rotate, glow_eExportPass pass, int *shape_cnt, int node_cnt,
ofstream& fp)
double dim_x0, dim_x1, dim_y0, dim_y1;
......@@ -2908,6 +2909,29 @@ void GlowExportJBean::text( int x0, int y0, char *text,
// " g.setColor(;" << endl <<
" g.setFont(new Font(\"Helvetica\", Font." << bold_str << ", " <<
text_size << "));" << endl;
if ( 45.0 <= rotate && rotate < 135.0) {
fp <<
" save_tmp = g.getTransform();" << endl <<
" g.rotate( - Math.PI * 3/ 2," <<
x0 - int(dim_x0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << ", " <<
y0 - int(dim_y0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << ");" << endl;
else if ( 135.0 <= rotate && rotate < 225.0) {
fp <<
" save_tmp = g.getTransform();" << endl <<
" g.rotate( - Math.PI," <<
x0 - int(dim_x0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << ", " <<
y0 - int(dim_y0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << ");" << endl;
else if ( 225.0 <= rotate && rotate < 315.0) {
fp <<
" save_tmp = g.getTransform();" << endl <<
" g.rotate( - Math.PI / 2," <<
x0 - int(dim_x0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << ", " <<
y0 - int(dim_y0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << ");" << endl;
if ( ((GrowCtx *)ctx)->translate_on)
fp <<
" g.drawString( JopLang.transl(\"" << str_cnv( text) << "\")," <<
......@@ -2918,6 +2942,12 @@ void GlowExportJBean::text( int x0, int y0, char *text,
" g.drawString( \"" << str_cnv( text) << "\"," <<
x0 - int(dim_x0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << ", " <<
y0 - int(dim_y0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << ");" << endl;
if ( 45.0 <= rotate && rotate < 315.0) {
fp <<
" g.setTransform( save_tmp);" << endl;
......@@ -3014,6 +3044,8 @@ void GlowExportJBean::annot( int x0, int y0, int number,
case glow_eExportPass_Draw:
char adjustmentstr[200];
char adjustmentstr_vert[200];
char adjustmentstr_horiz[200];
switch ( adjustment) {
case glow_eAdjustment_Right:
if ( !frc_created) {
......@@ -3029,7 +3061,8 @@ void GlowExportJBean::annot( int x0, int y0, int number,
fp <<
" FontRenderContext frc = g.getFontRenderContext();" << endl;
sprintf( adjustmentstr, "- (float)g.getFont().getStringBounds(annot%d, frc).getWidth()/2", number);
sprintf( adjustmentstr_vert, "- (float)g.getFont().getStringBounds(annot%d, frc).getWidth()/2", number);
sprintf( adjustmentstr_horiz, "- (float)g.getFont().getStringBounds(annot%d, frc).getWidth()/2", number);
strcpy( adjustmentstr, "");
......@@ -3044,25 +3077,74 @@ void GlowExportJBean::annot( int x0, int y0, int number,
//" g.setColor(;" << endl <<
" g.setFont( annot" << number << "Font);" << endl <<
" save_tmp = g.getTransform();" << endl;
if ( antialiasing_on)
fp <<
if ( antialiasing_on) {
if ( adjustment == glow_eAdjustment_Center) {
fp <<
" if ( (45.0 <= rotate && rotate < 135.0) || (225.0 <= rotate && rotate < 315.0)) {" << endl <<
" g.transform( AffineTransform.getScaleInstance( original_height/width *" << endl <<
" height/original_width * 0.75, 1));" << endl <<
" if ( annot" << number << " != null)" << endl <<
" g.drawString( annot" << number << ", " <<
x0 - int(dim_x0) + glow_cJBean_Offset <<
" * original_height / width * height / original_width" << adjustmentstr_vert << ", " <<
y0 - int(dim_y0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << "F);" << endl <<
" }" << endl <<
" else {" << endl <<
" g.transform( AffineTransform.getScaleInstance( original_width/width *" << endl <<
" height/original_height * 0.75, 1));" << endl <<
" if ( annot" << number << " != null)" << endl <<
" g.drawString( annot" << number << ", " <<
x0 - int(dim_x0) + glow_cJBean_Offset <<
" * original_height / height * width / original_width" << adjustmentstr_horiz << ", " <<
y0 - int(dim_y0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << "F);" << endl <<
" }" << endl;
else {
fp <<
" g.transform( AffineTransform.getScaleInstance( original_width/width *" << endl <<
" height/original_height * 0.75, 1));" << endl <<
" if ( annot" << number << " != null)" << endl <<
" g.drawString( annot" << number << ", " <<
x0 - int(dim_x0) + glow_cJBean_Offset <<
" * original_height / height * width / original_width" << adjustmentstr << ", " <<
y0 - int(dim_y0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << "F);" << endl;
fp <<
x0 - int(dim_x0) + glow_cJBean_Offset <<
" * original_height / height * width / original_width" << adjustmentstr << ", " <<
y0 - int(dim_y0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << "F);" << endl;
else {
if ( adjustment == glow_eAdjustment_Center) {
fp <<
" if ( (45.0 <= rotate && rotate < 135.0) || (225.0 <= rotate && rotate < 315.0)) {" << endl <<
" g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF);" << endl <<
" g.transform( AffineTransform.getScaleInstance( original_width/height *" << endl <<
