Commit a9e11c18 authored by Gabriel Monnerat's avatar Gabriel Monnerat

Refactor code to consider UI Name instead of filter name in blacklisted filters.

parent dc619e90
......@@ -99,12 +99,9 @@ class MimeMapper(object):
alternative_extension_dict = {
'Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 XML':'ms.xlsx',
'Microsoft Excel 5.0 Template':'5.xlt',
'Microsoft Excel 5.0':'5.xls',
'Microsoft Excel 95 Template':'95.xlt',
'Microsoft Excel 95':'95.xls',
'Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 XML AutoPlay':'ms.ppsx',
'Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 XML Template':'ms.potm',
'Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 XML':'ms.pptx',
'Microsoft Word 2007/2010 XML':'ms.docx',
'Microsoft Word 6.0':'6.doc',
......@@ -128,15 +125,17 @@ class MimeMapper(object):
raise ValueError(stdout)
filter_dict, type_dict = json.loads(stdout)
ooo_disable_filter_name_list = kw.get("ooo_disable_filter_name_list") or ()
ooo_disable_filter_name_list = kw.get("ooo_disable_filter_name_list") or [] + [
'Text', # Use 'Text Encoded' instead
'Text (StarWriter/Web)', # Use 'Text Encoded (Writer/Web)' instead
for filter_name, value in filter_dict.iteritems():
if filter_name in ooo_disable_filter_name_list:
# Hardcode blacklisted filters
if filter_name in [
'Text', # Use 'Text (encoded)' instead
'Text (StarWriter/Web)', # Use 'Text (encoded) (StarWriter/Web)' instead
ui_name = value.get('UIName')
filter_type = value.get('Type')
filter_type_dict = type_dict.get(filter_type)
if not ui_name:
ui_name = filter_type_dict.get("UIName")
if ui_name in ooo_disable_filter_name_list or 'Template' in ui_name:
flag = value.get("Flags")
......@@ -147,11 +146,6 @@ class MimeMapper(object):
# ThirdParty:0x80000, Preferred:0x10000000
if flag & 0x08 or flag & 0x1000 or flag & 0x2000:
ui_name = value.get('UIName')
filter_type = value.get('Type')
filter_type_dict = type_dict.get(filter_type)
if not ui_name:
ui_name = filter_type_dict.get("UIName")
filter_extension_list = filter_type_dict.get("Extensions")
mimetype = filter_type_dict.get("MediaType")
if not (filter_extension_list and mimetype):
......@@ -58,8 +58,10 @@ mimetype_registry =
# Below is an example list of spreadsheet filter names.
#ooo_disable_filter_name_list =
# MS Excel 95
# MS Excel 5.0/95
# Microsoft Excel 5.0
# Microsoft Excel 95
# Microsoft Word 6.0
# Microsoft Word 95
use = egg:PasteScript#wsgiutils
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