will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 9cdf7a81 authored by Leonardo Rochael Almeida's avatar Leonardo Rochael Almeida

Merge branch 'catalog_join'

parents 07cbd374 d2a9088a
......@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@
<key> <string>arguments_src</string> </key>
<value> <string>table_0\n
table_1</string> </value>
<value> <string>table_0\r\n
query_table="catalog"</string> </value>
<key> <string>cache_time_</string> </key>
......@@ -55,10 +57,9 @@ table_1</string> </value>
<key> <string>src</string> </key>
<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
<dtml-var table_0>.uid = catalog.parent_uid\n
AND <dtml-var table_1>.uid = <dtml-var table_0>.parent_uid\n
<dtml-var table_1>.uid = <dtml-var table_0>.parent_uid\n
<dtml-var table_0>.uid = <dtml-var query_table>.parent_uid
]]></string> </value>
......@@ -329,7 +329,10 @@ class Predicate(XMLObject):
catalog_kw['where_expression'] = SQLQuery(sql_text)
catalog_kw['where_expression'] = ''
# force implicit join
catalog_kw['implicit_join'] = True
sql_query = portal_catalog.buildSQLQuery(**catalog_kw)
# XXX from_table_list is None most of the time after the explicit_join work
for alias, table in sql_query['from_table_list']:
if from_table_dict.has_key(alias):
raise KeyError, "The same table is used twice for an identity criterion and for a membership criterion"
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
import warnings
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLExpression import SQLExpression
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.ColumnMap import ColumnMap
from zLOG import LOG
......@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ from Products.ZSQLCatalog.interfaces.entire_query import IEntireQuery
from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass
from zope.interface import implements
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog import profiler_decorator
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.TableDefinition import LegacyTableDefinition
def defaultDict(value):
if value is None:
......@@ -54,19 +56,28 @@ class EntireQuery(object):
column_map = None
def __init__(self, query, order_by_list=(), group_by_list=(),
select_dict=None, limit=None, catalog_table_name=None,
extra_column_list=(), from_expression=None,
def __init__(self, query,
self.query = query
self.order_by_list = list(order_by_list)
self.order_by_override_set = frozenset(order_by_override_list)
self.group_by_list = list(group_by_list)
self.select_dict = defaultDict(select_dict)
self.left_join_list = left_join_list
self.limit = limit
self.catalog_table_name = catalog_table_name
self.extra_column_list = list(extra_column_list)
self.from_expression = from_expression
self.implicit_join = implicit_join
def asSearchTextExpression(self, sql_catalog):
return self.query.asSearchTextExpression(sql_catalog)
......@@ -78,7 +89,12 @@ class EntireQuery(object):
# XXX: should we provide a way to register column map as a separate
# method or do it here ?
# Column Map was not built yet, do it.
self.column_map = column_map = ColumnMap(catalog_table_name=self.catalog_table_name)
column_map = ColumnMap(catalog_table_name=self.catalog_table_name,
self.column_map = column_map
for extra_column in self.extra_column_list:
table, column = extra_column.replace('`', '').split('.')
if table != self.catalog_table_name:
......@@ -145,30 +161,55 @@ class EntireQuery(object):
None, ) * (3 - len(order_by)))
self.order_by_list = new_order_by_list
# generate SQLExpression from query
sql_expression_list = [self.query.asSQLExpression(sql_catalog, column_map, only_group_columns)]
# generate join expression based on column_map.getJoinTableAliasList
sql_expression_list = [self.query.asSQLExpression(sql_catalog,
append = sql_expression_list.append
for join_query in column_map.iterJoinQueryList():
append(join_query.asSQLExpression(sql_catalog, column_map, only_group_columns))
join_table_list = column_map.getJoinTableAliasList()
if len(join_table_list):
