Commit c95ab918 authored by claes's avatar claes

Restart events handled, and improved error handling

parent c9ba6c31
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* Proview $Id: rt_sevhistmon.h,v 1.4 2008-10-31 12:51:30 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: rt_sevhistmon.h,v 1.5 2008-11-24 15:21:33 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -44,24 +44,33 @@ class sev_sevhist {
class sev_sevhistthread {
pwr_tOid oid;
pwr_tFloat32 scantime;
char nodename[80];
pwr_tNid nid;
unsigned int size;
sev_sevhistthread() : configerror(0) {}
pwr_tOid oid;
pwr_tFloat32 scantime;
char nodename[80];
pwr_tNid nid;
unsigned int size;
pwr_sClass_SevHistThread *threadp;
pwr_tRefId refid;
int configerror;
vector<sev_sevhist> sevhistlist;
class sev_node {
sev_node() : is_server(0), connected(0), ctime(0) {}
pwr_tNid nid;
char name[80];
int is_server;
int connected;
double ctime;
class rt_sevhistmon {
rt_sevhistmon() : m_msg_id(0), m_next_rix(0), m_loopcnt(0) {}
rt_sevhistmon() : m_msg_id(0), m_next_rix(0), m_loopcnt(0), m_allconnected(0), m_server_status(0),
m_swap(0) {}
pwr_tStatus m_sts;
vector<sev_sevhistthread> m_hs;
......@@ -70,11 +79,21 @@ class rt_sevhistmon {
unsigned int m_next_rix;
unsigned int m_loopcnt;
float m_scantime;
pwr_sClass_SevHistMonitor *m_confp;
pwr_tRefId m_conf_refid;
int m_allconnected;
pwr_tStatus m_server_status;
int m_swap;
int init();
int init_objects();
int close();
int close_objects();
int mainloop();
void set_status();
int connect();
int retry_connect();
bool send_connect( pwr_tNid nid, pwr_tStatus *sts);
int send_itemlist( pwr_tNid nid);
int send_data();
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