Commit 6dc0ef8e authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

Distributor, package temporary build directory moved from /home/claes/tmp to /tmp

parent d2bb7069
......@@ -31,6 +31,17 @@
#include "rt_load.h"
#include "wb_log.h"
static unsigned int pkg_random()
pwr_tTime t;
time_GetTime( &t);
int itime = t.tv_nsec + t.tv_sec % 10000;
srand( itime);
return (unsigned int)((double) rand() / ((double) RAND_MAX + 1) * 999999);
wb_pkg::wb_pkg( char *nodelist, bool distribute, bool config_only)
if ( nodelist) {
......@@ -372,6 +383,10 @@ void pkg_node::fetchFiles( bool distribute)
char pack_fname[200];
char fname[200];
// Get temporary directory
sprintf( m_tmpdir, "/tmp/pwrpkg%06u", pkg_random());
sprintf( m_blddir, "%s/pkg_build", m_tmpdir);
// Add volumes to pattern
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)m_volumelist.size(); i++) {
if ( !m_volumelist[i].m_isSystem) {
......@@ -447,26 +462,29 @@ void pkg_node::fetchFiles( bool distribute)
char pkg_name[80];
sprintf( pkg_name, load_cNamePkg, m_name, version);
dcli_translate_filename( pack_fname, "$pwrp_tmp/");
sprintf( pack_fname, "$pwrp_tmp/", m_name);
dcli_translate_filename( pack_fname, pack_fname);
ofstream of( pack_fname);
of <<
"if [ ! -e $pwrp_tmp/pkg_build ]; then" << endl <<
" mkdir $pwrp_tmp/pkg_build" << endl <<
"else" << endl <<
" rm -r $pwrp_tmp/pkg_build/*.flw" << endl <<
" rm -r $pwrp_tmp/pkg_build/*" << endl <<
// " find $pwrp_tmp/pkg_build -name \"*\" | xargs rm -r" << endl <<
"fi" << endl;
"if [ -e " << m_tmpdir << " ]; then" << endl <<
" rm -r " << m_tmpdir << endl <<
"fi" << endl <<
"mkdir " << m_tmpdir << endl <<
"mkdir " << m_blddir << endl;
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)m_filelist.size(); i++)
of <<
"cp " << m_filelist[i].m_source << " $pwrp_tmp/pkg_build/" << m_filelist[i].m_arname << endl;
"cp " << m_filelist[i].m_source << " " << m_blddir << "/" << m_filelist[i].m_arname << endl;
of <<
"#mv $pwrp_tmp/ $pwrp_tmp/pkg_build" << endl <<
"cd $pwrp_tmp" << endl <<
"tar -czf $pwrp_load/" << pkg_name << " pwr_pkg.dat pkg_build" << endl;
"cp $pwrp_tmp/pkg_unpack_" << m_name << ".sh " << m_tmpdir << "/" << endl <<
"cp $pwrp_tmp/pwr_pkg_" << m_name << ".dat " << m_tmpdir << "/pwr_pkg.dat" << endl <<
"cd " << m_tmpdir << endl <<
"tar -czf $pwrp_load/" << pkg_name << " pwr_pkg.dat pkg_build" << endl <<
"rm -r " << m_tmpdir << endl;
#if 0
if ( distribute)
......@@ -483,7 +501,8 @@ void pkg_node::fetchFiles( bool distribute)
// Create a script that unpackes the archive and moves files to the target directories
dcli_translate_filename( fname, "$pwrp_tmp/");
sprintf( fname, "$pwrp_tmp/", m_name);
dcli_translate_filename( fname, fname);
ofstream ofu( fname);
if ( !ofu)
throw wb_error_str("Unable to open file");
......@@ -550,7 +569,8 @@ void pkg_node::fetchFiles( bool distribute)
// Create a data file with description and all installed files
dcli_translate_filename( fname, "$pwrp_tmp/pwr_pkg.dat");
sprintf( fname, "$pwrp_tmp/pwr_pkg_%s.dat", m_name);
dcli_translate_filename( fname, fname);
ofstream ofd( fname);
if ( !ofd)
throw wb_error_str("Unable to open file");
......@@ -620,7 +640,9 @@ void pkg_node::copyPackage( char *pkg_name)
for ( int i = 0; i < bootnode_cnt; i++) {
dcli_translate_filename( pack_fname, "$pwrp_tmp/");
sprintf( pack_fname, "$pwrp_tmp/", m_name);
dcli_translate_filename( pack_fname, pack_fname);
ofstream of( pack_fname);
if ( m_dstatus & lfu_mDistrOpt_RSH) {
// Use ftp and rsh
......@@ -117,6 +117,8 @@ class pkg_node {
int m_warnings;
char m_user[80];
char m_custom_platform[80];
char m_tmpdir[80];
char m_blddir[80];
pkg_node( char *name): m_opsys(pwr_mOpSys__), m_bus(0),
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