# XXX: Is there any special rule to observe when joining tables ?
# Maybe we could check which column is a primary key instead of
# hardcoding "uid".
where_pattern = '`%s`.`uid` = `%%s`.`uid`' % \
(column_map.getCatalogTableAlias(), )
# XXX: It would cleaner from completeness point of view to use column
# mapper to render column, but makes code much more complex to just do
# a simple text rendering. If there is any reason why we should have
# those column in the mapper, then we should use the clean way.
append(SQLExpression(self, where_expression=' AND '.join(
where_pattern % (x, ) for x in join_table_list
# generate join expression based on column_map.getJoinTableAliasList
# XXX: This is now done by ColumnMap to its table_definition,
# during build()
# join_table_list = column_map.getJoinTableAliasList()
# if len(join_table_list):
# # XXX: Is there any special rule to observe when joining tables ?
# # Maybe we could check which column is a primary key instead of
# # hardcoding "uid".
# where_pattern = '`%s`.`uid` = `%%s`.`uid`' % \
# (column_map.getCatalogTableAlias(), )
# # XXX: It would cleaner from completeness point of view to use column
# # mapper to render column, but makes code much more complex to just do
# # a simple text rendering. If there is any reason why we should have
# # those column in the mapper, then we should use the clean way.
# append(SQLExpression(self, where_expression=' AND '.join(
# where_pattern % (x, ) for x in join_table_list
# )))
# BBB self.from_expression forces use of implicit inner join
table_alias_dict = column_map.getTableAliasDict()
if self.from_expression:
warnings.warn("Providing a 'from_expression' is deprecated.",
# XXX: perhaps move this code to ColumnMap?
legacy_from_expression = self.from_expression
from_expression = LegacyTableDefinition(legacy_from_expression,
table_alias_dict = None
from_expression = column_map.getTableDefinition()
assert ((from_expression is None) !=
(table_alias_dict is None)), ("Got both a from_expression "
"and a table_alias_dict")
self.sql_expression_list = sql_expression_list
# TODO: wrap the table_alias_dict above into a TableDefinition as well,
# even without a legacy_table_definition.
return SQLExpression(
......@@ -2291,6 +2291,13 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
select_dict = None
elif isinstance(select_dict, (list, tuple)):
select_dict = dict([(x, None) for x in select_dict])
# Handle left_join_list
left_join_list = kw.pop('left_join_list', ())
# Handle implicit_join. It's True by default, as there's a lot of code
# in BT5s and elsewhere that calls buildSQLQuery() expecting implicit
# join. self._queryResults() defaults it to False for those using
# catalog.searchResults(...) or catalog(...) directly.
implicit_join = kw.pop('implicit_join', True)
# Handle order_by_list
order_by_list = kw.pop('order_by_list', None)
sort_on = kw.pop('sort_on', None)
......@@ -2328,6 +2335,8 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
......@@ -2413,6 +2422,7 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
""" Returns a list of brains from a set of constraints on variables """
if build_sql_query_method is None:
build_sql_query_method = self.buildSQLQuery
kw.setdefault('implicit_join', False)
query = build_sql_query_method(REQUEST=REQUEST, **kw)
# XXX: decide if this should be made normal
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class SQLExpression(object):
def getFromExpression(self):
Returns a string.
