Commit 07d8ddc6 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud :octopus:

trigger onStateChange when previous calls is finished

parent 95726c33
......@@ -598,36 +598,53 @@
return this.element;
.declareMethod('changeState', function (state_dict) {
var key,
modified = false,
previous_cancelled = this.hasOwnProperty('__modification_dict'),
var next_onStateChange = new RSVP.Queue(),
context = this;
if (previous_cancelled) {
modification_dict = this.__modification_dict;
modified = true;
} else {
modification_dict = {};
for (key in state_dict) {
if (state_dict.hasOwnProperty(key) &&
(state_dict[key] !== this.state[key])) {
this.state[key] = state_dict[key];
modification_dict[key] = state_dict[key];
modified = true;
if (modified && this.__state_change_callback !== undefined) {
this.__modification_dict = modification_dict;
return new RSVP.Queue()
if (context.hasOwnProperty('__previous_onStateChange')) {
previous_onStateCHange = context.__previous_onStateChange;
.push(function () {
return context.__state_change_callback(modification_dict);
return previous_onStateCHange;
.push(function (result) {
delete context.__modification_dict;
return result;
.push(undefined, function () {
// Run callback even if previous failed
context.__previous_onStateChange = next_onStateChange;
return next_onStateChange
.push(function () {
var key,
modified = false,
previous_cancelled = context.hasOwnProperty('__modification_dict'),
if (previous_cancelled) {
modification_dict = context.__modification_dict;
modified = true;
} else {
modification_dict = {};
for (key in state_dict) {
if (state_dict.hasOwnProperty(key) &&
(state_dict[key] !== context.state[key])) {
context.state[key] = state_dict[key];
modification_dict[key] = state_dict[key];
modified = true;
if (modified && context.__state_change_callback !== undefined) {
context.__modification_dict = modification_dict;
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
return context.__state_change_callback(modification_dict);
.push(function (result) {
delete context.__modification_dict;
return result;
......@@ -1352,6 +1352,96 @@
test('trigger onStateChange when previous is resolved', function () {
var gadget = new RenderJSGadget(),
callback_count = 0;
gadget.state = {};
gadget.__state_change_callback = function (modification_dict) {
if (callback_count === 0) {
callback_count += 1;
deepEqual(modification_dict, {first: true});
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
return RSVP.delay();
.push(function () {
deepEqual(gadget.state, {first: true});
callback_count += 1;
if (callback_count === 2) {
deepEqual(modification_dict, {second: true});
deepEqual(gadget.state, {first: true, second: true});
callback_count += 1;
} else {
throw new Error('Unexpected callback_count ' + callback_count);
return new RSVP.all([
gadget.changeState({first: true}),
gadget.changeState({second: true})
.then(function () {
equal(callback_count, 3);
deepEqual(gadget.state, {first: true, second: true});
.fail(function (error) {
ok(false, error);
.always(function () {
test('trigger onStateChange when previous is rejected', function () {
var gadget = new RenderJSGadget(),
callback_count = 0;
gadget.state = {};
gadget.__state_change_callback = function (modification_dict) {
if (callback_count === 0) {
callback_count += 1;
deepEqual(modification_dict, {first: true});
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
return RSVP.delay();
.push(function () {
deepEqual(gadget.state, {first: true});
callback_count += 1;
throw new Error('manually reject first callback');
if (callback_count === 2) {
deepEqual(modification_dict, {first: true, second: true});
deepEqual(gadget.state, {first: true, second: true});
callback_count += 1;
} else {
throw new Error('Unexpected callback_count ' + callback_count);
return new RSVP.all([
gadget.changeState({first: true})
.fail(function (error) {
equal(error.message, 'manually reject first callback');
gadget.changeState({second: true})
.then(function () {
equal(callback_count, 3);
deepEqual(gadget.state, {first: true, second: true});
.fail(function (error) {
ok(false, error);
.always(function () {
test('accumulate modification_dict on onStateChange error', function () {
var gadget = new RenderJSGadget();
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