Commit f9e5f40b authored by claes's avatar claes

Case sensitivity in cmd set attr removed

parent 7a76cbd9
......@@ -4874,10 +4874,6 @@ static int utl_set_parameter (
char *object_element;
int elements;
int found;
char *t;
char *u;
char upper_name[80];
char namechar;
char logstr[200];
static char value[200];
char *logstrptr = logstr;
......@@ -4931,17 +4927,7 @@ static char value[200];
for ( j = 0; j < rows; j++)
/* Convert parname to upper case */
u = bodydef[j].ParName;
t = upper_name;
while ( *u != '\0')
namechar = *(u++);
*(t++) = _toupper( namechar);
*t = '\0';
if (strcmp( parameter, upper_name) == 0)
if ( cdh_NoCaseStrcmp( parameter, bodydef[j].ParName) == 0)
found = 1;
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