Returns a TableDefinition stored in one of the from_expressions or None
If there are nested SQLExpression, it checks that they either don't
define any from_expression or the exact same from_expression. Otherwise,
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ class SQLExpression(object):
result = self.from_expression
for sql_expression in self.sql_expression_list:
from_expression = sql_expression.getFromExpression()
if None not in (result, from_expression):
if from_expression not in (result, None):
message = 'I don\'t know how to merge from_expressions'
message = message + '. I was created by %r, and I am working on %r (%r) out of [%s]' % (
......@@ -385,20 +385,25 @@ class SQLExpression(object):
SQL_SELECT_ALIAS_FORMAT % (column, alias)
for alias, column in self.getSelectDict().iteritems())
def asSQLExpressionDict(self):
def getFromTableList(self):
table_alias_dict = self.getTableAliasDict()
if not table_alias_dict:
return None
from_table_list = []
append = from_table_list.append
for alias, table in table_alias_dict.iteritems():
append((SQL_TABLE_FORMAT % (alias, ), SQL_TABLE_FORMAT % (table, )))
from_expression_dict = self.getFromExpression()
if from_expression_dict is not None:
from_expression = SQL_LIST_SEPARATOR.join(
from_expression_dict.get(alias, '`%s` AS `%s`' % (table, alias))
for alias, table in table_alias_dict.iteritems())
from_expression = None
return from_table_list
def asSQLExpressionDict(self):
from_expression = self.getFromExpression()
from_table_list = self.getFromTableList()
assert None in (from_expression,
from_table_list), ("Cannot return both a from_expression "
"and a from_table_list")
if from_expression is not None:
from_expression = from_expression.render()
return {
'where_expression': self.getWhereExpression(),
'order_by_expression': self.getOrderByExpression(),
......@@ -37,12 +37,29 @@ from Products.ZSQLCatalog.interfaces.search_key import IRelatedKey
from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass
from zope.interface import implements
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog import profiler_decorator
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.TableDefinition import TableAlias, InnerJoin, LeftJoin
from logging import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
RELATED_QUERY_SEPARATOR = "\nAND -- related query separator\n"
A rendered related key must contain the same number of querying \
conditions as the tables it relates, properly separated by \
Offending related key: %r, for column %r, table_alias_list: %r, \
rendered_related_key: \n%s"
Support for explicit joins of aliased related keys is not yet implemented. \
Offending related key: %r, for column %r, table_alias_list: %r"
class RelatedKey(SearchKey):
This SearchKey handles searched on virtual columns of RelatedKey type.
This SearchKey handles searches on virtual columns of RelatedKey type.
It generates joins required by the virtual column to reach the actual
column to compare, plus a regular query on that column if needed.
......@@ -115,13 +132,23 @@ class RelatedKey(SearchKey):
def registerColumnMap(self, column_map, table_alias_list=None):
related_column = self.getColumn()
group = column_map.registerRelatedKey(related_column, self.real_column)
# Each table except last one must be registered to their own group, so that
# the same table can be used multiple time (and aliased multiple times)
# in the same related key. The last one must be register to related key
# "main" group (ie, the value of the "group" variable) to be the same as
# the ta ble used in join_condition.
# Each table except last one must be registered to their own
# group, so that the same table can be used multiple times (and
# aliased multiple times) in the same related key. The last one
# must be registered to the related key "main" group (ie, the
# value of the "group" variable) to be the same as the table used
# in join_condition.
if table_alias_list is not None:
assert len(self.table_list) == len(table_alias_list)
# XXX-Leo: remove the rest of this 'if' branch after making sure
# that ColumnMap.addRelatedKeyJoin() can handle collapsing
# chains of inner-joins that are subsets of one another based on
# having the same aliases:
msg = RELATED_KEY_ALIASED_MESSAGE % (self.related_key_id,
log.warning(msg + "\n\nForcing implicit join...")
column_map.implicit_join = True
for table_position in xrange(len(self.table_list) - 1):
table_name = self.table_list[table_position]
local_group = column_map.registerRelatedKeyColumn(related_column, table_position, group)
......@@ -145,6 +172,23 @@ class RelatedKey(SearchKey):
return group
def stitchJoinDefinition(self, table_alias_list, join_query_list, column_map):
alias, table = table_alias_list[-1]
right = column_map.makeTableAliasDefinition(table, alias)
if not join_query_list:
# nothing to do, just return the table alias
assert len(table_alias_list) == 1
return right
# create an InnerJoin of the last element of the alias list with
# a chain of InnerJoins of the rest of the list conditioned on
# the the last element of the join_query_list
left = self.stitchJoinDefinition(table_alias_list[:-1],
condition = join_query_list[-1]
return InnerJoin(left, right, condition)
def buildSQLExpression(self, sql_catalog, column_map, only_group_columns, group):
......@@ -170,20 +214,26 @@ class RelatedKey(SearchKey):
table_alias_list = [(getTableAlias(related_table, group=getRelatedKeyGroup(index, group)), related_table)
for (index, related_table) in enumerate(related_table_list)]
# table alias for destination table
table_alias_list.append((getTableAlias(destination_table, group=group), destination_table))
table_alias_list.append((getTableAlias(destination_table, group=group),
# map aliases to use in ZSQLMethod.
table_alias_dict = dict(('table_%s' % (index, ), table_alias[0])
for (index, table_alias) in enumerate(table_alias_list))
table_alias_dict = dict(('table_%s' % (index, ), table_alias)
for (index, (table_alias, table_name))
in enumerate(table_alias_list))
assert len(table_alias_list) == len(table_alias_dict)
rendered_related_key = related_key(
join_condition_list = rendered_related_key.split(RELATED_QUERY_SEPARATOR)
