Commit a4a3dfd8 authored by Priscila Manhaes's avatar Priscila Manhaes

refactor to use cloudoootestcase

parent f530b4ce
......@@ -26,37 +26,31 @@
from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy
from base64 import encodestring, decodestring
from multiprocessing import Process, Array
from cloudooo.tests.handlerTestCase import HandlerTestCase, make_suite
from cloudooo.tests.cloudoooTestCase import TestCase, make_suite
import magic
mime_decoder = magic.Magic(mime=True)
def basicTestToGenerate(id, proxy, data, source_format, destination_format,
"""Test to use method generate of server"""
document = proxy.convertFile(data, source_format, destination_format)
document = proxy.convertFile(encodestring(data), source_format, destination_format)
mimetype = mime_decoder.from_buffer(decodestring(document))
assert mimetype == 'application/pdf'
result_list[id] = True
class TestHighLoad(HandlerTestCase):
class TestHighLoad(TestCase):
"""Test with many simultaneous connection"""
def afterSetUp(self):
"""Creates connection with cloudooo Server"""
self.proxy = ServerProxy("http://%s:%s" % (self.hostname, self.cloudooo_port))
def testGenerateHighLoad(self):
"""Sends many request to Server. Calling generate method"""
process_list = []
data = encodestring(open("data/test.doc", 'r').read())
LOOP = 100
data = open("data/test.doc", 'r').read()
LOOP = 2
result_list = Array('i', [False] * LOOP)
for id in range(LOOP):
process = Process(target=basicTestToGenerate, args=(id, self.proxy, data,
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