" width/original_height, 1));" << endl <<
" if ( annot" << number << " != null)" << endl <<
" g.drawString( annot" << number << ", " <<
x0 - int(dim_x0) + glow_cJBean_Offset <<
" * original_height / width * height / original_width" << adjustmentstr_vert << ", " <<
y0 - int(dim_y0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << "F);" << endl <<
" } else {" << endl <<
" g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF);" << endl <<
" g.transform( AffineTransform.getScaleInstance( original_width/width *" << endl <<
" height/original_height, 1));" << endl <<
" if ( annot" << number << " != null)" << endl <<
" g.drawString( annot" << number << ", " <<
x0 - int(dim_x0) + glow_cJBean_Offset <<
" * original_height / height * width / original_width" << adjustmentstr_horiz << ", " <<
y0 - int(dim_y0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << "F);" << endl <<
" }" << endl;
else {
fp <<
" g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF);" << endl <<
" g.transform( AffineTransform.getScaleInstance( original_width/width *" << endl <<
" height/original_height, 1));" << endl <<
" if ( annot" << number << " != null)" << endl <<
" g.drawString( annot" << number << ", " <<
x0 - int(dim_x0) + glow_cJBean_Offset <<
" * original_height / height * width / original_width" << adjustmentstr << ", " <<
y0 - int(dim_y0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << "F);" << endl;
x0 - int(dim_x0) + glow_cJBean_Offset <<
" * original_height / height * width / original_width" << adjustmentstr << ", " <<
y0 - int(dim_y0) + glow_cJBean_Offset << "F);" << endl;
fp <<
" g.setTransform( save_tmp);" << endl;
......@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ class GlowExportJBean {
glow_eExportPass pass, int *shape_cnt, int node_cnt, ofstream& fp);
void text( int x0, int y0, char *text,
glow_eDrawType drawtype, glow_eDrawType color_drawtype, int bold,
int idx, glow_eExportPass pass, int *shape_cnt, int node_cnt, ofstream& fp);
int idx, int rotate, glow_eExportPass pass, int *shape_cnt, int node_cnt,
ofstream& fp);
void annot( int x0, int y0, int number,
glow_eDrawType drawtype, glow_eDrawType text_drawtype, int bold,
glow_eAdjustment adjustment, int idx, glow_eExportPass pass,
......@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ void GrowText::draw( GlowWind *w, GlowTransform *t, int highlight, int hot, voi
if ( strcmp( text, "")) {
if ( highl || (hot && !node) || adjustment != glow_eAdjustment_Left) {
ctx->gdraw->get_text_extent( text, strlen(text), ldraw_type, max( 0, idx), lfont,
ctx->gdraw->get_text_extent( text, strlen(text), ldraw_type, max( 0, idx), lfont,
&z_width, &z_height, &z_descent, tsize, rot);
switch ( adjustment) {
case glow_eAdjustment_Left:
......@@ -1026,24 +1026,75 @@ void GrowText::export_javabean( GlowTransform *t, void *node,
glow_eExportPass pass, int *shape_cnt, int node_cnt, int in_nc, ofstream &fp)
int x1, y1;
int z_width, z_height, z_descent;
int rot;
int bold;
double trf_scale = trf.vertical_scale( t);
int idx = int( trf_scale * ctx->mw.zoom_factor_y / ctx->mw.base_zoom_factor * (text_size +4) - 4);
idx = min( idx, DRAW_TYPE_SIZE-1);
double tsize = trf_scale * ctx->mw.zoom_factor_y / ctx->mw.base_zoom_factor * (8+2*text_size);
glow_eFont lfont;
glow_eDrawType ldraw_type;
if ( node && ((GrowNode *)node)->text_font != glow_eFont_No) {
lfont = ((GrowNode *)node)->text_font;
ldraw_type = ((GrowNode *)node)->text_type;
else {
lfont = font;
ldraw_type = draw_type;
if (!t) {
x1 = int( trf.x( p.x, p.y) * ctx->mw.zoom_factor_x) - ctx->mw.offset_x;
y1 = int( trf.y( p.x, p.y) * ctx->mw.zoom_factor_y) - ctx->mw.offset_y;
rot = (int) trf.rot();
else {
x1 = int( trf.x( t, p.x, p.y) * ctx->mw.zoom_factor_x) - ctx->mw.offset_x;
y1 = int( trf.y( t, p.x, p.y) * ctx->mw.zoom_factor_y) - ctx->mw.offset_y;
rot = (int) trf.rot( t);
if ( adjustment == glow_eAdjustment_Center)
rot = rot < 0 ? rot % 360 + 360 : rot % 360;
rot = 0;
ctx->gdraw->get_text_extent( text, strlen(text), ldraw_type, max( 0, idx), lfont,
&z_width, &z_height, &z_descent, tsize, rot);
switch ( adjustment) {
case glow_eAdjustment_Left:
case glow_eAdjustment_Right:
x1 -= z_width;
case glow_eAdjustment_Center:
switch ( rot) {
case 90:
x1 -= z_width / 2 - z_descent;
y1 -= z_height / 2;
case 270:
x1 += z_width / 2 - z_descent;
y1 += z_height / 2;
case 180:
x1 += z_width / 2;
y1 -= z_height / 2 - z_descent;
x1 -= z_width / 2;
y1 += z_height / 2 - z_descent;
bold = (draw_type == glow_eDrawType_TextHelveticaBold);
ctx->export_jbean->text( x1, y1, text,
draw_type, color_drawtype, bold, idx, pass, shape_cnt, node_cnt, fp);
draw_type, color_drawtype, bold, idx, rot,
pass, shape_cnt, node_cnt, fp);
void GrowText::flip( double x0, double y0, glow_eFlipDirection dir)
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