# Important:
# Former catalog separated join condition from related query.
# Previously the catalog separated join condition from the related query.
# Example:
# ComplexQuery(Query(title="foo"),
# Query(subordination_title="bar")
......@@ -199,19 +249,53 @@ class RelatedKey(SearchKey):
# This was done on purpose, because doing otherwise gives very poor
# performances (on a simple data set, similar query can take *minutes* to
# execute - as of MySQL 5.x).
# Doing the same way as the former catalog is required for backward
# compatibility, until a decent alternative is found (like spliting the
# "OR" expression into ensemblist operations at query level).
# Note that doing this has a side effect on result list, as objects
# lacking a relation will never appear in the result.
# XXX: Calling a private-ish method on column_map.
# This should never happen. It should be removed as soon as an
# alternative exists.
return None
# Because of this, we never return an SQLExpression here, as it
# would mix join definition with column condition in the body of
# the WHERE clause. Instead we explicitly define a Join to the
# catalog. The ColumnMap defines whether this is an Inner Join or
# a Left Outer Join. Notice that if an Inner Join is decided,
# objects lacking a relationship will never appear in the result.
if len(join_condition_list) == len(table_alias_list):
# Good! we got a compatible method that splits the join
# conditions according to the related tables.
# Add a join on this related key, based on the chain of
# inner-joins of the related key tables.
query_table_join_condition = join_condition_list.pop()
right_side = self.stitchJoinDefinition(table_alias_list,
return SQLExpression(self, where_expression=rendered_related_key)
# Method did not render the related key condition with the
# appropriate separators so we could split it
# XXX: Can we try to parse rendered_related_key to select which
# conditions go with each table? Maybe we could still use
# explicit joins this way...
msg = RELATED_KEY_MISMATCH_MESSAGE % (self.related_key_id,
# BBB: remove this branch of the condition, and the above
# constant, when all zsql_methods have been adapted to return
# the join queries properly separated by the
# The rendered related key doesn't have the separators for each
# joined table, so we revert to doing implicit inner joins:
log.warning(msg + "\n\nAdding an Implicit Join Condition...")
raise RuntimeError(msg)
return None
verifyClass(IRelatedKey, RelatedKey)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -284,18 +284,3 @@ class IColumnMap(Interface):
Return a copy of the table alias list for tables requiring a join with
catalog table.
def getStraightJoinTableList():
Returns the list of tables used this search and which
need to be joined with the main table using explicit
def getLeftJoinTableList():
Returns the list of tables used this search and which
need to be LEFT joined with the main table using explicit
......@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ class DummyCatalog(SQLCatalog):
assert 'query_table' in kw
assert 'table_0' in kw
assert 'table_1' in kw
assert 'AND' in kw.pop('RELATED_QUERY_SEPARATOR')
assert len(kw) == 4
return '%(table_0)s.uid = %(query_table)s.uid AND %(table_0)s.other_uid = %(table_1)s' % kw
......@@ -629,7 +630,7 @@ class TestSQLCatalog(unittest.TestCase):
select_dict = sql_expression.getSelectDict()
self.assertTrue('ambiguous_mapping' in select_dict, select_dict)
self.assertTrue('bar' in select_dict['ambiguous_mapping'], select_dict['ambiguous_mapping'])
# Doted alias: table name must get stripped. This is required to have an
# Dotted alias: table name must get stripped. This is required to have an
# upgrade path from old ZSQLCatalog versions where pre-mapped columns were
# used in their select_expression. This must only happen in the
# "{column: None}" form, as otherwise it's the user explicitely asking for
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