template-replicated.cfg 5.4 KB
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{% macro replicate(namebase, nbbackup, typeexport, typeimport, heriteLeader='', heriteBackup='') %}

## Tells the Backupable recipe that we want a backup
config-script = bully.py
config-wrapper = bully
config-namebase = {{namebase}}

## Every request is double to provide the 3 IPs.
<= resilient
software-type = {{typeexport}}
name = {{namebase}}0
return = url ssh-public-key ssh-url notification-id ip

config = number script wrapper authorized-key notify ip-list namebase

config-authorized-key = {% for id in range(1,nbbackup|int) %} ${request-pbs-{{namebase}}-{{id}}:connection-ssh-key}{% endfor %}

config-notify = {% for id in range(1,nbbackup|int) %} ${request-pbs-{{namebase}}-{{id}}:connection-notification-url}{% endfor %}

config-ip-list =
config-number = 0

{% for id in range(1,nbbackup|int) %}

<= slap-connection
recipe = slapos.cookbook:request
name = {{namebase}}{{id}}

software-url = ${slap-connection:software-release-url}
software-type = {{typeimport}}
return = url ssh-public-key ssh-url notification-url ip

config = number script wrapper authorized-key on-notification ip-list namebase

config-authorized-key = ${request-pbs-{{namebase}}-{{id}}:connection-ssh-key}
config-on-notification = ${request-pbs-{{namebase}}-{{id}}:connection-feeds-url}${:pbs-notification-id}
pbs-notification-id = ${slap-connection:computer-id}-${slap-connection:partition-id}-{{namebase}}-push

config-ip-list =
config-number = {{id}}

{% endfor %}

config-ip-list = ${request-{{namebase}}:connection-ip}{% for j in range(1,nbbackup|int) %} ${request-{{namebase}}-pseudo-replicating-{{j}}:connection-ip}{% endfor %}

<= resilient

recipe = slapos.cookbook:request
name = {{namebase}}0

config = number script wrapper authorized-key notify ip-list namebase

software-url = ${slap-connection:software-release-url}
software-type = {{typeexport}}
return = url ssh-public-key ssh-url notification-id ip

config-authorized-key = {% for id in range(1,nbbackup|int) %} ${request-pbs-{{namebase}}-{{id}}:connection-ssh-key}{% endfor %}
config-notify = {% for id in range(1,nbbackup|int) %} ${request-pbs-{{namebase}}-{{id}}:connection-notification-url}{% endfor %}


{% for id in range(1,nbbackup|int) %}
<= slap-connection

recipe = slapos.cookbook:request
name = {{namebase}}{{id}}

software-url = ${slap-connection:software-release-url}
software-type = {{typeimport}}
return = url ssh-public-key ssh-url notification-url

config = number script wrapper authorized-key on-notification ip-list namebase

config-authorized-key = ${request-pbs-{{namebase}}-{{id}}:connection-ssh-key}
config-on-notification = ${request-pbs-{{namebase}}-{{id}}:connection-feeds-url}${:pbs-notification-id}
pbs-notification-id = ${slap-connection:computer-id}-${slap-connection:partition-id}-{{namebase}}-push

config-number = {{id}}
{% endfor %}

## The PBS and their push / pull slaves
## Adding a PBS provides resiliency
## Adding a backup server provides availability

Cédric de Saint Martin's avatar
Cédric de Saint Martin committed
## Having 3 backups pulling from the same PBS provides
107 108 109 110
##only availability, not resiliency


112 113 114 115
<= slap-connection
recipe = slapos.cookbook:request
software-url = ${slap-connection:software-release-url}
software-type = pull-backup
116 117 118 119 120 121

{% for id in range(1,nbbackup|int) %}

<= request-pbs-common
name = PBS ({{namebase}} / {{id}})
122 123 124 125
return = ssh-key notification-url feeds-url
slave = false

<= request-pbs-common
127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
name = PBS {{id}} pulling from ${request-{{namebase}}:name}
config = url name type server-key on-notification notify notification-id title
config-url = ${request-{{namebase}}:connection-ssh-url}
config-name = ${slap-connection:computer-id}-${slap-connection:partition-id}-{{namebase}}-{{id}}
config-type = pull
config-server-key = ${request-{{namebase}}:connection-ssh-public-key}
config-on-notification = ${request-{{namebase}}:connection-notification-id}
config-notify = ${request-pbs-{{namebase}}-{{id}}:connection-notification-url}
config-notification-id = ${slap-connection:computer-id}-${slap-connection:partition-id}-{{namebase}}-{{id}}-pull
config-title = Pulling from {{namebase}}
slave = true

<= request-pbs-common
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154
name = PBS pushing on ${request-{{namebase}}-pseudo-replicating-{{id}}:name}
config = url name type server-key on-notification notify notification-id title
config-url = ${request-{{namebase}}-pseudo-replicating-{{id}}:connection-ssh-url}
config-name = ${request-pull-backup-server-{{namebase}}-{{id}}:config-name}
config-type = push
config-server-key = ${request-{{namebase}}-pseudo-replicating-{{id}}:connection-ssh-public-key}
config-on-notification = ${request-pbs-{{namebase}}-{{id}}:connection-feeds-url}${request-pull-backup-server-{{namebase}}-{{id}}:config-notification-id}
config-notify = ${request-{{namebase}}-pseudo-replicating-{{id}}:connection-notification-url}
config-notification-id = ${request-{{namebase}}-pseudo-replicating-{{id}}:pbs-notification-id}
config-title = Pushing to {{namebase}} backup {{id}}
slave = true
{% endfor %}

{% endmacro %}