Commit ecc1a7ac authored by claes's avatar claes

LoadArchives changed from bitmask to string

parent 34cd3190
! Proview $Id: pwrb_c_webhandler.wb_load,v 1.11 2007-01-30 13:00:18 claes Exp $
! Proview $Id: pwrb_c_webhandler.wb_load,v 1.12 2008-06-03 06:00:28 claes Exp $
! Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -168,13 +168,16 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! @Summary Web archives that is loaded when the menu applet is opened.
! Web archives that is loaded when the menu applet is opened.
! Object graphs for some classvolumes are not loaded as default, as
! they are quite large and timeconsuming. They will be loaded if the
! corresponding bit is set in this mask.
! Object graphs for some classvolumes are not loaded by default, as
! they are quite large and timeconsuming. They can be loaded by adding
! the name of the archive in this attribute.
! Also archives with graphs from other projects can be added.
! Archive are separated by comma.
! The archives has to be copied to $pwrp_web.
Object LoadArchives $Attribute 13
Body SysBody
Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Type-WebLoadArchiveMask"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String256"
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